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Living out our faith is absolutely crucial. We have our 16 Articles of Faith then we have our Covenant of Christian Conduct… in other words, how do we apply what we believe to who we are? Here are some reminders of the major topics most often discussed:

We are to control our entertainment and media so that if Jesus sat

          down with us, He wouldn’t get up and walk away.

  • We believe gambling is addictive and inevitably can destroy homes.
  • We believe that drugs, alcohol, and other substances can be

          addictive and destructive. Thus we stand with those who are choosing              to move away from these chemicals and we support them by joining                  them in staying away from them.

  • We believe in the Sanctity of human life and we believe God can bring healing to those who have made choices they now regret.
  • We believe in the institution of marriage.

          That sexual intercourse before marriage is unbiblical.

          That sex between two people of the same gender is unbiblical.

          That marriage was created for one man and one woman.

          That grace can forgive and restore broken lives and marriages.

          That there are second chances for those who are repentant.

  • We believe in storehouse tithing.

          Every person should give of their income the first 10% or first

          fruits back to the local church.

  • We believe our Pastors, Church leaders, and members should fall in

     line with these and other guidelines as a model of following Christ.

We believe all of this is possible because of the empowering work of

the Holy Spirit. When He is allowed to have full control of our will, we

can by His infilling and anointed work in our lives, stand against the

power of sin. The Holy Spirit can give each of us the power to live

above the power and influence of the sin nature. We are no longer

controlled by the things of the world, but the controlling factor of our lives

now becomes the Holy Spirit. Not, the selfish and carnal controlling spirit

of sin, but the delightful and joyful Spirit of the living Christ. “I no longer

live, but Christ lives in me”.

I am so thankful for the doctrine of our Church. We should raise her

banner high! She gave my family hope, love, safety, nurture, friendships

and a plan for me to follow His call. You have gathered by now, I love

my Church. Truly, I am thrilled to be a Christian who has found a home

in a group of believers called the Church of the Nazarene.



Dawn McClelland

Goodhope Church of the Nazarene

Kelly Jenkins, Shelly Rogers, Samantha Rogers, Rahcel Schmacht

Goodman Banner

Richard DeMent (Transfer), Marie DeMent (Transfer)


Steve and Joyce Chunn


Kevin Warkentin, Dathan Austin, Mark Young, Asa Venable, Janea Burris, Jasmine Moore, Danielle Miller, Connor Endicott, Donovan Endicott, Cassidy Endicott, Kaitlyn Guess, Krista Guess, Jacob Guess, Ann Milliron, Marlisha Wey, Greg Henderson, Penny Henderson, Lori Shepard, Holly Rivera, Rick Thomason, Joyce Thomason, Michael Gamble, Tami Crossland


Logan South, Ashlynne South


Fort Scott Church of the Nazarene

Tara M Gonzales, Reed Wilson Blubaugh, Jacob Ryan Adams, Wyatt Landon Avery, Trevor Clinton Avery, Casandra Jenel Avery, Tina Urialene Brown, Patricia Lea Peterson

Lebanon Freedom

Linda Rippey, Sharon Shover, Kamryn Luthy, Emma Richards


Jonah Yarnell, Lydia Yarnell, Tyber Houska, Ryleigh Postel, Nora Postel, Tyler Wheeler

Monett Nazarene Church

Rebecca Moore, Kaysen Moore, Michael Gamble, Danielle Miller, Jasmine Moore, Autumn Reed

A great getaway for Ministers/Spouses and Missionaries. A great idea for Pastor Appreciation Month. 

Joplin District Nazarene Office
Carthage, MO 64836