Link of the Week: A new on-line survey to help identify the unmet needs of LGBTQ+ older adults, age 50+ who live and or work in SF, developed by DAS and funded by the Horizons Foundation and the Bob Ross Foundation. Let’s help by filling out the survey.
Shabbat Services
Friday Night Service: February 5 at 7:30 PM

Led by Cantor Bernstein & Warren Baim. D'rash by Nancy Kates.

Register Here. Meeting ID: 452 290 988.

Shabbat Morning Service: Sat. February 6 at 10 AM

Our morning services are interactive and led by Sha’ar Zahav members Ron Edelman and Alan Gordon.

Join the Zoom Meeting. Meeting ID: 365 434 855 and Passcode: 068575.

To join by phone for either service, dial +1 669 900 9128 or find your local number.
Speaker Highlights: Coming Up!
From Freedom to Christendom: Journey-making with a Black Transgender Elder by Jonathon Thunderword

Monday, February 8
7:00 - 8:00 pm

Jonathon Thunderword, a fellow Sha'ar Zahav member, will share his spiritual autobiography tracing a path from Christianity to Judaism, and well into Eastern traditions. His journey led Jonathon to becoming a believing non-believer, a theistic atheist, and perhaps, a “possibility model” for those who are beginning to seek their own spirituality.

Learn More and Register. Reply to this email and we will waive the $15 fee for Non-members.
What's On the Road Ahead? New Voter Rights Advocacy Initiatives with Andrea Miller

Sunday, March 14
4:00 - 5:15 pm

The election is over, so we are all finished? NO! Voter suppression hasn't ended. Join the Social Action Committee and the John Lewis Voter Engagement Group as we welcome Andrea Miller to speak at Sha'ar Zahav!

Andrea is one of the founding board members of the Center for Common Ground, and the driving force of its Reclaim our Vote Campaign. She will discuss new advocacy initiatives and how we may become involved. This is a unique opportunity to hear from her and ask her questions in an "intimate Zoom setting."

Open to All! Register for Free Here
Maurice Sendak in Queer Jewish Context by Golan Moskowitz, Assistant Professor of Jewish Studies

Monday, March 22
7:00 - 8:00 pm

Golan Moskowitz will share with us the evolution of Maurice Sendak’s artistic vision and its appeal for American, Jewish, and queer audiences. The talk will show how Sendak’s multiple perspectives as a gay, Holocaust-conscious, American-born son of Yiddish-speaking Polish immigrants informed his life and work, changed the face of children’s literature.

Learn More and Register. Reply to this email and we will waive the $15 fee for Non-members.
Caring Corner: Resources for You
Where Will I Live If I Ever Get Old? A Presentation About Rhoda Goldman Plaza in San Francisco

Wednesday, Feb. 10
6:30 - 8:00 pm

Please join The Adult Orphans Friendship Circle as we host a presentation about Rhoda Goldman Plaza in San Francisco. A residence for those of us “chronologically gifted,” this special community of independent, assisted and memory caring residents relish the menu of concierge level services and care.
Candiece Milford, Managing Director of Marketing with 16 years’ experience in this field will be sharing information about the community, how it works and welcomes any and all questions.

Everyone is Welcome! Join the Zoom Meeting
Caring for the Caregivers
Group for Members

5 Monthly Meetings, Starting on Thursday, Feb. 11
7:00 - 9:00 pm

Brought to you by the Hineni Caring Community, and led by a Licensed Clinical Social Worker from the Family Caregiver Alliance, this group is open to members who are caring for older adults or adults with disabilities. There is a participant fee but anyone who needs assistance will be aided. If you have any questions, please contact Rabbi Mychal Copeland.

For Members Only. Fee: $125. Learn More and Register.
Purim 2021: Season of Masks
The holiday of Purim always brings us the joyful opportunity to be lighthearted (and silly), and to celebrate our ability to creatively and cunningly stomp out evil with gifts of food, charity and merriment.
Mishloach Manot: Purim Gift Exchange
For Members Only

The tradition of Mishloach Manot - which literally means "sending of portions" encourages us to share food treats with our family, friends and neighbors.

Sign up to give a gift to a fellow SZ member. We will match you with someone in your area, so you can coordinate a contactless pick-up or delivery. You will be automatically matched to receive a gift too!

Need gift ideas? Homemade or store-bought food treats are popular, and hamantaschen are staples but you can be creative! Fresh fruits, a nice card, a piece of art you make, a silly facemask... anything goes!

Sign Up Here Before Wednesday, February 17.
We are also planning a "Purim Maker Play" session for all ages and open to everyone on Saturday, Feb. 20, and a "Purim Cooking Program" also open to everyone on Sunday, Feb. 21. We are also making face-masks to donate. More details coming soon about these events, as well as our Purim Service and Megillah reading on Thursday, Feb. 25 evening.
New Monthly Group
Remember When...
Starts Wednesday, March 3
6:30 - 8:00 pm

Hitch a ride on the wayback wagon for a trip down memory lane. Let’s reminisce about the 40’s thru the 70’s together! Different topics each month. We will gather on the first Wednesday of every month. Everyone is welcome! Questions? Please email Marv Lehrman.

Join the Zoom Meeting: Zoom link
Social Action
Climate Action Committee Meeting
Monday, February 8
5:00 - 6:30 pm

Zoom with us to get an update on SZ’s solar panels, discuss plans for 2021 and learn about the upcoming federal Farm Bill. New people and new ideas welcome!

Join the Zoom Meeting: Zoom link
Job Opening: Seeking Facilitator for Peer Support Group for Immigrant and Asylum-seeking Adolescents

The Religious Action Center recently awarded SZ a grant from the Gilbert and Eleanor Kraus Initiative for Immigrant and Refugee Justice. We have earmarked part of the grant to hire a Zoom facilitator for a peer-support group for immigrant and asylum-seeking adolescents. Know someone who speaks Spanish and has the right skills?

View the Job Description Here. Share or Apply!
Learning Opportunities
Adult B’Mitzvah Program
Begins Soon on Zoom

Many of us did not become B’Mitzvah as children and feel like it might be time to make that connection. Our Adult B’mitzvah Program (ABP) is a monthly group educational program, which runs for approximately 8 – 12 months. In the ABP you will learn about the history of the ritual and explore what it means to become an adult B’mitzvah. You will have practical classes in giving a D’var Torah, reading/chanting from the Torah, leading services, and learning the prayer service.

There will also be sessions on the who, what, and why of prayer, different perspectives of G-d, everyday spirituality and much more. The process culminates in either an individual or group B’mitzvah on a Saturday morning at Sha’ar Zahav.

Contact the coordinators Mark Pressler and Rabbi Copeland to let us know you are interested or would like to hear more!
Introduction to Hebrew
Thursdays, from February 18 until May 6
7:00 - 8:00 pm

This class is intended for first time Hebrew students, and will begin with the letters and the sounds they make. We'll provide a friendly and supportive learning environment to adult learners with limited time for study. Questions? Email the class instructor Michael Lederman. Scholarships available.

$54 for Members and $126 for Non-members.
Journey to Judaism: A Monthly Discussion Group
From January 25 – June 28
7:00 - 8:30 pm

A place to ask questions and discuss your ideas! This group will explore issues that arise for people who are considering, are in the process of, or have recently completed, converting to Judaism. Those with a Jewish parent (or parents), but raised with little or no Jewish experience are also welcome.

Learn More and Register Before February 28.
Weekly Mussar Group
Tomorrow, Thursday, February 4
7:00 - 8:00 pm

Mussar is a very practical and flexible spiritual discipline to help you balance soul-traits (Middah/Middot) such as Humility, Loving-Kindness, Generosity, and Silence. Drop-ins are always welcome! For more information, contact Mark Pressler.

Join the Zoom Meeting: Zoom link
Weekly Torah Study Group
Wednesday, February 10
8:30 - 9:30 am

Study the weekly Torah portion with Rabbi Copeland and lay leaders. For the first half hour, we’ll talk, learn and share thoughts about the portion. In the second half, we will practice our Hebrew reading skills in a compassionate environment! Join for either or both parts of the study.

Join the Zoom Meeting: Zoom link

Binaries of Jewish Life, A Partnership Between HAMAQOM and Sha'ar Zahav

Last Session: Tuesday, Feb. 9
7:00 - 8:15 pm

Join us for a discussion of binaries of Jewish life and how they impact our experiences as Jews in the United States. The discussions will be led by Meg Adler and will consider three binaries: religious vs. not religious, believe in G-d vs. don’t believe in G-d and Jewish vs. non-Jewish. Each session will involve some study but mostly, a lot of reflection and community learning. Bring your own ideas and be ready to share! Ask Liliana Peliks about scholarships.

Open to All. Learn More and Register.

Upcoming Community Events
Kaddish Memory Circle
Thursday, Feb. 4 and Feb. 18
8:30 - 9:00 am

During this time of immense loss and grief, we are holding regular Kaddish Memory Circles to support each other. Rabbi Mychal Copeland, Ora Prochovnick and Martin Tannenbaum will alternate leading these circles twice a month, starting in February.

Join the Zoom Meeting: Zoom link
Weekly Art Group: Drop-in
Tomorrow, Thursday, February 4
11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Drop in for a joyful hour of free art-making and connection. Everyone is welcome! The group meets every Thursday. For more information, contact Paisha Rochlin, Barbara Cymrot or AJ Turpen Fried.

Join the Zoom Meeting: Zoom link
Meditation Chavurah
Saturday, February 6
10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Everyone is welcome. And you will not regret it! A typical session includes a short and longer silent sit, with chanting, movement, and a short teaching. The group meets on the first and third Saturday of every month.

Join the Zoom Meeting: Zoom link
Yoga Practice
Saturday, February 6
8:45 am - 9:45 am

You are invited to a twice-a-month Shabbat morning exploration of yoga and Judaism that integrates mind, body, and spirit. Stuart Dick and Rabbi Mychal Copeland will alternate leading the first and third Saturday of every month.

Join the Zoom Meeting: Zoom link
Weekday Morning Prayer
Tuesday, February 9
8:30 - 9:00 am

Songs and prayers to set our hearts and minds! This service takes place every Tuesday morning, and is led by community lay leaders and Cantor Bernstein. For more information, contact Cantor Bernstein.

Join the Zoom Meeting: Zoom link

Kaf-Lameds Shabbat Candle-lighting
Friday, February 12
6:00 - 7:00 pm

Kaf-Lameds is Sha'ar Zahav's 20-30s group. They will aim to light candles at 6:11 pm, and will follow with a shabbat meet and greet. "We welcome people coming for the first time and those who have come too many times to count!"

Join the Zoom Meeting: Zoom link
Va'ad (Board) Meeting
Wednesday, February 17
6:30 - 9:30 pm

Va'ad meetings are open to everyone in our member community. We meet the third Wednesday of every month. Join us!

Join the Zoom Meeting: Zoom link
Kids & Families
Baby Havurah
Saturday, February 20
8:45 - 9:45 am

Be a part of this monthly gathering of kids age 0-2 and their families. Connect about parenting thrills and fears, share tips and tricks, laugh and cry together. Email Sue Bojdak to get on the list, but you may also join anytime.

Join the Zoom Meeting: Zoom link
Kids Shabbat Club
With Razi Racoon (Daniel Gill) and Rabbi Copeland
Saturday, February 20
10:00 - 10:45 am

This monthly puppet-led gathering is for kids ages 3-5 & their grown-ups. We are building Jewish community through play while we learn about Shabbat & other holidays. Please contact Sue Bojdak if you would like to join on a regular basis.

Join the Zoom Meeting: Zoom link
February Birthdays
Paul Bodner, Feb. 1
Joan Goldman, Feb. 1
Steve Nacamulli, Feb. 1
Jason Simonoff, Feb. 1
Spencer Fischer, Feb. 2
Zoe Friedman, Feb. 2
Jacob Robinson, Feb. 3
Denise Gordon, Feb. 4
Ami Zusman, Feb. 5
Andrew Fyne, Feb. 6
Erika Katske, Feb. 8
Emily Dorian, Feb. 9
Irene Friedman, Feb. 9
Andrew Berger, Feb. 10
Elias Ross Trupin, Feb. 10
Marion Vera Williamson, Feb. 11
Matthew Rawlings-Fein, Feb. 12
Shahpour Matloob, Feb. 12
Leva Choden, Feb. 13
Avi Goldberg, Feb. 13
Margo Bender, Feb. 13
Nora Spiegel, Feb. 14
Lisa DiGirolamo, Feb. 14
Avraham Giannini, Feb. 14
Beth Ross, Feb. 14
Irene Ogus, Feb. 14
Debra Reabock, Feb. 15
Ema Morales-Diaz, Feb. 15
David Lowe, Feb. 16
Adam Best-Leung, Feb. 18
Nancy Muller, Feb. 18
Reuben Friedman, Feb. 18
Steven Mazer, Feb. 19
Barbara Bergmann, Feb. 20
Hilary Zaid, Feb. 20
Jim Edlin, Feb. 20
Andrew Schwartz, Feb. 21
Kirsten Gustavson, Feb. 21
Susan Tubbesing, Feb. 22
Elizabeth Priest, Feb. 24
Paul Peninger, Feb. 25
Alex Ingersoll, Feb. 25
Ethan Frazin, Feb. 26
Benjamin Rainero-de Haan, Feb. 27
Neil Jacob Rosenbaum, Feb. 27
Julie Dorf, Feb. 28
Steven Gaynes, Feb. 28
Danny Kodmur, Feb. 28

Friday Evening Service
February 5, 7:30 pm 

24 Shevat
Led by Cantor Bernstein and Warren Baim

Saturday, Lay-led Morning Service
February 6, 10:00 am
Meeting ID: 365 434 855
Passcode: 068575

Contact to sponsor a Shabbat
Thank You to Our Grantors
Programs at Sha’ar Zahav are supported by the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund, the Gilbert and Eleanor Kraus Initiative for Immigrant and Refugee Justice of the Religious Action Center, San Francisco Humanities, and the National Center to Encourage Judaism.
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