April 25, 2023

Judicial Appointment

Congratulations to Justice Kent J. Teskey, former Law Society of Alberta President, who has been appointed a Justice of the Court of King’s Bench on April 21, 2023.

Justice Teskey, previously a partner at Pringle Chivers Sparks Teskey in Edmonton, served as a Bencher of the Law Society from 2015 to 2021 and was elected President in 2020. We thank Justice Teskey for his time, commitment and dedication.

We also extend our congratulations to the Honourable William T. deWit, Honourable Jane A. Fagnan and Honourable April D. Grosse who were appointed as Justices of Appeal of the Court of Appeal of Alberta. As well as Justice Allison Kuntz and Justice Lisa Silver, who have been appointed as Justices of the Court of King's Bench of Alberta. Justice Lisa Silver served on the Law Society’s Lawyer Competence Advisory Committee from February 2022 to February 2023 and was more recently appointed to the Lawyer Competence Bencher Committee.

For more information, read the Government of Canada Department of Justice’s news release.

Court of King's Bench Announcement

Issues with Accessing Filings by Email

Please be advised that Microsoft is experiencing a North America-wide global issue with its online applications. 

As a result, the Edmonton King’s Bench Operation location has been experiencing issues with accessing filings submitted by email since April 19, 2023. Counsel is asked to file any and all eligible documents on the various Filing Digital Services to reduce delays. 

In Edmonton only, urgent submissions that cannot be filed digitally and that include limitation periods or filing deadlines can be filed at the counter.

View the full announcement.

Upcoming Events

But I Look Like a Lawyer screening (Calgary) | May 4, 2023

But I Look Like a Lawyer screening (Edmonton) | May 11, 2023

Visit our website for a full list of upcoming events.

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