July 12, 2024  

Mayor's Message

Greetings Bradley Beach-

Fourth of July WEEK- and I emphasize WEEK!  

We are clicking on all cylinders.  Since Memorial Day- we have seen enormous success.  Thanks to all of our municipal employees and volunteers that have made these events and these events possible!


In this newsletter, we will cover:

  • The 63rd Army Unit Concert celebration.
  • The fireworks display celebrating the 4th of July
  • Farm Fresh - Riley Park Fair, and concert series start
  • Bradley Beach – Top 10 beaches in New Jersey!
  • Handicap/ Disabled access on our beaches
  • 319 LaReine disposition update
  • 2024 Budget Update
  • From Russia with Love!
  • UFCW Contract Update 
  • Our Shuttle Service in Bradley Beach is back-  F R E E!!
  • Noise Ordinance in place for the summer- reminder

63rd Army Unit Concert last Wednesday

We started the festive week with the 63rd Army National Guard Band playing in Riley Park.  Hundreds of our residents and visitors enjoyed over an hour of both patriotic and contemporary music. The Unit is stationed at the National Guard Training Center in Sea Girt, New Jersey, and are proud to have some of the area's finest professional and amateur musicians as their members. 

Army Bands provide music throughout the spectrum of military operations to instill in our soldiers the will to fight and win, foster the support of our citizens, and promote our national interests at home and abroad. We thank them and have already penciled them in for next year!

The fireworks display celebrating the 4th of July

We had thousands of people converge on our town and beaches Friday night for a spectacular display celebrating our country’s birth.  The crowds filled the beaches, and the finale was one for the books.  Special thanks to our Office of Emergency Management and Police, Fire, and First Aid for staffing this event!

Farm Fresh - Riley Park Fair, and concert series start

On Saturday, the town events continued.  Riley Park was filled with vendors, a fresh vegetable stand, and some entertainment.  The event was very well attended.  That evening, our Summer Concert series began with Kenny K & The Way. and this past Wednesday, the Beatles made a come back in Riley Park with The Wag Band.

This Saturday, the Pat Roddy Band will be performing.  Time5-7PM.  July 20th- Little x Little.  Join us!

In addition, we began our Brookdale/ 90.5 FM partnership at the Newark Avenue Beach (Horseshoe area).  July 11th Eddie 9v/ Newski (solo), July 18th- Tucker Woods/ En Delirium- please join us!

Bradley Beach – Top 10 beaches in New Jersey!

Since 2018, NJ. Com/ The Star Ledger has ranked the 45 beaches along the Jersey Shore.  Bradley Beach has fared very well.  Our neighbor to the south, Manasquan and Bradley Beach, have consistently been in the top 10.  For 2024, we have been rated #9 of the 45 beaches evaluated.  Our beach quality, our dunes, the family “vibe”, our promenade, parking ease, and Main Street contributed to our success.

Our “secret sauce” though, is our employees.  Our Lifeguards, Beach Personnel, Public Works, and Police are second to none.  Keep up the great work!

Handicap/ Disabled access on our beaches

We continue to assess improvements to our beach access.  We have six beaches that we believe have easier access for disabled residents/ visitors.  We have added lockers with matting for those who need it.  On Brinley, Fourth, and Cliff Avenues, we have added mats at the end of the walkway that go to a “T” at the east end for wheelchair/ scooters.  We are surveying residents for additional input.  We’ll continue to make improvements in this important area.  Stay tuned…

319 LaReine disposition update

The Bid packages for the sale of 317/ 319 LaReine Avenue Church are out and available.  Local developers have been notified, and newspaper notices are in process.  The actual auction is set for July 25th here in the Council Chamber.   We have also contracted with a professional for the appropriate disposition of the 40+ artifacts in the church.  We’ll keep you apprised.

2024 Budget Update

We have made a few modifications to the municipal portion of the budget proposal reduces the levy slightly.  Right now, we are at a 3.39% increase in the Municipal Budget, slightly down from the 3.74% I reported previously.  From a dollar standpoint, the increase is $273,166 over the 2023 level.  We will be introducing this at the July 24th Council meeting.   You all received estimated tax bills that should be close to the final bill and reflects our latest thinking.

The process after introduction is that there is a 28-day period until a public budget hearing can occur.  During that 28-day period, the public will have access to the detailed budgets and can develop any questions they have.  Hopefully then we will approve the budget after the budget hearing.   

From Russia with Love!

Periodically, I get a request to marry couples.  This couple was a bit unique in that both were from Russia, Olga Abramova and Anton Mochan gathered at the Newark Avenue gazebo last Monday.  Olga and Anton’s life journey began in the foothills of the southern Ural Mountains in the city of Chelyabinsk and took them to the Jersey Shore; and Bradley Beach was the ideal place to start this important next phase in the tranquil town of Bradley Beach.  Congratulations!

 UFCW Contract Update

I am sure you have all seen signs around town on settling the UFCW contract.  EVERYONE is eager to get this completed, no one more than I.  The Borough has tried to respond to the concerns the Union expressed while also seeking a compromise that is beneficial for the taxpayers/residents of Bradley Beach- given the Borough's budgetary/financial constraints.

The balancing act in any negotiation is a fair financial offer without negative impacts to resident’s services and tax rates over the 3-year horizon.

Earlier this year there was an impasse declared by both parties.  A mediator was then brought in to help resolve that impasse.  The mediator was not successful, and he recommended a hearing with PERC (Public Employment Relations Commission).  This “fact-finding” approach will hopefully lead to a settlement.  This is an independent third-party familiar with settlements around the state who recommends to both parties a reasonable settlement of the negotiations.  This meeting is scheduled for the second week in August, when all parties are available.

After the mediator’s declaration of a continued impasse in the process, I met twice with Mr. Ross, Mr. Brooks (both Union representatives), the 3-member negotiating committee; and the Borough Administrator to seek clarity in what the Union demands were and to ask for a counteroffer to the previous offers made by the bargaining unit.  We received a counteroffer on May 22nd, well after the PERC process was set in motion.  The counteroffer was appreciated and a few concessions were brought forward; but  still was not aligned to our view of a fair financial balance.

We all appreciate our Public Works employees, Administrative staff, and Dispatchers.  Bradley Beach would not be the community it is without them.  I hope we can conclude this shortly.

Our Shuttle Service in Bradley Beach is back-  F R E E!!

The Bradley Beach Pilot is back!  The Feel-Good Shuttles group had great participation from Bradley Beach last summer, so we are extending the pilot and discussing how we proceed beyond this summer into 2025.  We continue to see benefits in freeing up parking, safety, support to businesses pick you up.  Click for reservations on the link below.


More information about Feel Good Shuttles is also on their website-

thttps://www.feelgoodshuttles.com/  Also the phone number for texting them text for Friday service is 1 805 272 7812.  The rides are free! Tips are encouraged!

This should complement the restaurant experience in Bradley Beach.

Restaurants have become a defining characteristic of our community- RESTAURANT ROW!

Noise Ordinance in place for the summer- reminder

Contractors using noise producing equipment may not perform work between 6:00PM Friday and 8:00 AM Monday and on holidays.  Homeowners performing their own work may do so between 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM. 

I love this community.  I hope we continue to value inclusion and our diversity.  I hope we stay true to our social commitments.   We are in a larger sense a family, and we should always remind ourselves of this important point.

See you around town!


Mayor Larry Fox

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Please visit the website for updated meetings, events and information.
Borough of Bradley Beach | www.bradleybeachnj.gov