Worship is an important part of our life together as a church. We seek always to worship in spirit and in truth. Good worship helps us connect with God and pushes us to love our neighbor. The flavor of our worship experiences is a significant part of how guests see us.
We in leadership constantly try to grow in how we worship and create meaningful experiences for others. You can help with this learning process. Over the next two weeks, we are asking for your feedback.
Below, you will find a link for a Worship Feedback Survey. This short online survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete. It asks you to reflect on the past eight months and provide feedback on what you would like to see in the next six months. A few paper copies will also be available on Sunday mornings for those without internet access.
Accountability is part of how we grow as disciples. Please spend a few minutes to help us grow as a worshiping community.
Worship feedback survey: https://forms.gle/z5LoGMdPeboGYH1cA
On a different note, the Board met last Wednesday night. One item on the agenda was our Wedding Policy. The conversation about whether to change it or not is ongoing. The Board tabled the discussion until next month. At that time the emphasis will be on why we should or shouldn’t take action. While only elected Board members have a vote, meetings and comment are open to everyone. The next meeting will be September 18 at 6:30pm.