Earth & Soul: Sacred Earth Sacred Soul - Celtic Wisdom 3. October 23-25, 2024 at Montreat Conference Center.
Reawaken to the sacredness of human imagination. This fall at Montreat, Celtic teacher John Philip Newell and his colleague Cami Twilling will lead Sacred Earth Sacred Soul - Celtic Wisdom 3. In this third of a three-part series, participants will explore the sacredness of imagination, the sacredness of compassion, and the sacredness of reshaping the world. Specifically, participants will focus on human imagination and prophetic vision through the teachings of Alexander John Scott, George MacLeod, and Kenneth White. While this is the third part of a three-year teaching cycle, participants may join at any stage in the cycle and attend subsequent training sessions at any Earth & Soul venue.
Learn more on our website.
What exactly can I expect? - Prayer and Meditation: By beginning each day with meditative prayer and chant, we hope that participants will increase their awareness of the sacred in their midsts and find time to reflect on the day’s studies.
Ancient Wisdom - John Philip’s teachings draw on his study of ancient Celtic scholars and the wisdom their historical practices held. Learn how you can apply this same ancient wisdom to navigate today’s modern challenges.
New Book Launch - As we celebrate the release of John Philip’s new book The Great Search, we will gather for a time of fellowship and song as John Philip shares passages from the book and signs copies for attendees.
Reserve Your Spot - Sign up for this opportunity (which includes entry to the book launch) and expand your understanding of the sacred in each of us.
Register for Celtic Wisdom 3.
Learn more about Earth & Soul.
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