May 8, 2024

Major Protest on 5/17

at ESI Headquarters

Date: Friday, May 17, 2024

Time: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM CDT

Location: the public sidewalk in front of Express Scripts' corporate HQ

Address: 1 Express Way, St. Louis, MO 63121

Registration Required: Sign Up Now

Healthcare providers, patient advocates, members of the public and others from around the country will gather in St. Louis on May 17 for a peaceful protest outside Express Scripts’ (ESI) corporate headquarters. In addition to an organized protest, the event will feature a brief slate of speakers addressing specific ESI practices that interfere in patient care, harm pharmacies and drive up costs to end payers.

The protest is jointly sponored by PUTT and Unite for Safe Medications, a non-profit group that works to protect patient access to quality patient care at non-corporate pharmacies.

This is an important opportunity to make your voice heard at ESI's own doorstep in a powerful demonstration that unites multiple stakeholder groups to draw attention to PBMs' abusive, self-serving practices. The greater the number of voices in St. Louis, the more impact it will have and the more media attention it will draw.

Resources for Attendees

Official Protest Website

Attendee Guide & Map

Protest Fact Sheet

Protest Press Release

We understand that not everyone who supports the PBM fight is able to attend. If you can't make it to St. Louis, please post a photo or video on social media expressing your opposition to ESI's abusive practices, using one of these hashtags:  





Submit a Healthcare Competition Complaint About PBM Abuses

The U.S. Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission are soliciting complaints about anti-competitive practices in the healthcare industry. The DOJ has set up a complaint portal on its website at

This portal is intended to be used only to submit complaints about healthcare competition. Please do not submit complaints about failure to pay claims or covered healthcare services, increases in individual insurers’ rates, billing disputes, or general unhappiness about the healthcare system.

Tips for Filing a Complaint

  • Please be professional and factual in all comments.
  • Unfocused criticism of PBMs is not helpful; please submit specific details of your interactions with PBMs that illustrate anti-competitive practices: a pattern of underwater reimbursements, exclusions from networks, patient steering, requiring credentials or certifications beyond government standards, restrictions on mailing or delivering prescriptions, restricted access to specialty drugs, mandatory mail-order, etc.
  • There is no way to attach documents, images or other material to your submission; you must enter all relevant information in the text window. There does not appear to be a limit on the amount of text you can enter.
  • You may submit your complaint under your name or anonymously.
  • Do not include any personal information in your complaint beyond your contact information.
  • Please confine complaints to matters relating to healthcare competition. There are separate complaint portals for other matters.

How Complaints Are Processed

Per the DOJ website:

  1. The agencies will create a record of the information that you provide.
  2. The relevant agency (DOJ or FTC) will conduct a preliminary review of your complaint for possible violations.
  3. If your complaint raises sufficient concern under relevant federal law, it will be referred to the appropriate staff, where additional review may lead to a formal investigation into the reported conduct.
  4. If you provide your contact information and more information is needed, the relevant agency will contact you as soon as possible. Due to the confidential nature of investigations, you will not be notified if an investigation is opened.
  5. The volume of complaints on a particular issue can be so great that the agencies cannot respond to each message individually. But all complaints are reviewed.

To report a tip or complaint about fraud, abuse, or misconduct related to Medicare, Medicaid, or other programs of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, please submit the tip or complaint to the HHS Office of Inspector General’s hotline or call 1-800-HHS-TIPS (1-800-447-8477).

To report other instances of fraud, scams and bad business practices, please use the FTC’s Report Fraud portal

Rep. Buddy Carter to Speak, Attend Luncheon at APEX

 Register for Carter Fundraising Luncheon

U.S. Rep. Buddy Carter of Georgia, the leading and fiercest advocate for independent pharmacy in Congress, will attend our 2024 annual conference in June to address attendees and receive a special award for his years of work on our behalf.

Carter is the primary author and driver of HR 5378, a comprehensive PBM reform bill that passed the U.S. House on Dec. 9. It is the first PBM reform bill to pass either chamber of Congress.

Carter, a licensed pharmacist and former independent pharmacy owner, will speak at about 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 15 at the host Hyatt Hill Country Resort in San Antonio. Before his speech, he will be honored with American Pharmacies' Champion of Pharmacy Award, the first time the honor will be bestowed on a federal lawmaker.

This event takes place during APEX 2024 -- American Pharmacies annual conference -- and is reserved for attendees of that conference. You can learn more about and register for APEX here:

Registration Required for Private Luncheon

Carter will also attend a private fundraising luncheon at the Hyatt Resort starting at 12:15 p.m. on June 15. Attendance is limited to 30 individuals and a minimum $250 contribution is required to participate. Advanced registration is required, and no one will be admitted to the luncheon without bringing a personal check for at least $250 made out to "Buddy Carter for Congress." (Checks must be personal, as corporate contributions are not allowed to federal campaigns.)

American Pharmacies staff will be stationed at the entrance to the Kerrville Room and will collect campaign checks from registered attendees before they are allowed to enter.

To register for the fundraising luncheon, go to NOTE: an access code is needed to register for this luncheon. That code is showme. Please do not share this code outside our organization.

Remember, attendance is limited to the first 30 individuals who register.


Underwater payments from PBMs have reached critical levels in 2024 as we navigate the new landscape of Medicare Part D reimbursement. Both Congress and the Federal Trade Commission are starting to take action on reining in PBMs and now is the time to add your voice to the chorus speaking out against them.

Your input is vital to your elected leaders in this time of punitive reimbursements and contract offers, so please go to our Advocacy Engagement Center and use our resources to craft a letter to your congressional delegation. 

Click the link below to log in and send your message:

Want to Join Our Federal Team?

Committed constituents are a powerful resource in our fight for patient rights and fair reimbursement -- no one has more influence with elected leaders. Join our Federal Grassroots Network and support our work in Washington. Your relationships and efforts can make a difference!

 Download Our Federal Grassroots Sign-up Form