Weekly Update

Welcome to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

July 14th - 20th Weekly Bulletin


Church Website

We are excited to share our updated website. We will continue to update the website with upcoming events every week!

Use the button below to visit the home page on the website, or the underlined tabs to see a specific section.

St. Paul's Church Website

About Us





Sunday, July 14th

Sunday, July 14th is the first Sunday

for the Burnett Family!

Our new Rector, the Reverend Jody Burnett, will preach and celebrate.

We are planning a fun reception to follow the 10:00 service.

There will be food and activities for the children to enjoy!

Menu for Sunday:

Tropical chicken orzo salad

Cantaloupe and peaches

(marinated in lime, mint and brown sugar)

Orange glazed Sister Schubert sweet rolls 

Foosackly's chicken tenders

Peach Cobbler

Iced tea punch

Please join us at 9:45 Sunday for some celebratory Prelude Music with organ, trumpet, violin and cello welcoming our new Rector.

Remember to get your nametag

before the service!

They will be available in the Parish Hall, Narthex, and East and West Transepts.

 First name only!

Morrissette Garden Dedication

Sunday, June 9th

Family and friends gathered together to celebrate the dedication of the

Morrissette Garden!

Click to View Pictures!


Those whom God has joined together

let no one put asunder.

Laura Jeannette Curtis and Parker Nunnery Corbin

were joined together in marriage

in St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

on July 6, 2024

Prayer Cards and Visitor Cards in pew rack.

Place prayer cards in Prayer Box on the table

at the front of the pews or in the offering plate.

Please include your contact information

 when filling out a prayer card

Please place visitor cards in the offering plate.

Daily Bread needs delivery drivers for

every other Thursday and every other Sunday.

Wheel - A - Meal needs a Thursday driver every other week.

If you are interested in either, please contact Les Stuart

at 251-455-8182 or les.stuart@comcast.net

Youth News

News from the EEC

Read about all of the wonderful things that the EEC has to offer!

EEC Website

Memorial Flowers

Sunday, July 7, 2024

The flowers on the altar

of the Little Church

 are given to the Glory of God

and in loving memory of

Robert “Bobby” Henderson Norton

 by Carol and Lyon Crowe





The flowers on the Altar of the Church

 are given to the Glory of God

and in loving memory of

George Mansell Paterson

 and Louise Woods Paterson

from Tricia and Duane Graham




The flowers in the Narthex of the Church

are given to the Glory of God and in celebration of the marriage of

Laura Jeannette Curtis and Parker Nunnery Corbin

and in loving memory of

Mr and Mrs Frank E. Wallace, Sr, Mr and Mrs Robert T. Curtis,

Mr. William Nunnery, Ms. Carol Park Nunnery, and Mr. Chuck Corbin.


Worship Schedule


8:00 - Holy Eucharist - Rite I - Little Church

10:00 - Holy Eucharist - Rite II - Big Church

  • Nursery provided
  • Children's Christian Education

6:00 - Holy Eucharist - Rite II - Little Church

  • Contemporary music


7:00 - Holy Eucharist - Little Church

10:00 - Holy Eucharist - Rite I - Little Church

  • Healing service follows

5:30 - Holy Eucharist - Rite II - Little Church

Morning Prayer

8:15 - Little Church

Weekdays except Wednesday

The 10:00 service on Sunday is always livestreamed. Click the button to view!

View the livestream