July 2017 Communicator
Volume 34, Issue 7
Sundays in July
Staff & Board News
I am humbled by the events of last week that occurred during a time that was supposed to feel playful and safe; a Sanctuary for our legislators and possibly one of the only times they experience fun and unity together. Another senseless shooting, this time in the heart of Washington DC. Once again, no matter what side of the aisle one sits, we collectively learn as a nation that violence is not the answer.

In our congregation, we have a small But Mighty part to play and being agents of peace and joy in the world. Systemic ills that plague us and Lead only to more violence include cycles of domination and oppression. Racism. White supremacy. Patriarchy. The culture of Empire and colonization. Commodification of our mother earth . Ignoring the humanity of our neighbors even in Lee County.  

As a religious people, it becomes clearer and clearer to me that doing nothing is no longer an option for the future Generations. And, I am so proud of the love in your hearts that motivates you to do something. My great prayer is that this congregation continues to be a place where you feel you are doing something. You are doing your part. We make decisions that awaken and emboldened us to do our part as a liberal religious presence in SWFL . For there is joy in this hard work. It is nothing more than a collaboration with the spirit of Love itself; it is holy work.

Rev. Allison Farnum
Save the Date!
The FUUn BUUnch meets Friday, June 23rd at 7:00p at

Bianca's Ristorante Italiano
16251 Cleveland Ave.
North Fort Myers, 33903  (ph: 239.995-3272)

Directions: Go Northbound over the Caloosahatchee River Bridge. Continue on N. Cleveland Ave. past Bianca’s Restaurant on the left. Go over Littleton Road and make the first “U” Turn. Bianca’s is in the Tamiami Plaza on the right.

Arrangements have been made with the management for us to have a semi private area. This is a social event- we will have fun, eat, and talk together.

Please RSVP John E. Fischer by  June 21st  at  267 992 6566  or at  Silverfischstudios@gmail.com  to reserve your place at the FUUN BUUNCH DINNER at Bianca's Ristorante, 23rd at  7:00p .   The restaurant needs our numbers to schedule staffing and reserve our space.

FUUn BUUnch Help

The FUUn BUUnch needs restaurant suggestions for dining, one Friday each month, May through December.

Restaurant must:
  • Be within 35 to 40 miles of Shire and Daniels.
  • Be quiet (no music).
  • Be capable of serving 15 to 40 people in close proximity of each other.
  • Provide separate checks.
  • Provide selections from their regular menu.

Call John E. Fischer with suggestions  267-992-6566.
Kitchen Cleaning

If you enjoyed a meal or cup of coffee in Hobart Hall this year, this is the time to repay by coming to the Kitchen Cleaning on Monday June 26th from 9:00a to 12:00 noon.  Many meals and receptions are prepared in OUR kitchen and it deserves OUR attention.  Please join in anytime you are able.  Contact  dorothyvanhowe@gmail.com.  THANKS!
Jim Scott Weekend- July 1-2  

Jim Scott will be leading our service and song on Sunday, July 2nd.  He will also be putting on a concert here at UUCFM on Saturday evening, July 1st at 7:00p.  Tickets will be sold at the door.

Jim Scott has visited more than 600 Unitarian Universalist (UU) Churches over a span of three decades.  His much loved “Gather the Spirit” and a number of others are included in the two most recent UU hymnbooks.  Former Co-chair of the UU Ministry for the Earth, Jim was involved in creating the “Green Sanctuary” program.  He was awarded a grant from the Fund for Unitarian Universalism to compile and arrange the Earth and Spirit Songbook, a collection of over 100 songs of earth and peace that has been acclaimed as a great resource for worship and RE programs.

In concerts and Sunday services, Jim speaks with passion on ecology, justice and peace, and often works with choirs, inspiring singers to new levels of expression.  His lyrical poetry and stories are calls to action, full of hope and gentle wit.  Though Jim is often brought in as the “speaker,” his services are always very musical.  As song-leader he lifts joyous participation from congregations.

In many benefit concerts for churches, Jim helps build community and raise consciousness. Intergenerational concerts are also one of Jim’s specialties, with engaging music that suits all ages. 

Classes & Groups
Women's Circle
The Women's Circle lunch for July will be on Monday, July 10th at noon.  We will lunch this month in Cape Coral just over the bridge at Ford's Restaurant on the right as you come of the bridge on Cape Coral Parkway.  For more details, call Susan Forsyth,  239-424-8442.
The Rissho Kosei-kai Buddhist group meets Sundays at 1:45p in Room 1.
Weekly Activities
Community Wednesday 
Community Wednesday is held in Hobart Hall.  Bring friends and neighbors, too. Join us each Wednesday for a delicious meal prepared by Chef Joy for a small donation. After the fellowship and fine fare from 6:00- 6:45p, join your favorite programming event, committee meeting, or social activity. Child care is provided until 8:30p.
Regular Activitie s for July:

4:00-5:30              Optimal Living Group (1st & 3rd Wed)

6:00-6:45              Community Meal

6:00-6:45              Band Rehearsal in Sanctuary

6:45-8:00              Choir Rehearsal in Sanctuary
New Book Study

Join in reading 
The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times by Pema Chodron. The next book study begins  July 5th Wednesday to  July 26th. Come having read Prologue through Chapter 5. We meet in the Library from  1:00 to 2:30p on Wednesdays.
UUCFM Historical Martial Arts Club

The UUCFM Historical Martial Arts Club is dedicated to preserving and practicing a variety of historical martial arts for entertainment and fitness purposes. We meet at various times (determined by interest) most often at 12:30p after service on Sundays to practice Archery and Tomahawk/Axe throwing.  Other activities and times can be found on our Facebook page of the same name. All are welcome to join us!

Social Justice
South Fort Myers Food Pantry 
Many members of our congregation have gone north for the summer.  We had some very generous food donations during April and early May as people cleaned out their cabinets before leaving.  If we could just keep up with extra donations during the summer, it would be a big help.  Summer is a busier time at the pantry as our recipients lose their seasonal jobs.  The Harry Chapin Food Bank selection is often limited during July, August and September, so donations of protein items such as canned tuna, chicken, and ham are very important.  Peanut butter is also a good choice.  The pantry depends on donations from year round residents at this time of year.  So my UU friends, try to donate a little extra while our seasonal members are away.  Our neighbors in need are here year round and most appreciate whatever we can share with them.  If you have questions or are interested in volunteering, email Fran Rose at francrose@centurylink.net.  Put "Food Pantry" on the subject line of your email.
Christmas in July

Think ahead for the Arts Fair/All Church Bake Sale after Sunday services, December 3rd and December 10th, 11:30a -1:30p.

New this year is a "Next to New" booth for your donations or consignment (50/50}, to recycle your nice, but unwanted items.  Shop early for those gifts you give to others.  For more info, contact
suzanneziemer@gmail.com or phone  812-332-3450, cell in Wisconsin. For specific questions on Arts & Crafts Booths contact Patricia Linhoff's email,  freckles345@comcast.net 
Photo Directory on Hold

Sorry, but due to technical issues, the photo directory is delayed
until further notice. If you wish to add your photo as a Member or
Friend, and did not do the photo shoot in March, contact John Swank,
415-1453 or  john@johnswankphotos.com.  We especially want to add new
members to the hundreds of photos we have collected.
  My UU Story
John Fisher: Moral and Ethical Soil for Sons

From the age of 10 to present I researched and studied various philosophies, theologies, and religions.  I don’t remember how I found it but I came to the Unitarian Universalist (UU) religion in an effort to provide my newly born son with moral and ethical soil in which to grow.  All three of my sons were dedicated in the Unitarian Church a few months after their births.  Without my knowledge, this moral and ethical soil became mine as well. UUism; its ideals, its principles, and its people have deeply affected me and changed the course of my life.  It began with UU friends urging me to enroll in college long after graduation from high school.  I earned Bachelor and Master’s degrees in Education, both with honors.  These UU friends changed my life radically.  As a result of this life change, I did social work for seven years and taught for 25. 

The Reverend Doctor Victor Carpenter, Minister of the First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia, changed and reset the focus of my thinking.  Victor encouraged and furthered my philosophical, theological and religious questioning, raising many questions through his answers and many answers through his questions.  His sermons were thought provoking, clear and well stated.   Unitarian Universalism and Buddhism fit me and nothing has replaced it.  I have been a UU for more than 52 years.  After all of this time, it all still fits.  (I wish I could say my clothing from 50 years ago still fit.) 

Not finding a proof for the existence of God that cannot be refuted, and not having been given the gift of faith, I am a lifelong agnostic.  When a religion and its sacraments are not harmful and provide comfort and solace to its adherents, then that religion has merit.  Unfortunately, not all religions are benevolent.  Those religions and their sacraments are harmful.  Christian sacraments like baptism and communion can be uplifting to those who believe. I believe we make our heaven and hell and we are our own salvation.  Historically, the Bible seems to be an ancient people’s confused explanation of a natural world over which they had neither power nor understanding.

My wife, Peg, and I joined the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fort Myers (UUCFM) two years ago after moving to Fort Myers.  We were looking for both a church and a community.  We intended to relocate to Port Charlotte, but grew to love the people at UUCFM and could not bring ourselves to move.  We have found the community at UUCFM warm, caring and loving.  

About My UU Story

Each month, the Membership Committee would like to publish your UU story- either converted or born UUs.  How did you become a UU, or how did our religion affect your life?  Alternatively, do you have a one paragraph remembrance of your first reaction to being in a UU church and/or learning about the religion?  To share your story, please contact Joy Sokeitous at memberservices@uucfm.org  

Joy will help you edit and she will provide questions to help you develop your story.
Our Greater Community 
If you are a UUCFM Community Sharing Partner, a regular Facility User, or have UU related news to share, you are welcome to submit announcements for publication in our Greater Community section of the newsletter.  Please send announcements in by each Wednesday for publication in the Thursday E-news.  
LIFE Corporate Investment Drive Needs Your Help!

To ensure we have the financial resources to hire a lead organizer we need to have a very successful corporate investment drive.  We ask local business leaders to invest in LIFE because our efforts make our community a better place for them to conduct business, to attract employees, and succeed. 


You can help by identifying members of your congregation who own a successful business and have a heart for justice.  We have a key team of volunteers who would make an appointment to ask for their investment.  Typically we would be targeting businesses that could invest $1,000. 


Please send the contact information for the business to Pastor Rusty May at prrusty@yahoo.com or phone him at 239-560-0065.


Finally, we want to take this opportunity to thank all of the individual LIFE network members of your congregation for a very successful individual investment drive.  If you are a network member who hasn’t contributed yet (or even if you aren’t a network member but want to support this ministry), please give your investment check to one of your justice ministry leaders or to your pastor.  Thank you!!



June 23   Karen Brown

June 23  Roman Carr is 3!

June 24   Helen Krieger

June 25   Rosalie Kuehn  

June 27   Nicolas St. Amour is 14!

June 28   Charlotte Crossen is 3!

 June 28   Kim Kain  

June 28    Chris Rosa

July 4   Helen Leddy 

July 5   Teri Cooper

July 8   Penny Hutchinson is 2!

July 10   Barbara Mannix

July 14   Bill Petrarca

July 26   Katie Romano Griffin

July 28   Deborah Lewis

July 30   Don Klein

July 31   Kevin Carr  

 Please send all news articles for the Weekly E-news to  weeklynews@uucfm.org
All Communicator articles may be emailed to newsletter@uucfm.org
Newsletter Editor: Jill Carville 
(239) 561-2700 
Board of Trustees

President                            Steve Eisenberg              239-634-7367      golfconcepts@gmail.com
President Elect                 Matt Hoffman                    239-222-4836      mwaters106@yahoo.com
Secretary                           Rachel Spiller                   205-527-2386      rlspiller@gmail.com
Treasurer                           Jen Smith                           480-677-0404      jenw930@gmail.com
VP Finance                         Deb Lewis                         239-313-5618      debL5784@hotmail.com
VP Ministerial Services  Susan Forsyth                   239-424-8442      thecaperabbit@gmail.com
VP Operations                   Bill Petrarca                       239-454-2438      bill@petrarca.net
Member at Large              Albie Johnson                   239-218-7405      albiestalk@gmail.com

Minister                        Rev. Allison Farnum    239-561-2700x204       minister@uucfm.org
Director of Music       Amy Laursen                941-932-2353               directorofmusic@uucfm.org
Director of RE            Jenn Blosser                 239-561-2700x208       dre@uucfm.org
Office Manager          Jill Carville                     239-561-2700x202      officemanager@uucfm.org
Building Supervisor  Mickey Kellam              239-738-3473               buildingsupervisor@uucfm.org
Nursery Supervisor  Liza Kellam                   239-314-6316                lhiz_sierra@yahoo.com
Website     Newcomers     Get Involved      Calendar      About UUCFM