Join us September 19 - 6:30 p.m.

for our next NTN live event!

To register click here

“Ideas Have Consequences.” In 2024 these words ring as true as they did when Richard Weaver penned his famous book with this title just after WWII. 

On September 19th, come hear economist, New Trier High School graduate, and current and former Donald Trump economic advisor Stephen Moore discuss what’s at stake in November’s election. Pastor Corey Brooks of Project HOOD on Chicago's South Side will join Steve to discuss education, energy, economic policy and more, and how policy decisions after the elections will play out for Americans across the demographic spectrum. 

Register for the live event here. Space is limited! 

Net proceeds from this event will support deserving students from Woodlawn's Project HOOD who are going on to post-secondary education. We will make two grants on September 19th in our second year of issuing the GameChangers New Trier Neighbors grants -- plus we'll share updates on past grant recipients. 

Register today!!!

New Trier says this year it

will focus on teaching kids how to think,

not what to think

At the August 19 New Trier Board of Education meeting, the administration highlighted its Critical Thinking & Civil Discourse statement as its guiding document. We applauded this statement in 2020 when they first adopted it in advance of the 2020 election and we do so again.

Also mentioned "in all but rare cases, the superintendent will not issue public statements on news events." We applaud this as well.

Also noted -- to big applause -- was the absence of the word "equity" in the board minutes, likely due to the retirement of lead New Trier equity liaison Pat Savage Williams, a long-time player in the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) consulting world.

This shift away from the politicized notion of "equity" and towards civil discourse and critical thinking is welcome. Major companies continue to dismantle their DEI departments and, in particular, ditch the term "equity" because it is toxic and anti-meritocratic.

As actions speak louder than words, we'll keep watch on New Trier -- especially to see if they hire outside DEI consultants like Ms. Savage Williams and Corrie Wallace, who suggested this offensive racist "prayer" for Jewish teachers. But our sincere hope is that the administrators and school board will implement their plans above to the benefit of students.

~ August 26, 2024 ~

New Trier Neighbors |