July 2021
At a Glance
Meet the Candidates Night - Orem Elections
Meet Candidates and discuss their platforms on July 8th at 6 PM. Find their profiles at orem.org/elections
EveryDay Strong: Become an Emotional Mirror for Your Children
Read the article inside this newsletter to learn how to help your children understand feelings and emotion by reflecting the emotions you see in them
Drought Information
Visit our city drought info page for the most up-to-date resources about the drought.
Senior Volunteer Opportunity
Seniors can earn up to $200 per month by serving other seniors. Visit the Utah County Health webpage to learn more.
Brown is the New Green
Help fight the drought by following the governor's call to water lawns only twice per week. Click here to learn how this will affect your lawn.
Orem Business Alliance Loans
Great loan options are available to businesses who suffered during the pandemic. Click here to learn more.
New Property All-Star Winners: The Nielsen Family
Congratulations🎉 to the Nielsen family for receiving the Orem Property All-Star Award! Learn about the Property All-Star program.
Mayor Message
Happy Birthday America

Happy Independence Day! 

The 4th of July has always been one of our favorite holidays. We love the parade, the festivities, the fireworks and the opportunity to reflect on the importance of this special holiday. This day is celebrated in commemoration of the signing of the Declaration of Independence which officially declared the United States free of Great Britain’s rule. Of this day, John Adams wrote in a letter to his wife, Abigail, the following statement:
(This)... “day of July 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more.”

This day of July 4th, is an important day for each of us to honor those who fought for our freedom, who sought guidance from God to establish this land, and who built a nation under God.

I recently read a marvelous book entitled, “The Pilgrim Hypothesis” by Timothy Ballard, which tells of the many miracles that occurred to make the founding of this land possible The Constitution of the United States was also one of these prophesied miracles.  

The United States is unusual because I believe that God established’ it for the rights and protection of all who live here. We should trust in the Lord and be positive about the nation’s future...We must pray for the Lord to guide and bless our national, state, and local leaders to guide our nation and protect our freedoms. We should encourage and support wise and good persons who will support the principles of truth and freedom in their public actions. We should be knowledgeable citizens who work to make our influence felt in communities civic affairs

As we celebrate our country’s independence and our individual freedoms this weekend, may we remember the sacrifices, the great costs of life, the inspiration and the many miracles that occurred to make it all possible. May we stand at attention with our hands over our hearts in great reverence as the flag passes by and reflect on the importance of what it all means to each of us. May God bless America!

— Tauni Merrill and Mayor Richard Brunst

Councilmember Message
We are immensely grateful that we were able to hold Orem’s Summerfest event in a fashion much like the way it was before the pandemic.

We have always cherished the Summerfest celebration, but this year it found a truly special place in our hearts as we witnessed it’s profound impact on the lives of the families and individuals of Orem who have experienced numerous difficulties in recent months.

Many took this opportunity to gather and reconnect with family and friends and enjoy uplifting and exciting activities throughout the festival. This display of community and friendship was the ultimate expression that “this is where you belong.”

Whether you experienced Summerfest this year for the 1st time or the 50th, we hope it was a memorable week for you, your families, and your friends. Thank you all for making it a Summerfest we will never forget.

— Councilmember Tom MacDonald
Summerfest was incredible! The entertainment, food, parade, fireworks, and other festivities were a sight to behold! Thank you all for coming out and making it a wonderful week together! We can't wait to do it all over again next year!
2021 Meet the Candidates
The City of Orem is hosting a “Meet the Candidates” night
allowing residents the opportunity to meet and talk with the candidates.

We encourage residents to use this opportunity to meet and discuss with candidates their issues and platforms. Candidate profiles can be found at: orem.org/elections
The primary election will narrow the field to two (2) Mayoral candidates and six (6) City Council candidates in preparation for the November 2, 2021 General Election.
Thursday, July 8, 2021 

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm ~ Formal Introductions in the Auditorium

7:00 pm – 8:30 pm ~ Open House in the Library Hall
Orem Public Library Auditorium and Hall – 58 North State St.
The award-winning Scera Pool will have special extended holiday hours on July 5th! Come on over and celebrate the red, white, and blue with a little dip in the blue.

Members of the Orem Family Fitness Center always get in for half price.
Resident Resources
The City of Orem understands many area residents are still recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic. Our webpage includes many resources, as well as information on rental and utility assistance, food assistance, employment, mental health, and more.
Everyday Strong
Actual mirrors reflect our appearance. Emotional mirrors, on the other hand, enable us to reflect and put a name to emotions.

Being an emotional mirror for your children allows them to process and understand their emotions. 

You can reflect your child’s feelings by saying, “You look confused,” or “Wow, you look overwhelmed.” Acknowledge your child’s emotions and name them. Don’t try to dismiss or downplay their feelings. Validate their grief and empower them to understand what they are experiencing. 

Letting your children sit with their emotions and set the pace for their grieving process can be uncomfortable. As parents, we want to stop our children’s pain. Instead, support your children in setting their own timeline for grief. This instills confidence in them to honor and value their feelings.

Actively ask your children about their emotions. Children want to know they don’t have to be strong and that it’s okay to show their pain.
Receive EveryDay Strong Text Tips
To receive tips twice a week on helping kids become EveryDay Strong, text EDS to 833-904-0618. These tips are provided by United Way of Utah County EveryDay Strong program in partnership with Davis Behavioral Health.
Senior Volunteer Opportunity
Congratulations🎉 to the Nielsen family for receiving the Orem Property All-Star Award!

Mayor Richard Brunst and NPU Officer, Brady Andreason, presented the award at their home. The Nielsens have done a wonderful job transforming their northeast Orem home. Well done!
The Property All-Star award program was developed to show appreciation and recognition for homeowners and landlords who have worked hard to improve their once-blighted properties and have brought them up to a community standard or beyond. More information can be found at:

Nominate your neighbor or your home today!
Drought Information
Visit our city drought info page for the most up-to-date resources about the drought situation and to learn about what the City of Orem is doing.
If you haven’t heard we are in a full blown drought in Utah!

Governor Cox has asked that we only water our lawns 2x’s a week to help conserve our limited water resources. By changing from watering 3 times a week to 2, each yard will save up to 3000 gallons per week.

Also when you do water, don’t water during the day. Water after midnight in these hot temperatures so that the water can really penetrate the soil before the sun can evaporate the water.

Wonder what is going to happen to your landscape if you implement these practices? Find out here!
Code of the Month:
Illegal Temporary Signs
In an effort to keep Orem beautiful, signs attached to street poles are generally not allowed. You may have seen signs like “sell your house fast” or “earn $10,000/month.” These types of signs are not permitted. Keep it to social media!

City Code: 14-2-4
Orem Business Alliance
Do you run a business in Orem? Are you tuned in to what's happening with the Orem Business Alliance? The OBA is open to all Orem businesses and is focused on strengthening our business community.

The OBA's mission is to support and uplift Orem businesses by providing an opportunity for business networking, advocating for small businesses, and connecting our businesses to valuable resources. The OBA also holds monthly Lunch & Learn events at the Business Resource Center, where subject matter-experts provide training, insights, and advice based on real life experience.

Join the OBA's email list to receive valuable information and invitations to future OBA events, and check out a recent webinar that we held featuring Illens Dort, titled "Overcoming the Fear of Failing".

Was your business negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic? Are you looking to fund your next business venture?

Look no further because the City of Orem's CARES Act Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) is here to help.

The City of Orem's CARES Act RLF program offers 0% to low-interest loans to assist businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more at bit.ly/oremloan
The City of Orem is Hiring
We are hiring for multiple full-time, part-time, and seasonal positions. To view a list of available job openings and to submit an application, follow the link below.
Know somebody with a great yard? Nominate them for one of our beautification awards. Just click here.