Dear Austin Women Invest to Elect Members-

I2E Is excited to be hosting its second fundraiser supporting Texas issues and candidates. We are a little early in the cycle for specific candidates to have emerged, so we will be supporting the next best thing for now--the organization that works tirelessly so that Texas has amazing candidates to choose from--Annie's List!

The minimum contribution for attendance will be $250.
Please make your contribution HERE.

Date: June 8th
Time: 6-7:15pm
Where: Zoom >> RSVP HERE.
Republican lawmakers are doubling down on their far-right antics, while ignoring urgent issues affecting all Texans. With redistricting and limits on fundraising by incumbents during the legislative session, our first Texas event will be in support of Annie’s List. Until we vote bad lawmakers out, we will continue to face attacks on our right to choose, on our transgender youth, and our right to vote. Annie’s List not only trains progressive candidates to run for office up and down the ballot but they provide much needed support to candidates once they announce their run and obtain an endorsement from Annie’s List.
Join us for an exclusive briefing on the 2020 election including lessons learned and strategies for the upcoming 2022 races. With every statewide, Texas house and senate seat up for re-election, there has never been a more important time to elect women to leadership positions. We are honored to be joined by Royce Brooks, Annie’s List Executive Director and Monica Gomez, Annie’s List Political Director will also share with us strategies going into redistricting and how we are preparing for races despite having to wait for new lines to be drawn.
The panel will also feature Akilah Bacy, former candidate for Texas House seat 138. As Akilah prepares for another run for the seat she will talk with us about the invaluable support Annie’s List provides candidates – beyond the financial support. 
Finally, Danielle Skidmore, Annie’s List Board member will talk about her commitment to Annie’s List and discuss the importance of electing women to office. 

See you there!
Your Events Team
Executive Committee members:
Casey Chapman Ross, Beth Falcone, Karen Meyer, Karyn Scott, Kelly Dixon, Mary Anna Paul, Stacy Alexander, Hannah Temple, Laura Rose Wilson, Tanya Payne, Nan McRaven, Helen Bryan, Laura Cho, Lizza Harrison, Meena Vendal, Pooja Sethi, Amy Brown, Yael Ouzillou, Susan Blount, Laura Hernandez and Elizabeth Bray

Group and Committee Chairs:
I2E Co-Chairs 2021 - Laura Hernandez and Elizabeth Bray
Candidate Co-Chairs - Lizza Harrison (EWA) and Pooja Sethi (Texas)
Membership Co-Chairs -  Beth Falcone and Kelly Dixon
Events Co-Chairs - Amy Brown and Tanya Payne
Finance Chair - Susan Blount
Governance Chair - Laura Scanlan Cho
Communications Chair - Casey Chapman Ross