As I write this letter, Anglicans For Life is preparing for two very important events that will happen in the next 2 weeks… first, AFL will be exhibiting at the ACNA Assembly and giving a workshop, and second, AFL will be moving our offices! Both of these events are very exciting for us as a staff and will, in many ways, mark the beginning of a new season of ministry.
First, our opportunity to move is a real answer to pray, as we thought the door had closed on it happening this year. We also thought the location we were hoping to move to had become unavailable causing us to wonder where we should look next year.
Because experience has taught me that summer is the best time of the year to move, (when the demands of ministry slow down a bit), I was a bit discouraged that we would have to wait a year. At the same time, it meant we would have to renegotiate our existing lease for one year and our rent was going to be much higher.
A last-minute change of plans related to the special space I was praying we could move into happened, and we were able to sign the lease! As of July 1st, AFL will be located in the Media Center building on Trinity Anglican Seminary's (formerly known as Trinity School for Ministry) campus in Ambridge, PA where a host of other Anglican ministries are headquartered. This move opens the doors for AFL to integrate more fully into the Anglican Communion and build relationships with future leaders of the Church. Please join me in thanking Trinity’s Dean Bryon Hollon, and their staff for helping make this move happen, and praising God for His answering our prayers for an ideal new office location!
We are also asking the Lord to provide lots of good contacts and connections as we share the work of Anglicans For Life with those attending the ACNA Assembly and that my workshop inspires people to want to get involved in Life-Affirming ministry. We also ask the Lord to lead the bishops in raising up amongst themselves God’s chosen man to be the new Archbishop. And we give thanks to the Lord for the ministry of Archbishop Foley and Allison Beach, may God bless them with a season of rest and renewal.
Finally, I want to invite you to join our special SWAT team (Spiritual Warfare AFL Team) that meets via Zoom the third Monday of the month for a special prayer time for AFL, led by our Board Member, Lesley Hackman. You can participate in both SWAT and as a daily intercessor! Please email your SWAT interest to This battle between life and death is intense and your prayers empower God’s presence in guiding AFL daily in standing for life in our culture of death. THANK YOU!!!
Click this link to view/download 3 month Calendar: