A regional resource for Cape & Islands climate activists
October 3, 2020
3 October 2020
Dear Reader,
In our most recent Climate Action Alert, we discussed the Multi-Purpose Machine Gun Range project proposed by Joint Base Cape Cod, which has been alarming Cape Cod citizens, elected officials, environmentalists, and activists alike. Please read below for more opinion, additional information, and immediate opportunities for action.
Fran Schofield, Editor
Susan Starkey, Reporter
My View
Joint Base Cape Cod's Multi-Purpose Machine Gun Range review process is fatally flawed
By Richard F. Delaney, President
Cape Cod Climate Change Collaborative
October 2, 2020
Last month, the Cape Cod Climate Change Collaborative submitted comments to the Massachusetts Army National
Guard regarding the Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for the proposed multi-
purpose machine gun range on the Upper Cape Water Supply Reserve at Camp Edwards.
The Climate Collaborative is a coalition of organizations, businesses and citizens committed to mitigating climate change impacts, protecting natural carbon sequestration, and working to achieve net zero carbon emission goals for the Cape & Islands. It is from this perspective of climate responsibility that the Climate Collaborative determined the project’s EA and FONSI to be fatally deficient.
The Climate Collaborative believes the proposed range will have significant climate change impacts, which were ignored in the initial review. These impacts must be identified, quantified and thoroughly analyzed, with public input, through the more rigorous review of an Environmental Impact Statement, in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act. The EA lacks the cumulative impacts analysis, robust alternatives analysis and mitigation assessment required under an EIS. And, the EA failed to adequately involve the public in the process, ignoring the environmental history of pollution at Camp Edwards where remediation is ongoing.
Of greatest concern, the EA failed to account for or quantify the impacts from the loss of carbon sequestration in clear-cutting 170 acres of forest. The Climate Collaborative is categorically opposed to forest destruction for any reason and has issued a formal position statement opposing tree cutting, even to accommodate solar arrays. This position is based on studies examining forests’ ability to capture and store the carbon pollutants that drive climate change. Research on carbon sequestration indicates mature forests, such as those on Camp Edwards, can potentially sequester between 1 and 1.6 metric tons per acre per year.
The National Guard purports to go through the motions of considering climate change in its assessment, but the outcome fails to reflect NEPA's purposes. NEPA’s decision-making requirements are clear: An EA must consider direct, indirect and cumulative environmental impacts of a proposed action to determine whether the comprehensive environmental assessment contained in an EIS is required.
Forestdale Elementary School Principal Chris Dintino and school children
Will a Multi-Purpose Machine Gun Range impact these children?
Give us a moment... YES!
In addition to devastating impacts to our environment, sole-source water supply and climate mitigation efforts caused by the Proposed Multi-Purpose Machine Gun Range (MPMG), school children in nearby schools will hear and be adversely impacted by machine gun fire noise on a routine basis.
Local environmental and civic activist Jamie Kinney summarizes impacts on Forestdale Elementary School and the region: “Camp Edwards/Otis Air Base (now Joint Base Cape Cod) has caused large-scale damage to the people and environment of the Upper Cape during its 90+ years of military base activity. This damage should be satisfactorily addressed before any new construction projects are even considered. Clear-cutting forest, ripping up ground-covering vegetation, destroying wildlife habitat, further polluting soil, ground- and surface-waters on JBCC is exactly the opposite of what needs to be done to address the climate crisis, save wildlife species, improve public health, and preserve our sole-source drinking water aquifer."
There's still (limited) time and (urgent) need to stop JBCC's wholly misguided and unvetted machine gun range project
The machine gun range being proposed for Camp Edwards would be built over the Sagamore Lens, the main source of drinking water for the four towns on the Upper Cape as well as Barnstable and Yarmouth, and largest in the Cape Cod aquifer.
But, before the gun range project can move forward, it must secure approval of a state panel -- the Environmental Management Commission (EMC) -- an entity within the Commonwealth's Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs established to protect this region's water supply and wildlife, and the only commission with current authority to stop this disastrous project.
This week, citizens and organizations still have time and opportunity to urge the EMC to reject the proposed gun range project. You may do this by: attending EMC's public (Zoom) meeting on October 8, emailing EMC Director Leonard Pinaud, writing letters to the editor, educating yourself, and taking any or all of the actions below to avert the calamitous environmental, health, drinking water, and climate impacts of this project.
Act Now
Join the Environmental Management Commission (EMC) meeting on October 8, 2020, from 5:30-7:30 PM. The public may participate in the meeting on a laptop, tablet or smartphone by going to zoom.us, clicking “Join A Meeting” and entering the meeting ID: 879 8795 8775, Passcode: 871149, or by calling 312-626-6799 or 929-436-2866 and entering the meeting ID: 87987958775#. For more information, contact Leonard Pinaud, EMC Environmental Officer at 339-202-9487.
Email EMC Director Leonard Pinaud using this Sample letter.
Write a Letter to the Editor of the Cape Cod Times and your local/town newspaper to urge the EMC's Citizens Advisory and Science Advisory Councils to recommend EMC rejection of the Joint Base proposal.
If you live in Sandwich, Mashpee or Bourne, call your Select Board members to learn how they are approaching this issue. (See this Cape Cod Times article for insight into Falmouth's Select Board response.)
Do a deep dive into the issue by visiting our comprehensive resource document HERE
Email starkey.susan@gmail.com if you'd like to be added to the JBCC Machine Gun Range Activist List and be kept apprised of further, urgent actions.
Cape Cod Commission extends invitation to community stakeholders to contribute to regional Climate Action Plan
Are you an organizational representative or concerned citizen interested in planning for climate change in our region? The Cape Cod Commission's Climate Initiative is soliciting participation by individuals or organizational representatives to to join this effort. All interested parties are encouraged to participate!
Act Now
If you are an individual stakeholder who'd like to submit a stakeholder interest form, click here.
If you represent an organization and would like to submit a letter of interest, click here.
Last chance to help pass climate legislation in the Commonwealth
The fate of pending climate legislation in the Commonwealth will be decided in October 2020 and it's time for one more big push by concerned citizens to ensure swift passage of effective and comprehensive climate legislation this fall.
Act Now
Contact your state representatives and senators and urge them, as your elected officials, to contact the joint House and Senate climate conference committee request ing effective combination of major climate bills passed by each chamber (H.4933 and S.2500).
Read this Call To Action by 350 MA, edit the sample letter, and send to your state rep and senator during the first week of October. Urging your elected officials to contact members of the joint committee on your, their constituents, behalf.
Massachusetts Legislative Resources
The Cape Cod Climate Change Collaborative is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to reach carbon neutrality—or net zero—on Cape Cod and the Islands of Massachusetts by enhancing communication, collaboration, and activism among organizations, programs, and individuals committed to mitigating the climate crisis. We depend upon the generosity of our stakeholders to conduct our work.
All donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.
The Climate Action Alerts newsletter is written and produced by Fran Schofield,
Please share this action alert with your friends and suggest they subscribe here.