In order to better connect with all the diverse communities in Hays and Caldwell Counties, HCWC is proud to announce we will be hosting an engaging series called Breaking the Silence in the Black Community, hosted by HCWC Sexual Assault Community Counselor, Jonnie Wilson.

This series will seek to engage with the black community to seek input and perspective and to discuss the dynamics of violence and abuse, and the services HCWC provides.
Meeting with Faith Leaders in the Black Community
Friday, January 15, 2021 

We are inviting faith leaders in the black community to join us Friday, January 15th at 2 pm via Zoom to discuss the services provided by the Hays-Caldwell Women's Center and NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Health.

Zoom Link: Click Here
Passcode: 350216
Breaking the Silence - A Conversation with Black Men
Monday, February 1st

Too often, conversations around dating/domestic violence and sexual assault are silenced. When they are spoken about, the conversations often are dominated by women. In order to address this, we have decided to create a panel discussion hosted by Curtis Clay where men can discuss their roles in this conversation and ways we should all be part of breaking the silence. This conversation will be pre-recorded and will be available on February 1st at 6 pm to mark the beginning of both Black History Month and Dating Violence Awareness Month.

We will be publishing the video on our Facebook and Youtube pages so make sure to check those pages on February 1st!

Dr. Harlan Ballard
Dr. Raphael Travis
John Bonner
Deacon Alex Banbury
The Myth of the Strong Black Woman – A Discussion Series on the Mental Health of Black Women
Friday, February 19th at 5pm
Friday, March 19th at 5pm
Friday, April 16th at 5pm

Join us each third Friday in February, March, and April as we discuss the historical background and cultural construct of the strong Black Woman, the attitudes and beliefs of black women and mental health, and examples of self-care strategies to manage stress and promote personal growth. The panel will also cover the historical objectification of Black women and how this objectification leads to sexual trauma and justification of sexual assault in US and silence in many Black communities.

Pastor Jonafa Banbury
Dr. Queverra Moten
Dr. Delia Gillis
Ms. Latonya Henry
Kiara Nicholson
Ms. Jonnie Wilson.

Zoom Link: Click Here
Passcode: HCWC
For more information on any of these events or our Breaking the Silence Series, please feel free to email us at