Dear brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus, part of the growing repentance remnant, cleansing as His Bride, getting ready for His soon return as our Bridegroom-----

We prayed today on our weekly Australia Kneels zoom call for God's Hand, especially for young people to come forward in righteousness, in the South Africa election today. In another corner of Africa, in Malawi, there is already a major move to raise young people in righteousness. Our brother Joesph Kazembe is receiving Wisdom from the Holy Spirit that it's time for a mindset change throughout Africa. He's sharing it with other pastors and their flocks, and especially the youth, in the "Joseph Project." NDR is supporting him.

The old wineskin spirit of religion is dying; the colonial mindset which encouraged begging for funds is dying; submission to the past mixture of religious traditions is dying. Fresh thinking from the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit has birthed a new "Joseph Project" patterned after Joseph, son of Jacob, in his key leadership role in Egypt. Genesis 41:45-57 shows us that Joseph used the Wisdom of the Lord to plan for and provide food in a time of famine.

Joseph named one of his sons Ephraim" For God has caused me to be fruitful in the land of my affliction." (Genesis 41:52). That is now our prayer for every young person in Africa; for each to come OUT of the world, repent and then find OUT her or his life purpose (John 15:16), and then plant fruit of the Holy Spirit, spiritually and in physical plantings, to support the OUT movement, to feed the spiritual and physical hunger of their communities, to bear fruit of the Holy Spirit--love-- worthy of repentance.

Here is a recent series of emails from our brother Joseph Kazembe; I've highlighted some of his comments:

Tue, May 28 at 10:22 PM

My brother 

The.Joseph project is a wonderful l dea from God the places we .went out to cast out the vision people.agree and they are saying this is wonderful project and if Malawians adhere to it we can end hunger and the cry of every year about hunger will vanish.

Maize is staple food for Malawi and maize is locally found and is sold at cheapest price during harvest time like this

The plan is to buy while it is cheap and keep it in strategic places , 

During hunger most people who dies of hunger are old people and children because of shortage of food the youth OUT wanted to be answer during hunger time to help out the old,the orphans and those who are neglected.

1: The plan was to allocate $500 to those areas where maize is locally found mainly in central region so that youth can purchase it and resale to expand their capital to buy more maize 

2: Allocate places in those places to keep maize safe and treat it so that it can stay long time 

3: Monitoring it and transfer the maize at one center in those places 

4: Chose 4 young people in every district to help out the.progress of mobilizing the project and we have to give the allowances for transport.and food when they are out for duty .

5: Joseph project must have Four Farms in all four Regions of Malawi as a learning center .

6: Joseph project must own have one farm near the river or lake to have irrigation system farming 

7: Joseph project needs the better  a van or 4x4 van to transfer maize to transfer maize to strategic places 

8: Training on mindset change must go hand in hand  with this project wherever we Go because this is biblical ldea it can only work well with people who turn to God as their creator 

9: Currently we casted the vision to these places 

1 Ntcheu District 

2: Lilongwe East 

3: Dowa 

4: Kasungu 

5: Ntchisi 

6: Mtchinji and  this weekend we are going to Dedza on 1st June .

Lilongwe East they have already started and if God provides we need these 6 District to be funded $500 each as l indicated on onset of the project 

My if any donor can chose a District among those six remain district so that we can followup.and give report accordingly 

May good Lord bless NDR and all people who agree to Joseph project 

On Tuesday, May 28, 2024, 10:42:42 AM PDT, Joseph Kazembe <> wrote:

Brother Jeffrey.

What l did is to use my car since the public transport l wanted to use cant be able to go to my direction the roads were not good enough and ljust used my car in order not to frustrate those people who were waiting for me and lam stark on my way back home gasoline just finished. I need something like 35-40 to make it home l need help. Thank you for your patience with me

Mon, May 27 at 12:24 AM

This is member of Parliament and in his remarks he thank God for OUT international for taking Nthondo as one of places where the project will start 

And he said the coming of OuT in Ntchisi has done a lot change and influencing young people in the area to see hope and seeing smile of hope on young people as member of Parliament we will help out some things 

[this is the video of the member of Parliament, in his local language: ]

On May 27, 2024, at 9:39 AM, Joseph Kazembe <> wrote:

Tomorrow morning lam leaving for Dowa .since the car needs service l will use public transport lam meeting with key people in Dowa one of Districts where people are blessed with good haverst  

I need about $75 for tomorrow trip to Dowa just casting vision for Dowa District

Mon, May 27 at 12:04 AM

The chiefs speaks in vernacular thanking God for Joseph project in his area and in his remarks he said Joseph project has come to open our eyes to see what we can do  to avert hunger because everyone knows every year villages are affected with hunger but with Joseph project it will help us to keep some food as Joseph did in Egypt

And he appeals to well wishers to help out this vision 

Sun, May 26 at 10:40 PM

The car needs service yesterday when l was coming from Mtchinji l had to stop at two different mechanical garages and they diagnosis it and find out that it requires total service l have used it without Normal service and it requires more attention , with our work we need miracle to use it he is talking about $530 to service it and buy good tyres.

I am praying the hand of God on this old car it helped us to reach more places for Out and Joseph project now , join me in prayer for donation to service the car

On Sunday, May 26, 2024, 12:28:15 PM PDT, Joseph Kazembe <> wrote:

They are rejoicing dancing and the song say those without Christ will not inherit the kingdom of heaven so this is time to turn to Jesus if you want to go to heaven 

[this is the You Tube video of the OUT youth: ]

Sun, May 26 at 12:33 PM

We are matching On Young soldiers of Christ in area 24 where they went out in open field and share the love of God 

Seeing the fruits of our work it is encouraging 

Brother Jeffrey sometimes when l see the youth doing this l wept with joy of the lord thank you people.for making the difference.

Tomorrow wanted to see people in Lilongwe East as follow up on Joseph project  

Sat, May 25 at 11:53 AM

When l first came to join Youth out l had no ldea what the Lord will do for me but now l thank God for youth Out lam a new person without fear now 


Adding to the Joseph Project is this beautiful prayer based on Isaiah 55:

Dear Pastor Joseph,

We are told to come to the Lord, you have. You listen carefully and pay attention and thanks to Jesus Christ, the covenant He made with Abraham is yours. The promises assured to David are yours. The Lord declares, “My thoughts are not your thoughts and your ways are not My ways.” But I believe through your repentance ministry, you are thinking His thoughts and walking in His ways. I pray Godly rains saturate, germinate and grow every seed planted to provide abundant food for the body and soul. “My word that comes from My mouth will not return to Me empty,

but it will accomplish what I please and will prosper in what I send it to do.”

Dear Lord and God Almighty, may the harvest be abundant from the Godly seeds that are sown through the Joseph Project. As You prosper this work, may it make a name for You, Yahweh, with an everlasting sign that will not be destroyed. I ask this for Pastor Joseph’s ministry, Pastor Jeff’s ministry and all the ministries devoted to Jesus Christ. Amen

By this weekend, God willing, seven districts will be presented with the Joseph Project. The goal is to raise $500 each district. Would you please pray to see if the Lord would have you support this change of mindset by seeding into this "Joseph" project?


The purpose of National Day of Repentance is to Awaken the Body of Christ globally through His Gift and His Joy of repentance.

NDR counts on you to support us. Thank you in advance for giving, in the sacrificial spirit of Luke 8:3, and 2 Corinthians chapters 8 and 9. As you give food to the hungry, you stand with the King as one of His sheep. (Matthew 25:35).

God bless you,

Pastor Jeff Daly

National Day of Repentance


The Lord makes it clear: Luke 13:1-5, repent or perish. Here's a NDR video on this key scripture:

Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

2 Corinthians 7:1

National Day of Repentance |