Dear Friend,
Are you curious about the history and inspiration behind the Drexler/Sibbet Team Performance Model?
Do you want to deepen your understanding of its underlying theory and efficacy?
We're excited to announce an interactive exchange with Grove Founder David Sibbet that explores the origins and theory behind one of the standards in the field of team development.
This free session will address:
- Why it is important to have a shared language for teaming, and why the Model is so effective across all types of teams.
- Why Jack Gibb’s sociological research is so important to understand, and how Team Performance links to Gibb’s TORI Model.
- What is behind the 'bouncing ball' design of the TP Model and what are the Four Flows of Process.
- How the Model helps to understand the challenge of hybrid work.
- The success factors that help shape the efficacy of the System in practice.