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Joseph, a Foster Father

I don’t know if you have ever thought about it or not, but Joseph brought in and nurtured Jesus knowing that Jesus was the Son of the Most High God. Even knowing this Joseph treated and loved Jesus like He was his own. What a tremendous model of Foster Parenting and Adoption. Maybe God is asking you to consider fostering or adopting a child. Is it easy, of course not. Is it rewarding, very.


Read Rachel Joubert’s words.


       Over three years ago, my understanding of what it means to be adopted into the family of God changed. Before then I did not truly grasp what, it means to be chosen by God. But as we welcomed our future daughters into our home this concept became clear to me. Choosing our adopted daughters has changed my perspective on life. God gave us a life to live. We get to choose Him, but He also chose us. He wanted us. Now, as I go forward, I see that we have so many who are in foster care. Often, kids in the foster system have no concept of real love. I believe that God is calling us to change that. He wants us to reach the kids, the parents, the foster parents – all the people involved in the system. He wants us to show the same love for them that we show for Him. There are so many opportunities and so many needs. If you are interested in learning about ways that you can help within your church, your home, your business, or just in prayer, please contact me at I would love to connect with you and work with you in reaching foster kids and those who impact their lives.


This next year could not be life changing for a child, but it could be life changing for you.


         Merry Christmas to all of you from your district staff and we wish you an incredible New year for the upcoming 2023 year. Thank you for Advancing the Mission of Christ.


The Well

Austin Charlton, Mariha Charlton, Gary Casey, Lindsey Casey, Kevin Carver

Tina Sumner, Samantha Wilson, Caleb Wilson, Mark Staszefski, Jessica Cline

Sheena Dedmon, Lance Patrick, Lisa Pedrick, John Pedrick, Melinda Faminoff

Jason Faminoff, Bethany Faminoff, Sam Petit, Evan Foster, David Jordan

Jocelyn Roberts, Brandi Kepley, Christopher Kepley, Erin DiCiolla Bast Ashley Jones, Andrea Smith, Adam Hilburn, Brennan Henderson, Beth Pickering

Will Pickering, Matthew Waller, Benjamin Torres, Jonna Bolin, Dan Wiser,

Sue Wiser, James Edmonds, Charles Love, Michael Parrish, Shannon Daniels

Meadow Macias, Ginny Long, Gilbert Pavlovsky, Charles Young, Keenon Weaver

Samara Webber, Clayton Streeval, Tonya Wilson, Nedra Blue Chasar

Colton Hovey, Brandy Moore, Jason Moore, Rick Elie, Katie Elie, Kirsten Elie

Easton Elie, Jenny Russell, Isabella Russell, Tabitha Spencer, Chuck Moore

Summer Pinion, Cameron Strahley



Ciera Fegley, Virginia Everson, David Starr, Natalie Starr, Cayden Ratliff

The Well

Sheena Dedmon, Raelynn Revier, Sierra Farr, Mike Parrish, Ethan Foelsch, Charles Young, Evan Foster, Jocelyn Roberts, Shay Zumwalt, Steven Boyer, Jamie Reeder, Emily Goodin, Doug Brewer, Nikkole Morgan, Samantha Trudeau, Kevin Carver, Manon Block, Randy Burton, Sarah Hampton, Garry Burton, Linda Burton, Julie Weaver, Anthony Weaver, Jaycee Burton,Raylee Burton, Nicholas Edelman, Candice Moore, Alissa Moore, Kyleigh Moore, Kayla Moore

Kaylee Scheetz, Savannah Ledgerwood, Grace Sharp, Kinslee Replogle, MaryAnn Hampton, Chevy Hampton, Jonathan Hampton, Johnny Hill, Robert Steffenson, Wesley Moore, Jason Moore, Brandy Moore, Jasmine Bauer

A great getaway for Ministers/Spouses and Missionaries only.

Preston asked me to send this note to you.

“Dear Joplin District Church Family,

I just wanted to say thank you to all of the churches and people who have helped us and supported our family. We greatly appreciate it. It helps us get through the days waiting until we are all together again.”

Our family would also like to express our gratitude for your extreme generosity throughout these past few months. We have often been on the giving end of needs in our churches and communities, but this is quite different. Our little drop in the bucket does not usually seem like much, but now we can truly see how much difference it makes! Thank you for walking with us through this journey. Your prayers, cards, texts, emails, monetary gifts, Facebook posts, visits and other gifts have been a source of encouragement for us. 

We cannot help but think back to July as we stood at District Assembly, soaking in blessings from God through community and the praise team, storing up for the road ahead. We can testify He is gracious, and His face is turned toward us. We have His favor, and our family, and our children and our children’s children. His presence goes before us, behind us, beside us, all around us. HE IS FOR US!

In August, when we requested prayer for Preston as he was rushed to Mercy Children’s Hospital in Kansas City, even before he arrived, the whispers of “miracle” were on the lips of the medical professionals. “It’s a miracle he didn’t die at practice!” “It’s a miracle he is even alive!” And the next day, “It’s a miracle he is sitting there saying, ‘I got a burger and a shake! I’m livin’ the life!’” We are firsthand witnesses that God is still in the miracle business!

The professionals are constantly amazed at the progress Preston has made and we often get to point to God as the source. The doctors describe his condition as not cured but trading one serious disease for a lesser one. He will require life-long medication to aid in not rejecting his new heart and he will eventually need another transplant.

We are reminded of the story in Acts 3, of Peter and John passing by the beggar at the Temple gate. “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” (Acts3:6 NIV) And as the children’s song goes, “He went walking and leaping and praising God!” Preston is running now, only 11 weeks out of surgery! His new life is a testament to God’s glory and mercy in our lives and we praise God!

We realize that we are not the only family on our district with serious health problems. Sometimes the dramatic and immediate, the urgent prayer requests prompt us to spring into action, as they should. We are The Church, and we are followers of The Nazarene! But there are other families right here on our district who also have serious health concerns for their children or themselves. Wouldn’t it be like Jesus to keep on giving? What if we could somehow consistently give (as we do in many other ways) to help those needs, even before someone might be experiencing a hardship, or pray those prayers, anticipating the struggles that are approaching some? What if we could take the worry out of monetary needs so they could focus on the physical and spiritual needs of their family as you have done for us? 

The Curious George theme song begins, “You never do know what’s around the bend - A big adventure or a brand-new friend.” For us, both are true. We doubt this is a bend we willingly would have turned toward, but that’s why God created one-way roads and narrow lanes. As we continue our big adventure, we are truly blessed to have you as our brand-new friends! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


P.S. Preston should be able to go home from Kansas City around December 16th!


Tim, Penny, Andy, Preston, Xavier and Jaimee Hardyman


Joplin District Nazarene Office
Carthage, MO 64836