Will you join Sen. Katrina Jackson and myself for an important phone call next week on the Love Life Amendment?

Love Life Amendment Call to Action
Tuesday, April 7 at 7 PM

We are only seven months away from the vote on the Love Life Amendment. While we are quarantined at home, let's talk on the phone to get ready. RSVP now and please let others know!
For a Pro-Life Louisiana,
Benjamin Clapper

P.S. Parents & students, our virtual PULSE starts this Saturday! It is a great way for students to get active while at home.
Abortion Numbers Up Slightly in Louisiana from 2018 to 2019, But Down 20% from 2014
There were 8,144 abortions in Louisiana in 2019, according to preliminary figures provided recently to Louisiana Right to Life by the Louisiana Department of Health. This is less than a 1 percent increase (47) in the number of abortions from 2018, when 8,097 abortions were reported. Despite the slight increase in the numbers from 2018 to 2019, abortion numbers are 20 percent lower than they were in 2014, when 10,211 abortions were done in Louisiana.

Despite State Order to Stop, Shreveport Abortion Facility Still Performing Abortions
Hope Medical Group for Women, the state's largest abortion business, continues performing abortions in open defiance of a state order to suspend all elective medical procedures and surgeries. On Sunday, Attorney General Jeff Landry issued a statement calling out the facility for ignoring the order and jeopardizing public safety.

The first two days of our Preaux Life Virtual Mission week are complete. We will continue posting educational videos through Friday, and we are grateful for those of you who are tuning in to learn more about abortion and the pro-life movement.
COVID-19 has forced cancellation of one PULSE Weekend Immersion and several school and youth group visits, so Louisiana Right to Life's youth programs team is coming to you! For the next three Saturdays, sessions of PULSE Weekend Immersion will be held online.
DATE CHANGE: Bowties for Babies: A Southern Style Soiree Benefiting Life, will now be held on Wednesday, May 20, and we will be honoring Louisiana Solicitor General Liz Murrill with the 2020 Leadership for Life Award. The event will take place at the Capitol Park Museum in downtown Baton Rouge. Will you join us at this fun event benefiting the Advertise for Life project? There will be music, food, a silent auction, and more!
This year's PULSE Leadership Institute, an exciting week for high school and college students to dive into the pro-life cause, is scheduled for June 8-12 at the Timothy Retreat Center in Baker, outside of Baton Rouge. PLI features indepth sessions in things such as adoption, euthanasia and physician assisted suicide, human trafficking, and more. It includes hands-on activism, field trips, social activities, and much more.
Upcoming Events
Through April 3

April 4, 11, 18, 19

April 7
April 21 - TBD
Pro-Life Day at the Capitol

May 20

June 8-12

Please keep an eye on our website and Facebook page for changes and additions to our event calendar.
1.866.463.5433 @LARightToLife