475 Riverside Drive Suite 1270, New York, NY 10115
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Happenings In & Around the Presbytery of NYC


Hello Yzette,
This newsletter is ordinarily published on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month. All items for potential inclusion must be submitted via email to newsletter@presbynyc.org by noon on the Wednesday before the newsletter in published. All items are subject to review and editing. Timely submission does not guarantee inclusion.

Information, articles and links in this newsletter are provided for information only to the congregations and members of the presbytery. Nothing in this message should be construed as the official position of the presbytery unless noted as such.

Contact the Transitional Leader

Looking to meet with or speak to Rev. Dr. Mary Newbern-Williams, the Presbytery's Transitional Leader? You can reach her via email at RevMaryNW@presbynyc.org or by calling the office at 212 870-2221 ext. 1

A Message from NYC Presbytery's Stated Clerk

Clergy ID Cards are Here!

Minister Members' Clergy ID Cards have arrived. So that I can get your ID Cards to you, I ask that you email me your full name and complete address. Once I receive your email I will mail you your ID card. Let me know if you have any questions.

Congratulations to the Trinity Fellowship and New York City Presbytery

The Presbytery at a called meeting, on July 11th , voted in the affirmative to move the Trinity Fellowship from a fellowship to a chartered PC(USA) congregation who will be known as Trinity Presbyterian Church in Fort Washington Heights.

A Presbytery Service of Charting will take place on Sunday, July 28th. All are welcome and encouraged to join in this joyous celebration. Details of the service of worship will be forthcoming. We share this prayer (submitted by Rev. Mark Koenig) and playlist (submitted by Elder Jim Nedelka) on joyous this occasion. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

A prayer for something we don’t do often enough

We thank you, God, 

for the newly chartered congregation:

Trinity Presbyterian Church in Fort Washington Heights

and its people.

For the courage of the people

as they left home in Ghana 

and moved to New York 

to make new beginnings,

we give you thanks.

For the faith of the people

that inspired them 

to gather in the name of Jesus

and create a fellowship,

we give you thanks. 

For the strength of the people

that allowed them 

to persist for over fourteen years,

facing challenges, 

enduring disappointments,

experiencing moments of joy,

we give you thanks.

For the grace of the people

that led them to rely 

on siblings in Christ 

for support on this long journey,

and for those who provided that support,

we give you thanks.

For the gifts the people

received through your Holy Spirit,

we give you thanks.

Faithful God,

who has led the people

thus far on their way,

continue to guide

the people and

Trinity Presbyterian Church in Fort Washington Heights,

the individuals elected to serve as elders and deacons,

the Rev. Dr. Ebenezer C. Annor who will become the installed Pastor,

and the Presbytery of New York City

in faith-filled ministry, witness, and service

following Jesus Christ

in whose name we pray.



The title is inspired by a statement made during the meeting that approved the chartering of Trinity Presbyterian Church in Fort Washington Heights by ruling elder James Tse: “We don’t do this often enough.”

Highlights from GA226

PC(USA)'s General Assembly has come and gone. The work of GA staff, NYC Presbytery's Commissioners to GA, YAAD, Overture Advocates, GA's Fellowship, Elections of PC(USA)'s next Co-Moterators & its Stated Clerk, Worship, Communion dancing, and the support of NYC Presbytery's staff and leadership, have come to an end. The work continues as decisions made are brought back to the Presbytery for vote. We thank them all for their faithful service to the wider church. Click on the links below to view highlights of the spirit lead work of GA226!

Scenes from GA226


Synod of the Northeast 2024 Assembly- October 25th - October 26th

Register now for the Synod of the Northeast's upcoming Synod Assembly. Details will be forthcoming.

News from the Pews


  • NYC Presbytery's Justice Ministry Committee on all of the work that they are doing to lift up and advocate for those whose voices have gone unheard and unseen.


  • Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church invites you on an Adult Education trip to Scotland from June 7th to 15th, 2025, Email Jaime Staehle for registration information.

Prayers and Concerns

  • New York City Presbytery's Commissioners, Young Adult Advisory Delegate (YAAD), Theological Student Advisory Delegate (TSAD) and its Overture Advocate to the 226th General Assembly.
  • New York City Presbytery staff and leaders as they seek to invision new ways to serve its membership
  • Rev. Leslie Foltz-Morrison (Minister Member at Large)
  • Congregations seeking pastoral leadership
  • Elder Dorette Winslow (Laconia Presbyterian Church)
  • Rev. Alice Hermanus-Rampengan (Indonesian Presbyterian Church)
  • New York City Presbytery Committees and Commissions
  • Pastors, CRE's and Ruling Elders serving our congregations
  • Pastors in new ministries
  • Congregations in pastoral searches
  • Practicing Matthew 25 in our churches and communities
  • Congregations engaged in special projects
  • New York City Presbytery's Young Adult Volunteers (YAV's) program.

General Assembly Restricted Funds Grants

General Assembly is pleased to offer you the opportunity to apply for monies available from unassigned General Assembly Mission Restricted Funds. These funds were created in past years by the gifts of individual Presbyterians or small groups. Sessions, new worshiping communities, presbyteries and synods may apply for grants from specific funds for mission efforts that fulfill the donor’s intent. 

The 2024 application period opened May 15th. The deadline for synods and General Assembly Entities to submit grant applications to the Presbyterian Mission Agency is September 15, 2024. Final applicants will be notified of their application status in November 2024. Learn more

Seeking and Posting Calls and Employment Opportunities

The Northeast Crossroads Call Finder is a partnership of 15 presbyteries in the New York City/Philadelphia metro regions to assist congregations and other entities in connecting congregations seeking pastors and staff with pastors and others answering the call to service in the church. Call Finders goal is to connect church professionals with congregational ministry opportunities in the 15 presbyteries that serve the greater New York City and Philadelphia metro region. Email Yzette to list a position on mynextcallpcusa.org. If you post an opening on Call Finder you are asked to let Yzette know if your position have been filled so that it can be taken down form the site.

Day 1... A Guide for Navigating an Election Year in Your Faith Community

At the beginning of the year, we at Vandersall Collective heard from a number of faith leaders about anxiety about the presidential election. It seems many of us have questions about how to prepare for uncertain times, provide meaningful work that align with a faith community’s priorities, and how to move from a place of reactivity to one of proactivity.

On Day 1 of the next administration, communities of faith will continue the work of being God’s people. Regardless of whether or not a faith community sees the outcome desired, the work will need to go on. What can be done now is the work of identifying who may be impacted by the outcome of the election, how to provide leaders a process for identifying prioritized ministries or community engagement (instead of responding to the news cycle), and growing together in the process.

We, at Vandersall Collective started looking for a set of resources that would guide faith communities in this work while rooted in scripture and prayer. We decided the time had come to create our own as a way of caring for a Church and its people we love.

And so, the Day 1 curriculum was created and made available. LEARN MORE

Factors That Create an Unchurched Christian

According to Lifeway Research, among Protestant pastors in the United States, 3 in 5 consider someone in their congregation a regular churchgoer if they attend church at least twice a month. Come to church every other Sunday (26 times a year) and you’re now considered a regular in the American church. To say that infrequent is the new frequent is not an exaggeration.

The local church has lost its prominence and priority in the life of far too many professing Christians. According to Lifeway Research’s State of Theology report, 54% of evangelicals believe worshiping alone or with one’s family is a valid replacement for regularly attending church. LEARN MORE

Antiracism as a Way of Being

NEXT Church is pleased to announce the official release of its new resource in partnership with Crossroads Antiracism Organizing and Training. Antiracism as a Way of Being is an accompanied course for those moving from programs and studies to disrupting systems and transforming the world around them. readers take action, so consider inserting phrases like "for a limited time only" or "only 7 remaining!"

Antiracism as a Way of Being is a six-module video series developed for NEXT Church by Crossroads Antiracism Organizing & Training. Each module contains multiple short videos (5-10 minutes) along with supplemental materials and reflection questions. Each module takes about an hour to work through, on average. Learn more

The Board of Pensions Clergy Wellness Support Program

Last summer, the Board of Pensions of the PC (USA) began the Clergy Wellness Support Program. This initiative provides ministers with grants up to $5,000 to foster renewal and wholeness. The grants can be taken every six years.

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) ministers need the opportunity to step away from the demands of ministry and practice self-care so that they might experience the flourishing of life. That’s why the Board of Pensions provides programs that cultivate wholeness and nurture ministries, like Clergy Wellness Support.

Grants are available to ministers in partnership with programs that address vocational, spiritual, mental, and physical wellness. Learn more

Employment Opportunities Within and Around the Presbytery of NYC

Congregational Searches on PC(USA)'s NEW CLC System

The following congregations in our presbytery are currently engaged in active searches. These Ministry Discernment Profiles (MDP) are posted to CLC's website:

  • Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, Transitional Associate Pastor for Membership and Young Adult Ministry,
  • Church of the Master, Designated Pastor/Head of Staff, Part-time (20 hrs.)
  • First Presbyterian Church, Far Rockaway, Solo Pastor, Part-time (3/4 time)
  • St. Albans Presbyterian Church, Solo Pastor, Full-time
  • First Presbyterian Church of Springfield Gardens, Solo Pastor, Part-time
  • Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church, Solo Pastor, Full-time, click here for additional details

Congregations within our presbytery are currently seeking to fill these positions:

Entities outside the bounds or our New York City Presbytery seeking to fill positions:

PC(USA) National Office

  • The Presbyterian Church (USA) national office in Louisville, KY, is currently hiring. click here for a list of current openings. To access all Presbyterian Church (USA) national office job opportunities and online applications, please visit PC(USA)'s website for a full listing of openings. Referrals are welcome!

2024 Minister's Minimum Compensation

Below you will find a link (to the presbytery approved ) Minister's Minimum Compensation for the 2024 calendar year.

We hope this is helpful!

2024 Minister's Minimum Compensation

Church Leadership Connection

The Office of the General Assembly has launched the new Church Leadership Connection (CLC), the internet-based matching and referral system of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

Call seeking individuals and call providers can now access the new system at clc.pcusa.org.

The Church Leadership Connection (CLC) staff is here to serve you. If you need any assistance or have questions about the new system, contact them by phone at 888-728-7228, ext. 8550, or by email at clcstaff@pcusa.org.

Stay Connected to the Presbytery of NYC

Help your congregation's members stay connected with the latest news and opportunities in and around the presbytery by subscribing to Happenings In & Around the Presbytery, the Presbytery's electronic newsletter. Keep members updated and apprised of Presbyterian events, resources, grants, and opportunities.  Have members fill out the contact information form so that their email addresses can be added to our subscribers list. Click here for the Contact Information Form. Once completed return the form to the presbytery office or email it to Yzette Swavy-Lipton.
475 Riverside Drive Suite 1270
New York, NY 10115
(212) 870-2221
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