A big focus this month is liver health! Stories, Specials, Guided Liver Flush and even some liver detox yoga! Claire tells all in her liver flush story! Someone sent me a recipe for a Detox Bath, so I share it with you. I also include some meditation information. Many have expressed interest in yoga and meditation. All of these techniques allow us to calm our nervous systems and reduce stress. Enjoy the newsletter, enjoy your summer!
So jumping right into a little anatomy physiology of the liver and gall bladder. The liver and gall bladder through a common bile duct empty their contents into the small intestines for elimination through the large intestines. This month my major special is devoted to the liver and cleansing the intestines before and after. One key to successful liver flushing is to be able to eliminate easily. The liver gall bladder contents purged from the cleanse will empty into your small intestines. You want them to flow easily out of your body. That's where the colonics come in.
In my major Special this month, I am teaming up with Erin Schumacher. Claire Ostrovsky went through the program with us and she shares her story and a stellar picture of the green blobs that came out after her liver flush!
Erin writes, "So why do I need to do colonics and the liver flush together? It's vital that your organs of elimination be cleared out before you flush the liver and gallbladder. Imagine dumping a wastebasket full of litter into an already overflowing trashcan. It cannot handle the waste. The same is true when you 'flush' out any major organ. You need to ensure that the colon is cleared first so it can handle flushing out the liver and gallbladder during the cleanse."
Some of you have been waiting for just the right moment to have a breakthrough, change some habits and go to a higher health level of consciousness. Seize the opportunity and join us on this guided liver flush with cleansing colonics! The liver flush and colonic package works for the beginner as well as the seasoned cleanser. Which option works best for you, the Standard or the Deluxe? Find out more.
Next Guided Liver Flush July 30, Monday - August 5, Sunday
It's easy to fit into any schedule!
Kick off the big cleanse with a Free Workshop on Liver Flush information followed by 30 minutes of Detox Yoga. July 25, Wednesday, 4:45 - 5:45PM
When do you take the colonics?
My clients take the colon sessions before, then on day 6 before the drinks and then on day 8 or 9 to finally flush any residue out.
How does the liver flush schedule work?
Days 1 - 5 Adding a beverage to your daily routine
Reducing/eliminating meat, caffeine and alcohol from your diet
Getting your colonic(s)
Day 6 Fasting after lunch, the 3 drinks and being in bed by 10PM
Day 7 Two early morning drinks; expect to stay home and be near a
toilet as stones are released from the liver
Day 8/9 Colonic(s)
And that's it! This cleanse is so vital to entire body health that it cannot be stressed enough. It's something that is safe for anyone and everyone to do!
Erin Schumacher, host of the next Guided Liver Flush in Tucson AZ, is a Natural Health and Holistic Nutrition Practitioner, yoga instructor, raw food chef and international retreat facilitator.
Learn more about the Liver Flush and Register
Read a PDF by Erin on The Importance of Liver Cleansing
Learn more about Colon Hydrotherapy and Contact Sheila
Purchase and read Andreas Moritz, The Liver Gall Bladder Amazing Cleanse