Act NOW to preserve the Endangered Species Act
Comment Period ends MONDAY, Sept. 24!
The ESA has been instrumental in recovering iconic birds such as the Bald Eagle. Photo by Will Stuart

The Endangered Species Act (ESA) is under attack--most notably from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and Congress. Changes proposed to the ESA by USFWS threaten to undermine its effective management policies, and would have harmful--and possibly irreversible --consequences for at-risk birds and other wildlife. The comment period to speak out against these proposals ends this Monday, September 24 at midnight.
National Audubon has made it easy to submit your comments. Please join with Elisha Mitchell Audubon and tell USFWS: Don't Weaken the Endangered Species Act. It's easy - just click here ! If you can change the language and add your own words, that's all the better!

Unfortunately, the ESA is facing threats from all over Washington--so please take an extra moment to sign letters to your elected representatives in Congress as well. Click  here to urge Congress to oppose weakening this landmark law.

Passed in 1973 with broad bipartisan support, the ESA continues to garner the overwhelming backing of Americans. In fact, polls show that 90 percent of voters support it.  The ESA has a proven track record of success, preventing 99 percent of species under its care from going extinct. This landmark law protects our most vulnerable birds and other wildlife.  

National Audubon and Audubon North Carolina are working hard to protect endangered species--including speaking up against attacks on the ESA. The Elisha Mitchell Audubon Society is doing its part, too.
Last month, EMAS President Tom Tribble and fellow Board member Nancy Casey met with the western North Carolina field representative for Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) to talk about the current assault on the Endangered Species Act. The meeting was encouraging and productive. The representative was very receptive and promised to relay our concern to the Senator's staff in Washington.
Now, EMAS is asking you to take steps to ensure that the incredible successes of the Endangered Species Act continue long into the future.  It's up to us to speak up for the birds we love. Once a species goes extinct, there is no second chance.

Please act now and sign these letters to USFWS and to your elected representatives in Congress.


Nancy Casey, Jamie Harrelson, Mark McNeill, and Steve Yurkovich

Beloved species such as the Brown Pelican would likely now be extinct if not for the Endangered Species Act. Please show your support for the ESA today. Photo by Will Stuart

Elisha Mitchell Audubon Society

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