We are thrilled to announce the representation of futures strategist John Sanei!
John Sanei is not only revolutionizing the way we approach the future, but he is also equipping us with the courage and determination needed to bring about lasting change.

With a unique blend of neuroscience, psychology, quantum science, business strategy, and futurism, John delivers talks, writes books, conducts masterclasses, and serves on boards to guide future-minded leaders who are willing to embrace uncertainty, overcome doubt, and rise to the challenge with courage, clarity, and determination.

His expertise has earned him the trust and respect of top leaders, CEOs of Fortune 100 companies, governments, and even royal families worldwide.
Watch this exclusive GDA Live interview with John Sanei and GDA Speakers Founder & President Gail Davis.
“A leading voice on the intersection of neuroscience and the future, John helps leaders prepare their brains for what lies ahead. He is dedicated to promoting optimism and empowering individuals and organizations to navigate the unknown with confidence and energy. With a deep understanding of the brain and its capabilities, John is at the forefront of shaping the way we think about and approach the future."