
Campus-Community Connections | A Publication of ITGA


Thursday, January 20, 2022

ITGA News & Announcements

ITGA Request for Proposals

The ITGA is seeking innovative and collaborative proposals on topics that provide insight on the continuously evolving relationships impacted through a variety of challenges faced by students, community members and other stakeholders. Click here to view the call for proposals and submit your ideas to present today!

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The ITGA 2022 Conference Registration is Open!

Network with colleagues in Clemson.


Small Towns Small Colleges Affinity Group

Join us Thursday, Jan. 20, 3:00 EST.


National & International Headlines

Living in One Neighborhood (LION) Program Podcast

Two guests join to talk about the Living in One Neighborhood (LION) program between Pennsylvania State University and State College, PA. This is part of a series with ELGL and ITGA exploring how town-gown communities have worked together to address COVID.

Link to Full Article


Students' COVID Art Becomes Outreach Tool to Kampala Slums

In Kampala slums, very few wear masks. The argument is that you cannot worry about COVID when you are starving. But a student's initiative, through art, is encouraging dwellers in the East African city to safeguard against the fourth wave.

Link to Full Article


Post-Pandemic Student Housing Research: Opportunity to Contribute

The main aim of the project is to understand how the student housing sector has changed since the pandemic (post-2019) and to identify emerging good practice and opportunities. The focus is on Purpose Built Student Accommodation & Shared housing.

Link to Full Article


Four Steps to a Successful City-University Partnership

The city of Austin, Texas, and the University of Texas at Austin have established a working relationship that will advance community outcomes for Austin residents. What follows details how the relationship began and what processes were put into place to facilitate collaboration.

Link to Full Article

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2022 National Meeting Call for Proposals Now Open!

The Higher Education Center is seeking proposals for the National Meeting on August 1-4. This year's conference will focus on developing a foundation in components critical to the work you do on campus. View the call for proposals and submit your proposal today!

Link to Full Article


International Town & Gown Association

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