July 2017
NAP Logo
Don't forget to use certain summer club games to earn an NAP club qualification. For the rest of July and August, you will have opportunities to earn club qualifications for the North American Pairs (NAP) -- a grassroots event in three flights that starts at the local level and runs all the way to the national level.

Check with your local club for qualifying game dates and times at the club level. A club qualification earns you a place in a district qualifier in October. If you qualify at the district level, you earn money and a chance to play at the national level. This year, it's even better because the national NAP will happen right here in Philadelphia at the Philly NABC in Spring 2018. Don't miss out! For more info, click on the links for each flight in the Regional events box below. 

District 4 Officers  
small margin
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Contact your District 4 board members.

Dan Boye 

Meyer Kotkin  
Bill Bauer 

Pat Civale

Joann Glasson 
President's Message
DBoye head shot

This report is being written while attending the Valley Forge Regional. If you haven't attended this District 4 tournament, please mark your calendars for the 2018 tournament scheduled for the week of 6/25 - 7/1. Meyer and his tournament committee continue to provide players with an attractive playing schedule, hospitality that is second to none, and playing conditions that meet every player's needs.
While there was no general Board meeting in VF, Joann Glasson's 2018 NABC committee and the District's Executive Committee met. District 4 is hosting the 2018 Spring Nationals in Philadelphia. Important issues relative to the NABC include Units of D4 assisting in the operation of the NABC by providing volunteers on designated days to help staff all of the various duties required to run an enjoyable and successful NABC. In addition, Units are asked if they would like to sponsor an event in the name of a particular player from their Unit to honor that individual. Details of "naming rights" can be found on the District 4 website in the 2018 NABC tab. We look forward to hosting and creating a memorable experience for all ACBL players during the week of 3/8 -3/18 2018 and we could use all the help from our District members. So if you plan on attending, please consider volunteering and not only will your assistance be rewarded but you will be working with a tremendous group of people whose common goal is to create a most efficiently run and entertaining NABC!

The Exec Committee met to build an agenda of items that the General Board can discuss and/or vote on at the Lancaster Meeting. Therefore, for those attending the General Board meeting in Lancaster, we ask that you give thought to the following ideas and be prepared to discuss and/or vote on implementing. The agenda will include: the creation of a District 4 logo so that all D4 tournaments can share a common theme and the District will use in communications with the members; currently the General Board is comprised of 45 individuals with each Unit guaranteed one representative and additional representatives based on bridge population (currently one rep for every 250 players). A suggestion is to reduce Board members by adding one rep for every 500 players. This will reduce by ½ the Board members and help make meetings more productive and run more efficiently; while the goal of every tournament Chair is to run a tournament to enhance players' experience, profitability is also a target. To that end a discussion relative to increasing table fees for all Regional tournaments from $14 to $15/session would provide a financial cushion while at the same time allow the Chairs to increase hospitality for the players.
Additional discussion surrounding ways to improve tournament attendance and profitability included a suggestion that tournament Chairs meet at one tournament to brainstorm about how they prepare for a Regional and what works for them relative to scheduling, types of events, hospitality, etc. and perhaps new ideas could come forth and shared.
In closing, I look forward to seeing all of you at "the Nook" during the week of 10/30 - 11/5. If you haven't done so already, please mark your calendars and make your reservations as this is District 4's largest Regional and Lancaster should be on everyone's agenda to attend!
Until then have a great summer!
From the District Director 
joann glasson
I am happy to introduce you to Bahar Gidwani, who will become the new CEO of the ACBL on July 1st, replacing Robert Hartman, who has resigned in order to take over a family business in Florida.

Bahar is currently the CEO and Co-Founder of CSRHub, a tech business which has built the world's largest database of sustainability information. Bahar designed CSRHub's patented data aggregation system and leads the company's business development and marketing activities.  Here's a link to a video of Bahar on TV talking about his company.

Prior to that, he was the CEO & Founder of Index Stock Imagery. Bahar launched the first on-line stock photo agency. With the support of three major venture capital firms, Bahar acquired fourteen companies and built Index into one of the largest companies in the photo industry.

Bahar is a person who really understands technology since he has founded, built and grown tech-based businesses for more than 25 years. 
Bahar was also a Vice President and Partner at Kidder, Peabody and is a certified financial analyst.

Bahar has played the game of bridge since the age of eight and has an understanding of what is needed to bring the ACBL forward. He will be relocating from New York City to Memphis to head operations at the ACBL.

Bahar has an undergraduate degree (magna cum laude) from Amherst College and an MBA from Harvard Business School, where he was a Baker scholar.

We are excited to have him head our organization.
District 4 Schedule    

District 4 STaC
August 28 - September 3

October 7

October 7-8

October 28

Lancaster Regional
October 30 - November 5

November 23 - December 3 
It's Not Too Late for Valley Forge!

Philadelphia Regional Logo
By the time you read this issue, we'll be deep into the Philadelphia Regional at Valley Forge, but it won't be too late to join the fun. The weekend has great events and hospitality. Don't miss free breakfast AND lunch on both Saturday and Sunday! There's a Barometer event on Saturday and Dupli-Swiss on Sunday. Who doesn't love Dupli-Swiss? A Swiss Teams event with hand records!

The regional runs through July 2 at the DoubleTree Hotel in King of Prussia.  For information and the schedule, check out the website here .

Monday kicked off the week with 61 attendees at the free 0-20 lecture with John Dickenson.

Thursday's A/X and Golden Mid-Flight Dupli-Swisses filled the Grand Ballroom.

News from Around the Units 
four corners
Unit 112: Central New York
DeWitt Henricks 

July 15-16

Unit 112 STaC
August 14-20

Unit 112 Sectional (Cicero)
September 9-10

September 23-24

Unit 112 Sectional (Webster)
October 14-15

Unit 112 Sectional (Endwell)
October 28-29

Unit 112 Sectional (Waterloo)
November 11-12

Unit 112 Clubs Slam  Alzheimer's Disease
     The Canandaigua Duplicate Bridge Club and Ithaca Bridge Club made a grand slam against Alzheimer's and brain disease on June 21 when they raised a combined $6,000 for the local and national Alzheimer's Assn. The organization has designated June as Alzheimer's & Brain Awareness Month and "The Longest Day," is its biggest annual fundraising event.
     The ACBL has also supported "The Longest Day" by encouraging clubs to hold games in support of the organization. Over the past five years the ACBL has raised and contributed $2.4 million to the Alzheimer's Assn., reports Stephanie Threlkeld, ACBL Education & Communications manager.
     "This year our goal is $500,000 for the care, support and research of the Alzheimer's Assn. and it looks like we will exceed that goal," she says.
     The ACBL contributes the sanction fees of $3 or $5 per table for June 21 directly to the national association. Clubs have the option of contributing their fees to a local association or to the national organization The ACBL also awards full master points for these games.
     It was the third consecutive year Canandaigua club director Mary Miller has participated in "The Longest Day" campaign. For the past three years Mary has contributed the donations to the Rochester & Finger Lakes Alzheimer's Association. In the two previous years, the club raised a total of $3,400, nearly doubling the total for 3 years to more than $6,000.
     "Mary and the Canandaigua bridge players are a wonderful asset to our association," says Joe Lynch, the Rochester Alzheimer's Assn.'s director of development. "We greatly appreciate their financial support for our programs."
     Canandaigua club regulars and guests filled 10 tables in each of two sessions at the First Congregation Church on Main Street in Canandaigua on "The Longest Day." Mary usually has only one evening game on Wednesday, but for this event she holds two games: one in the afternoon and another in the evening.
     Mary suggested a donation of $10, but players could contribute more if they wanted. A number of non-bridge players also contributed. And the First Congregational Church also contributed by not charging a rental fee for the game room for that day.
     The Ithaca Bridge Club contributed $3,300 to the national association, reports club director Edythe Krauss, that includes "some very generous contributions...one for $500!" The players donated half of the total, which was matched by the club treasury as it usually does for charity games. This was the third year the club had participated in "The Longest Day" event.
     "We don't charge a fee for charity games," Edythe explains, "but we did suggest a donation of $10 or more."
     Both Mary and Edythe are members of the Unit 112 Board of Directors and the Executive Committee. "Mary and Edythe and the Canandaigua and Ithaca bridge clubs are to be congratulated for their continuing support of the ACBL's "The Longest Day," says DeWitt Henricks, Unit 112 president. "Many of our families and friends have been adversely affected by Alzheimer's and other brain diseases. They need our support."   

Unit 120: Northeastern Pennsylvania 
Fay Pacchioli

Architzel Memorial Game
September 24

Unit 120 Sectional
September 29-October 1

Instant Matchpoint Game
October 25
The UNIT PATRIOTIC PARTY will be held on SUNDAY AUGUST 13 at the Eagles Aerie No. 1106, 1210 North 5th Street, Stroudsburg.  Two sessions  of bridge - play one session or both and a buffet dinner. Cost is $25.00. Cash bar available.  The game is stratified with a separate  section for intermediate/newcomers, non-smoking and fragrance free. Checks should be made out to NEPABA. Partners are not guaranteed. Registration is 11:30 and the game starts at 12:30 sharp. The general membership annual meeting will be held at 12:15 and the Board of Directors meeting will be held during dessert time. Reservations are required by August 7th and you may come and play if you do not make a reservation but the cost is the same and you would not be included in dinner. Park in the rear and wear red, white and blue.    

Once again The Honesdale-Hawley DBC worked hard to raise money for Alzheimers  research to support THE LONGEST DAY held on June 21st. One dollar for each player in all games for the month of June was donated to the cause as well as donations from the club players. To date, the team has donated  $786.00. Check out our team page here. They may not have the same total as I have listed above as it takes them 2 weeks to get donations posted but keep checking the site and eventually they will catch up with our totals. The Honesdale Club thanks all who donated to this worthwhile cause. We will accept donations for the Honesdale Team til the end of June.  
New Members - Rob Schanker, Lake Ariel, is a new member to our unit and Rob is here from Florida for the summer. So far I have seen him at our club in Honesdale and at Jack Burns Club in Clark Summit.
Michalene Zack, Thompson, is also a new member and Micki has joined the new bridge class being taught by Jim Mazeika at the Honesdale Club and is now playing at the Honesdale Club.
Make sure you say hi to Rob and Micki if you see them. New members need to be made to feel welcome.
Jim is teaching Bidding in the 21st Century which is the first in a series of texts developed by The ACBL.  The series is designed to introduce a new player to the game of duplicate bridge.  The material was written in 1986 by Audrey Grant and in 2006, Betty Starzec, a TAP (Teacher Accreditation Program) Teacher-Trainer and ABTA (American Bridge Teachers Association)  Master Teacher, updated the series to more accurately convey the latest duplicate bridge ideas and philosophy.  Coordinated decks of E-Z Deal Cards allow the reader to deal out the exercise hands at the end of each chapter. Written exercises are included at the end of each chapter for the students to complete.   
Honesdale players work very hard to get new players into our game and on June 21 Jim taught the students their second lesson. We moved our Wednesday game from 10:30 to starting time at  noon and when our students finished their lesson which ran from 9 am. to 11:30, we invited the students to join in our game at no charge to give them the feel of playing in a real game. Five of our students joined us in the game and we had no trouble finding a partner for the single player. The game went well.  We only played 21 boards but finished early enough that we could easily have played 24. We will continue making this same offer for the entire 10 lessons in order to acclimate our students to real bridge playing with zero tolerance fully in effect. I must admit I was very influenced when I took part in Patty Tuckers course on PLAY BRIDGE IN A DAY in Washington last summer and we love to see new players in our game.

Sectional Master - Grace Sutherland, Begona Kowet and Woody 
Woolston  from the Stroudsburg Club   

BIG CONGRATULATIONS  to Jeanne Fainburg of Dallas, Pa. Jeanne recently attained the title of Sapphire Life Master. Sapphire requires 3500 point with at least 700 silver, red, gold or platinum of which at least 350 must be gold or platinum.   
Unit 121: Berks Montgomery 
Brian C Snyder 
Unit 121 I/N Sectional
September 22
Unit 121 I/N Sectional
December 15 
The Saturday Morning Game at 10 AM is now an OPEN game. Anyone may play with anyone at any time. The game is held at Sacred Heart Villa.
Sue Wessner is planning a bus trip to Atlantic City from Wednesday September 6 through Friday September 8. The trip includes two sanctioned bridge games on Thursday.  Contact Sue Wessner for more information (bridgebysue@gmail.com (610) 972-5327)
Unit 133: Lehigh Valley 
Dave Kresge 

Unit 133 Sectional
October 20-22
There is no Unit 133 report this month. Check back in August for updates and information. 

Unit 141: Philadelphia 
Joan Warren

Bala Sectional
October 13-15
Bala Sectional
November 10-12
Unit 141 STaC
December 4-10

Unit 141 congratulates its New Life Masters and those who reached new designation levels.

New Life Masters  
Frank Caterini
Andrew Rosenberg

Platinum Life Master
Marty Seligman

Emerald Life Master
Gail Bell

Gold Life Master 
Stephen Becker
Rosalind Braunstein

Ruby Life Master  
John Villari
James Davidson
Eleanore Goodman
Thomas Kriz
Peter Stoyanov

Silver Life Master  
Wistie Oppenlander
Gloria Scholten

Bronze Life Master  
Frank Caterini
Michele Martin
R. J. Shenkin

We h ope to see you all at the Philadelphia Regional at Valley Forge. We expect record attendance.

Unit 168: Central Pennsylvania 
Jeanne Gehret  

August 6
Unit 168 Sectional
October 13-15
Unit 168 STaC
November 13-19
From Harrisburg:
  • 7/6:  Mentor game
  • 7/9:  Birthday game
  • 7/12:  Wednesday evening wine & cheese game
  • 7/19:  Wednesday night Swiss
Also, many games during July will be NAOP qualifying games, Grass Roots Fund games, and other charity games, awarding extra points.

Also note, the member entry fee at HBC is now $8 ($9 for special games)

From Lancaster:
  • 7/10:  Swiss Team Game; start time 12:15pm; pre-registration required; make reservations with Andie Sheaffer (717-581-1003)
  • 7/10-14:  All games at Maple Grove will be Membership Games!  Extra points, extra fun!
CONGRATULATIONS to the following Unit 168 members on their new master point rank achievements:
Club Master:
Carolyn Fry, Claudia Hostetter, Mary Wills, Patricia Worrall
Sectional Master:
Allen Mannon, Linda Sheaffer
Regional Master:
Samuel Denisi, Daniel Droz
NABC Master:
Patricia Grimek-Stover, Henry Heck, Mary Moyer, Joseph Patterson, Richard Rodney, Charles Stoner, Ronald Zimmerman
Life Master:
Shirley Rasmussen, Rebecca Weiss
Silver Life Master:
Dorothy Disney, Jeremy Lynch
STaC Slam
In a matchpoint STaC game the other afternoon, with West the dealer and partner and me red against white, I spread my hand to see:
South:  K6  854  AKJ7  KQT5
Then, after West's pass (and with the opponents silent throughout), I am delighted to hear partner start the auction:
North             South
1H(1)            2C(2)
2S(3)            3H(4)
4C(5)            4S(6)
5C(7)            5D(8)
6H(9)            Pass(10)
(1) Reluctant to open 1N with two doubletons (yes, some might)
(2) 2/1 Game Force
(3) Not a reverse (already in a game-forcing auction), just showing shape
(4) Setting trump suit
(5) Obligatory cue-bid (since we're already in a game force)
(7) Kickback (1430 for Hearts)
(7) 3 keycards in Hearts
(8) Queen-Ask (since we're missing one keycard)
(9) Yes, I have the Heart Queen, partner, but no outside Kings
(10) OK, this should be the right spot
Partner's hand was:   North:  AT93  AQJ96  84  A4
Although a couple of other pairs made 6, in either Hearts or NT (the trump King is offside), no one else bid the slam, so we got a cold top. Playing Kickback helped, because otherwise (playing NT as 1430 or 0314 for Hearts), we would have either had to settle for a game, or just take a chance on bidding the slam (since we would have lacked a way to inquire about the trump Queen). Also, I credit partner's excellent 4C cue-bid, rather than just settling into a too-comfortable game. After all, the issue isn't whether or not you think you've got a slam, but whether you think you've got a reasonable chance to make 5, hence making exploring for slam a safe enough prospect.
Club Team Game Grand
In a recent team club game, North was dealer with E/W vulnerable with these hands:
West:  K52  AKQ852  AQ5  5      East:  AQ  JT96  KJT  AT42
Given a Pass by North, E/W have no particular problem getting to a small slam, and depending on methods, to making grand slam in either Hearts or No Trump. If East opens 1C (yes, 15 points, but an 8-loser hand, with concentration of values in a short suit, so some might not open 1NT), the auction might proceed:
West             East
1H            2H
4N(1)            5H(2)
5N(3)            6D(4)
6N(5)            Pass(6)
(1) 1430 for Hearts
(2) 2 keycards in Hearts, without the Heart Queen
(3) We have all the keycards and the Queen; partner, tell me about your Kings
(4) I have the Diamond King
(5) I'm just bidding the small slam; it's a club game, so I'll be content to respect any pair who has the methods to decide on a grand (or decry those who blast into it and get lucky!)
(6) Whatever you say, partner
Alternatively, if East opens 1NT, the auction might go:
West             East
4D(1)            4H
4N(2)            As above
(1) Texas transfer to Hearts
(2) 1430 for Hearts
Or, even further, with a more adventurous and established partnership, we *might* even see:
West             East
2H!(1)            2S
4N(2)            5S(3)
5N(4)            6D(5)
(1) I think I'll be able to find out about the Diamond King, and since partner opened a NT, I know we've got at least an 8-card fit, hence nearly a 69% chance of the Hearts running, even if partner only has his promised two, so I'm going to try to set up an auction where I can find out about the Spade Queen, which seems to be a critical card for this hand!
(2) 1430 for Spades! (yes, some would play this as quantitative, but hey, I said it was an established partnership)
(3) 2 keycards in Spades, with the Spade Queen
(4) We have all the keycards and the Queen, partner (in Spades!), tell me about your Kings
(5) I have the Diamond King
(6) Whoa, given only that the Hearts run, we've got a laydown grand - I am SO going for it!
So, various rosy scenarios, right? But, look at what happens if the opponents aren't so compliant. As it happens, on this deal, North's hand was:
North:  9  74  9874  KJ8763
I was North, and with an 8-loser hand, white against red, I opened... (wait for it)... 3C! For those of you who complain that Losing Trick Count (LTC) is predicated on a fit, I would point out that the actual odds of partner having at least two cards in your 6-card Club suit are 94% (true)! So, when you have a 6-card suit, you can expect LTC-based bids to be valid, most of the time.
Anyway, at my table, facing excellent opponents, they still managed to find their way to 6H, making 7. Meanwhile, at the other table, the opponent's North also found the opening 3C bid, but our teammates had difficulty with the auction being so jammed up, and only found their way to game. As a fun exercise, how would you and your partner bid the E/W hands, after North opens 3C? For my team, the resulting 12-IMP swing on that board lost us a match that we otherwise would have won (against a great team that included a Grand LM). Sigh, oh well, cue the mantra: "It's only a game".  What? You wouldn't have opened the North hand 3C? Then, I'd be happy to play against you (you being so kind to your opponents, and all)!
Coming Attractions!
Next month, I hope to find another example of an auction that recently "got away", where two conventions segue right into each other. And, one of them is in the class of: "Why wouldn't you play that, once you know about it?!" So, stay tuned.

Unit 190: Delaware 
Ala Hamilton-Day 

July 27-29

Unit 190 Sectional
September 15-17

Unit 190 Dave Treadwell Sectional
December 26-31
It's almost here! Bridge at the beach!  The Lewes Sectional - 
July 27th - 29th

CLUB LIFE MASTER :   Jonathan Lawlor and Ernest D. Steinke
SECTIONAL LIFE MASTER :   Catherine S. Conaway and Sugi Hayes
REGIONAL LIFE MASTER Christine A. Sadowski

Unit 217: Susquehanna  
Jim McKeown

Unit 217 Sectional
October 6-8
There is no Unit 217 report this month. Check back in August for updates and information.  
Our Monthly Feature

The 4Spot features fantastic contributors, on a regular rotation:

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For Novices Only by Marti Ronemus:
January , April , July, October

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The ABC of Bridge by Dave Wachsman:
  February, May, August, November

advancing logo
  A Spot 4 the Advancing Player by Jay Apfelbaum:
  March, June, September, December

Click here to read this month's article.
Marti: For Novices Only
Click on any blue month above to read recent articles. 
Master Solvers Club

Moderator: Nick Straguzzi

Welcome to the MSC. Summer is hot and so are Nick's puzzles. Participation is cool, and so is our easy online submission.

First, click here to read the analysis of last month's problem.

Then visit the MSC website to read next month's problem and submit your answers online: http://d4msc.straguzzi.org 
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4Spot | July 2017 | Editor: Allison Brandt | allisonrbrandt@gmail.com