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In Blackaby’s book on Spiritual Leadership he says the Spiritual Leaders task is:

1.   To move people from where they are to where God wants them to be.

2.   To depend on the Holy Spirit.

3.   To understand they are accountable to God.

4.   To influence all people, not just God’s people.

5.   To work from God’s agenda.


“The key to spiritual leadership, then, is for spiritual leaders to understand God’s will for them and for their organizations. Leaders then move people away from their own agenda and on to God’s.”


Strong spiritual leaders are leaders who pray. They understand unless the Holy Spirit anoints and leads, their efforts are futile. These leaders realize they can not do ‘Church’ without His presence. These leaders spend time in prayer and fasting seeking the Holy spirit’s guidance. They understand that to do anything without Him is detrimental to the ultimate purpose of God’s will being accomplished.

We need Spiritual Leaders in our churches to have their own personal spiritual renewal and review, to make sure they are in a place where they are willing to be used and have submitted their own personal will to the Father’s will.


May God give us leaders who know they can’t do much without the Anointing. May their hearts find their ‘rest’ in Him and Him only.


“Father, grant us leaders who lead those around them into the divine presence of a living God. May we all be the leader You want as we learn to follow the Master.

In the name of the Servant Leader” we pray, Amen and Amen.

This is an article written by District Superintendent Phil Rhoades for Remnant Magazine


Resistance isn't all that bad. Resistance allow s planes to fly. Resistance allow s boats to float. Resistance could be worth it.


In Mark 4:35, Jesus has been preaching parables to a huge crowd by the lake. It's now evening  and He says to His followers, "Let's go over to the other side," leaving the adoring crowd behind.


Can you imagine the push back from the Disciples? "But Jesus, things are going so well here. Finances are up! Numbers are up! The local affiliates have picked up the story, and the Twitter account is going crazy!" (Oops, got a little carried away.)

The Disciples are probably thinking: We've got it made over here, and Jesus wants to mess it all up and go to the other side. Doesn't He know who lives over there?! Besides, if we leave now, a storm could come up, and then we would really be in trouble! So, let's go back and ask Him again about just staying here because everything is under control, and our plans are all laid out.


Jesus didn't waiver in His decision. Not thrilled with this prospect, they leave everything that was going so well to walk into the unknown, just because Jesus wanted to go to the other side for some reason.


So, everyone loads up, and the conversations on the boat are about the success of the ministry, the miracles, the bountiful supplies and food, even about the recent ballgame and who should have won if the guy wouldn't have broken his ankle sliding into 2nd. (After all, the bases were probably made of stone in those days.)


They get a portion of the way across the lake, and their worst fears are realized. I can only imagine the panic that ensued as those fierce waves crashed over the boat. As the Disciples start freaking out, Jesus remains sound asleep. How can anyone sleep when there is such resistance against the boat? As they finally rouse Him, Jesus speaks with an unmistakable authority: "Hush, be still!" Immediately, the storm calms to peace, and He essentially asks, "What was your issue?" The Disciples must have been thinking: I'll tell you our issue! We left the comfort and safety of the shore to go to the other side, and personally, I think you're crazy.


As if that experience wasn't enough, when the Disciples finally pull up to shore and begin to dock the boat, a madman starts running toward them with broken chains hanging from his naked body and begins shrieking at everyone. Possibly just as shocking, he calls out to Jesus by name and title. The Disciples must have been both scared and amazed.


How did the demons know Him? Do you suppose it was because Jesus Himself had created all those angels before the Fall? They knew Him because He had created them. Then Christ miraculously frees the man from "Legion," and for the first time in his life, he is truly free.


How many times in our lives have we failed to take authority over the enemy and his demons? How many times have we let the enemy have his way? What has kept us from taking authority over the enemy? What are we afraid of?


In The Bondage Breaker, Neil T. Anderson reminds us that we have authority in Christ to stand against the evil one. We don't have to cower or back down. Paul reminds us that we are more than conquerors through Christ. Jesus Himself says multiple times throughout Scripture not to be afraid.


So, let's start behaving and acting like we are the champions in this battle. let's stand in the authority of Christ!

Let's take back churches, marriages, lives, hopes, and dreams that the enemy has stolen from us. We have allowed Satan to become a squatter on territory that is not his. It's time to take back from the enemy what is ours from the Lord. In the name and authority of Christ, let's live in total 'Glorious Freedom,' as the song says!


Getting back to our story, then Jesus calmly hugs the guy, and they end up at the local QuikTrip having a Dr. Pepper together. Well, more or less... you get the idea... the guy was grateful and really wanted to hang out. Christ told him to go to his hometown and tell everyone what He did for him. And what a testimony that man had at church the next Sabbath! Can you believe it? All this happened just because Jesus went to the other side, despite the resistance.


Maybe you are comfortable staying where you are. Maybe Jesus is asking you to "go to the other side." I'm guessing what you're really afraid of is the resistance on the way to the other side, isn't it?


How many times have you missed the incredible things God has for you because you were afraid of the resistance, and you stayed where it was comfortable?

How many times did you miss what God wanted to do in and through you because you were worried about what others would think or say? How many times have you chosen comfort or security over obedience?

When will you surrender your own hopes and dreams and go to the other side? Don't you think that God is capable enough to take care of you and bring you fulfillment on the other side?


Will there be resistance? Of course! To reach the summit of a mountain, you have to overcome the narrow passes, sheer cliffs, and little oxygen. But when you reach that elusive summit, the breath-taking view combined with the feeling of victory is so sweet!

Remember, the plane can only fly and the boat can only float if they are met with resistance. Come on,

Christians, take courage! Let's go to the other side!


Joplin Traders

Stephannie Erie

Pleasanton Nazarene Church

Danny Konitzer


Sylvia Keith

Springfield One Life

Daniel Bush, Valerie Bush, Eric Stephens, and Mary Yearwood

The Well

Deanna Gunnels, Ron Gunnels, Clarence Stephensen, Jodi Gold, Janelle Reed, Jimmy Atteberry Jr, Tyler Rusk, Ethan Foelsch, Thomas Pierce, Phillip Ray, Shannon Ray, Tony Scheetz, Amanda Scheetz, Ethan Scheetz, Cameron Strahley, Momma Devoto, Jeremy Devotion, Keely Devoto, Makayla Whittington, Jason Whittington, Heather Day, Sabrina Clair, Dani Galbraith, Bryon Galbraith, Scott Cruise, Amy Cruise


Fort Scott Nazarene Church

Jason Chrisenberry, Jessica Lynn Ballou, Clint Benjamin, Angela Benjamin, Korynn Grace Lamb, Ellee Faith, Leah Madison Willett, Adlee Grace Dorsey

Joplin First Church

Sophia Chunn, Trish Ledoux


Jaxon Claypool, Declan Claypool, Natalee Grantom


Tara Nichols, Sophie Carpenter

Springfield One Life

Katie Budd, Luke Schmitz

Webb City Nazarene Church

Katie Mosher

The Well

Kimberly Johnisee, Jessica McClanahan, Tyler Rusk, Clarence Stephensen, Stephanie Erway, Ayla Moreno, Jayden Morton, Joe Sawyer, Alex Masters, Sawyer Smith, Samantha Childress, Samantha Trudeau, Travis Seek, Mike Miller, Kirsten Elie, Josie Carter

A great getaway for Ministers/Spouses and Missionaries only.

Remember our Early Bird Discount and let your singles know to register before the end of February. 

We have more exciting news about Midwest Christian Singles Retreat.. In past years, attendees at retreat wanted opportunity to ask questions about challenges they face in life. We are planning a session with 4 panelists plus Kris Swiatocho and I to answer questions. We have confirmed all our panelist for this new session.  Check out the new "Panel Discussion" page.

Our Panel: 

Susan Dillow (Grief: Loss Dreams)

Panel Discussion

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. —John 10:10

Mike Bagwell  (Dealing with Substance and Alcohol Addictions)

Cody Swearengin  (Personal Responsibility in Effective Communication)

Benita Alexander  (Health Care/Care Giving)

Joplin District Nazarene Office
Carthage, MO 64836