July 2021
Happy Independence Day!
"May we think of freedom not as the right to do as we please, but the opportunity to do what is right." -Peter Marshall
July Lawn Tips

Whenever possible mow during a cool time of day. The mowing height should be between 2.5 to 3 inches for most of the season, except during summer stresses when the lawn mowing height should be raised to 3 to 3.5 inches. Raising the mowing height provides more insulation from the summer heat and reduces water loss from your soil. As we go into July, please raise the mower to avoid any extra stress on the lawn. This time of year is also a great time to make sure your mower blade is nice and sharp. Ideally, the mower blade should be sharpened every 20-25 hours of run time or for most homeowners 2-3 times a year.

Proper irrigation and sprinkler coverage is also one of the most important parts of keeping the lawn healthy as we go into our hottest times of the year.  Between irrigation and natural rainfall, your grass should receive between 1 and 1.5 inches of water each week during the summer. Water deeply 2 to 3 times a week for the best results. Your turf should receive about 1/3 an inch of water every time you water to maintain deeper roots, thus helping protect against drought. If you start to see areas browning quickly, please check sprinkler coverage to ensure all the lawn areas are receiving an equal amount of moisture while the system is running. 

Ensuring the lawn is mowed correctly, with a sharp blade, and regular watering will keep the lawn healthy. A healthy thick lawn is the best way to avoid issues including weeds, insects, and disease. 
Biological Plant Supplement
Influence by Organic Approach is a complete liquid formulation of natural stress-reducing plant hormones. Our soil is a dynamic network of living organisms. Healthy soil can have billions of microorganisms living within it. This microscopic life determines the overall health of the soil and the health of all the plants we grow. However, soil requires a constants source of food to keep it alive and healthy. For soil, one primary microbial food source is organic matter.

Our soil is much different from the soil you find in the forest. Our soil lacks the necessary organic matter to sustain the soil's life. As the soil life is decreased, so are the available nutrients for the plants. This is why we need to supplement our plants and soil with materials to help them. We can do so by implementing additional biological microbes to fix this problem. The use of organic materials will feed the soil life and stimulate the biological activity needed to develop healthy soil, producing healthier and more productive plants. 
Sign for the INF soil injection today.

Pests & Diseases

Summer is here and it has a very wet year so far. This means we will see an influx in the pest population as we enjoy the outdoors. As it warms up, we will see the destruction of Japanese beetles, Kermes scale, and Emerald Ash Borer. Autumn Tree, Lawn & Landscape has spotted the following pests and diseases in Denver. Please take the time to inspect your trees and shrubs. And remember to NEVER move firewood.
Leaf Miner
Various types of leaf miners attack various kinds of plants. It appears as yellow squiggly lines in the leaves. damage can also appear as spots or blotches.
Leaf Curling Aphids
During moist & humid conditions the Ash leaf curl aphid is able to thrive in Ash trees & Plums. The leaves affected can not be cured.
Cytospora Canker
Some of the more aggressive species infect and kill various trees and shrubs.  Cankers on stems and branches are often elongate, slightly sunken, discolored areas in the bark.
Redheaded Ash Borer
These borers attack nearly all dying and dead hardwoods. Watch out for your Ash, Oak, and Hackberry trees. Oval/Round shaped emergent holes in bark.
Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)
Die back of upper and outer crown after years of larval feeding. Tree shows dead branches in the crown along with leaf loss and discoloration. D-shaped emergent holes in bark.
Fire Blight
Fire blight is a disease that can kill blossoms and shoots and cause dieback of branches from cankers. Severe fire blight can cause trees to die. Young leaves and shoots wilt and bend downward forming the shape of a hook.
Kermes Scale
Kermes scale are aggressive sap-sucking pests that can cause significant damage in pin and oak trees. The adult female scales are tan to brown, 1/4” in diameter, round and immobile. The scale resembles a small marble.
Elm Leaf Beetle
Elm leaf beetles are common insects that chew leaves of elm trees. Leaves damaged by elm leaf beetle larvae look lacy, turn brown and may prematurely drop from the trees.
Spider mites are insects that produce protective silk webs similar to spiders that can be found on deciduous trees, evergreens, and other plants. The mites themselves are nearly microscopic, but their webs and the leaf damage they leave behind are easy to see.
Japanese Beetle
Japanese beetles are a serious pest of flowers, trees and shrubs, fruits and vegetables, field crops, and turf. Adults feed on more than 300 plant species, whereas the grubs feed mainly on the roots of grasses. Adult Japanese beetles feed on the leaves, flowers, and fruits of many different plants. They skeletonize leaves by feeding on the tissue between the major veins giving them a lace-like appearance. Damaged leaves turn brown and may fall off. Get ahead of their destruction now and sign up for our Japanese Beetle treatment application.

If you have seen any signs of damage stated above on your property please call Autumn Tree, Lawn & Landscape. We're here to help control these pests and diseases.
There is no better time than the present, keep Denver's trees alive!