State elections November 8, 2022, 7a - 8p at Town Hall,
54 South Ave
or check in with Whitman Town Clerk Dawn M. Varley at
(781) 618-9710 for more info.
Special Visit at The Whitman Firehouse
Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito and State Representative Alyson Sullivan stopped by the Whitman Firehouse on Thursday, October 13th. They spoke with the members of Whitman Firefighters Local 1769 and PFFM President Rich MacKinnon about firefighter priorities.
Historical Tidbit: Halloween's Mix of Remembrance, Spiritual Connection, Community & Seasonal Celebration make it the second most popular American holiday.
Halloween is celebrated October 31 and for weeks before. A popular FB group question during covid: "Will Halloween be cancelled?" A worry since everything else was impacted. But it is impossible to cancel Halloween. It does not belong to any one organization or person, having grown from its roots to plant in our collective psyche. If we are to believe Americans rate approval with their dollars: "Americans spend an estimated $6 billion annually on Halloween, making it the country’s second largest commercial holiday after Christmas."

Halloween originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, (pronounced SAH-win) marking the harvest and the new year. Believed to be the point in the year when the threshold between the physical world and the spirit realm was at its thinnest. Observance of Samhain with bonfires and costumes would ward off creatures from the spirit world. As Catholicism spread in Ireland, Pope Gregory III designated November 1 to honor all saints. Incorporating some of the Samhain traditions, the All Saints’ Day celebration was also called All-hallows or All-hallowmas (from Middle English Alholowmesse meaning All Saints’ Day) and the night before it, the traditional night of Samhain in the Celtic religion, began to be called All-Hallows Eve and, eventually, Halloween.

Halloween in America
As the beliefs and customs of different European ethnic groups and the Native American slowly meshed, a distinctly American version of Halloween began to emerge. Celebrations were public events held to celebrate the harvest in costume. Neighbors would share stories of the dead, tell each other’s fortunes, dance and sing.

Borrowing from European traditions, Americans began to dress up in costumes and go house to house asking for food or money, a practice that eventually became today’s “trick-or-treat” tradition. Young women believed that on Halloween they could divine the name or appearance of their future husband by doing tricks with yarn, apple parings or mirrors. It was also understood that people could avoid the tricks of revelers by offering candy.

Submitted by J. Rose
Information from
Town Hall

Public Library
M-Th 10-8; Fri 1-5; Sat 10-4

Council on Aging

St. Vincent de Paul/Whitman Food Pantry
By appointment only: 781-447-8560
To learn more about advertising in your BuzzAround
We were all too busy to enter last week!

Bee sure to play our Historical Tidbit Trivia Game at the bottom of this newsletter.

Enter for this week's prize of a
$10 gift certificate toward a yummy & nutritional smoothie or meal at
603 Centre St, Brockton
Whitman Halloween
After Party Clean Up
Tuesday, November 1st
8a - 10a
Hobart Pond
19 Essex Street

Calling all volunteers to help clean up Whitman the morning after Halloween! Members of the community all ages are welcomed to join. The group will be meeting at Hobart Pond and begin clean up in that area. After, volunteers will branch off in other directions to cover more of the town. Trash bags will be provided but consider bringing other supplies for your own use. Recommended items include: gloves, rakes, bug spray, hand sanitizer, water.
Voices of Diversity, Voices of America
10 Poets! 10 Languages!
Saturday November 5. 6:30pm
Brockton Public Library 304 Main St, Brockton
1 - Wompanoag. Opening Prayer. Melissa Ferretti and Toodie Jackson Coombs
2 - Youth. Brockton Youth Poet Laureate.
Hannah Baptiste 
3 - Greek. Theodora Stratis 
4 - Cantonese. Christina Liu 
5 - Spanish. Leonardo Nim 
Rose Music Conservatory. musical interlude
6 - Ukrainian. Dzvinia Orlowsky 
7 - Haitian Creole. Jean-Dany Joachim 
8 - Hebrew - Matthew Rosenthal 
9 - Cape Verdean Creole. Charlene Cabral                      
10 - Urdu - Professor. Karim A Shariff
Website: • Facebook: @DBA.Brockton • Instagram: @DBA_Brockton 
Conley School's All School Meeting
October 15th, 2022
Video courtesy of WHCA-TV
WMS Cheerleading Showcase 
Wednesday, November 2nd
Whitman Middle School
100 Corthell Ave

Whitman Youth Football & Cheerleading are holding a cheerleading showcase this upcoming Wednesday. Please come out to support the teams, admission is free for everyone.
Calling All Our Local. HomeGrown Chefs!
Submit your Recipe in our Garden Harvest Recipe Contest from October 18 – November 13, 2022 Rosa loves to hear about how you make your fresh veggies! All valid entries* will be published in your BuzzAround. Grand prize winner will be invited to Rosa’s Kitchen in South Easton to film our annual cooking show, preparing your dish and be featured in 2023’s Harvest Edition of edible Southeastern MA magazine. Enter HERE
Friday, November 4th
7 - 8:30p
Knights Of Columbus #347
1195 Bedford Street

Please join us to support the Whitman-Hanson Youth Soccer as they proudly present an evening of Stand-up Comedy with Matt Devlin & Friends. The event will be complete with a 50/50 Raffle and Raffle Baskets. A full bar and food will be available along with free parking. Please reserve your ticket in advance and arrive early to guarantee a table, seating is available on a first come, first serve basis. This is a 21 and over event. Please check in with our event page for the announcement of the full-line up to be featured.
Harvest Fair
Saturday, November 19th
9a - 3p
All Saints Episcopal Church
44 Park Avenue

The All Saints Parish, Whitman is hosting a Harvest Fair! It will be the perfect destination for thanksgiving and Christmas decorations. There will also be a variety of holiday gifts available that include antiques, collectibles, and jewelry. Ernie's attic will also be featured as well as raffles and crafts. Food will be available including home baked goods and our famous harvest soup.
Fight Climate Change & Live Better by Eating Locally Sourced Foods!
Local Foods Are Fresher and Taste Better:
Fresher is more flavorful and more nutritious than food from farther away & uses less fossil fuels to get to you. Enjoying foods in peak season when they are the most abundant, means they are more affordable. 
Local Foods Help to Preserve Farmland and Green Space: Purchasing locally grown helps maintain and preserve the green space and farmland in our local communities, providing for cleaner air and water. 
Local Foods Support the Local Economy & Community: Buying from local farmers and restaurants keeps your money close to home. This builds the economy in your community. Since food travels through fewer hands, more of your money spent actually gets to those who grew it. Knowing where your food is from unites you to those who grew and raised it. A strong local economy is better for the earth & our health. 
For more about our local foods read: edible Southeastern MA
Our Climate Can-Do Articles from Jacquie focus on life changes that we can make which will help mitigate the environmental changes of our climate emergency. Our goal is to keep the Earth's temperature from rising 1.5 degrees C to lessen the sea rise. There are things we can do.
WMS Community Forum:
New Building Project
Monday, November 7th
Whitman Middle School
100 Corthell Ave

On April 14th 2021, the Board of Directors held a meeting to discuss the best solutions to address the physical and education deficiencies at Whitman Middle School. After a feasibility study was performed, it was determined WMS must undergo a new building project. Community members and parents are welcomed to attend this public forum by The Town of Whitman and the School District to discuss the newly proposed project. Attendees will hear from the architects assigned to the construction and learn more about the building process. Additionally, attendees will also have the opportunity to ask any questions. 

To learn more about the current conditions of the WMS building and what the new building project will address, click here.
1000 Plymouth St (Rt 104) • Bridgewater • (508) 697-0357
Straw, with its light color, reflects light to your plants and helps to keep soil temperature steady… while of course doing the main job of a mulch–conserving moisture.

Decorate for the season, then use to protect your plants!
Come pick some up today!

The Whitman-Hanson Cable Access Team has released the Channel 9 November schedule. You can view daily program schedules for each of our channels here. The October Channel 9 schedule can still be seen until the end of the month.

WHCA’s October Production Tip:
Making Your Own Horror Sound Effects
MassHire Greater Brockton
Let's help our 17- 24 year-olds get a jump start on their job search!

MassHire offers free:
*job coaching
*employment opportunities
*trades training & more

Duval's Pharmacy Inc
Why did the pirate get scurvy?
He didn't take his vitamin sea! 
We've got all the booty you need to avoid scurvy at Duval's Pharmacy.

Open: Mon-Fri: 8:30a - 6p | Sat: 9a - 3p
Sun: 9a - 1p

571 Washington St
Dollars for Scholars is kicking off the holiday season with the 3rd Annual “Decorate for Scholars” in the historic Whitman Park December 9 - 11th
Residents, businesses and community organizations can sponsor a tree for $100 and decorate the tree in a creative and festive manner. The tree sponsors will receive a 5-6 foot tree, lights, a stand, and a sponsorship sign. There are a limited number of trees available. If interested, please contact Michelle LaMattina at or 781-589-3151.
Additionally, there will be a vendor fair indoors at Town Hall and outdoors in the Park on Saturday, December 10, 2 - 8p. Please contact Dollars for Scholars if you are a craft vendor and interested in participating. Food trucks, performers and event sponsors are also needed. For more info, please contact Michelle at or 781-589-3151.
Dollars for Scholars is an all-volunteer nonprofit which raises and awards scholarships to graduating high school seniors from Whitman and Hanson.
2nd Annual Fall Carnival Was a Ton of Fun!

The 2nd Annual Fall Carnival took place at Whitman VFW Post 697 on Saturday, October 15th. It was a fun community event full of delicious food vendors, live entertainment, games, local business vendors and much more. The event included a spotlight on local charity Whitman Hanson Dollars for Scholars and over $2,000 was raised for their senior scholarships. Refined Real Estate & Home Services and Stonegate Mortgage hosted the event and hope to continue this yearly tradition for many years to come. They also want to thank all the volunteers, sponsors, vendors, and donations that made the event possible.

For more photos from the event, click here.

Photo Credit: Al Lacerda Photography

Have fun with us and bee entered to win a
 $10 gift certificate toward a yummy & nutritional smoothie or meal at
603 Centre St, Brockton
Historical Tidbit Question:
What is one way young women believed they could divine the name or appearance of their future husband on Halloween?

Email us your answer at: 

Please include your name, and phone number with your answer.

By entering, you give us permission to print your name in next week's Buzz Around.
On November 2, 2022 before 2p, we will randomly pick a winner from the correct answers.
“To get the full value of joy you must have someone to divide it with.” ~ Mark Twain
“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.” ~Tagore
“One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar.”
~ Helen Keller, The Story of My Life
"Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it."
~ Greg Anderson
“If we can just let go and trust that things will work out the way they're supposed to, without trying to control the outcome, then we can begin to enjoy the moment more fully. The joy of the freedom it brings becomes more pleasurable than the experience itself.” ~ Goldie Hawn
Joy is in the moment. It's not planned. The best we can do is prepare ourselves for the moment by letting it in.
Ahh, to relax, to enjoy....
~ Jacquie
The BuzzAround is brought to you this week by: Jen Bellody, Mohamed (Moe) Ibrahim, Janice O'Brien, Jamie Puhi, Jacquelyn Rose, & Greg Venezia.

Your BuzzAround supports the dignity of all human beings, is actively anti-racist, and supportive of good law enforcement policies. 
Copyright 2022 Buzz Around Whitman. You have our permission to share and copy this issue in its entirety as much as you like. If you take it in part, please give credit. ("Buzz Around Whitman 10/30/22")
Disclaimer: At the Buzz Around, we promote community and family. There are links to town committees and other non-profit groups, in the newsletters. Individual groups are responsible for how they represent themselves on their websites and in their promotional materials. BuzzAround is not responsible for the media content of other organizations.