A Weekly Update of Good News from John Knox

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This Sunday's Worship

Join us this Sunday, June 9 at 10:00 AM

"The One We Need"

1 Samuel 8:4-11, 16-20

Matthew 16:13-20

In person: Sanctuary

Digitally: YouTube, Facebook, or John Knox App

Click here to access the Worship Bulletin.

Liturgist: Tanya Coggin

Audio Visual: Bobby Mock

Ushers: Chris/Bill Mathews, Austin Eckles, Steve Meggs, Tricia Parker and

Tommy Dowling (Head Usher)

Wisdom for Living: Summer Sunday School



This summer we are offering a ten-week, intergenerational Sunday School experience at 9:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall. “Wisdom for Living” will explore the Biblical concept of wisdom, mining the Book of Proverbs for practical instruction for faithful growth.


We will engage issues we deal with every day: getting along with others, speaking truthfully, dealing with money, raising children (and dealing with parents!). Each week will offer a stand-alone lesson, so come whenever you can.


We plan for this series to be fun, to build community among us, and to help each of us to grow in Christian faith. Children through K5 will have a separate program downstairs; all others are invited to join us in the Fellowship Hall each Sunday.

Vacation Bible School

As part of our Vacation Bible School Ministry at John Knox, we feel it is important to teach our children that we are called by God to show God’s love by helping others. Each year, we choose a mission to support, and we invite our whole congregation to join us in our mission project.


This year, we will be building and installing a “Little Free Pantry” on the grounds of John Knox. This is a weather- and animal – resistant wooden box, with a door on the front, sitting on a post cemented into the ground. It will be used to house non-perishable food items and personal care items for those in need. It will be accessible 24 hours a day, stocked by anyone who feels led to donate. The free pantry will located be on Shannon Drive, on the upper corner of our property, near the entrance to our upper parking lot.


The mini pantry movement activates neighbor engagement with food insecurity. The mini pantry serves an immediate and local need. Whether a need for food or a need to give,

mini pantries help feed neighbors, nourishing neighborhoods.


Take what you need,

give what you can.


All of our Vacation Bible School children will be asked to donate non-perishable foods and personal care items to help stock the pantry. Our church family is invited to make donations to the pantry as well. This will be an ongoing mission of our church, allowing children, families, and all members to continually help keep the pantry filled. Our Children’s Ministry here at John Knox will make this part of our ongoing mission as well. We will make the administration at Lake Forest Elementary aware of our “Little Free Pantry” in hopes that it will be used by their students and families in need. Our hope is that this project will be an ongoing blessing to our church, our neighboring school children, and the surrounding community as a whole.


If you would like to donate pantry items to help us kick off our Vacation Bible School Mission Project, you are welcome to bring in items this Sunday, June 9. We will have a donation box in the Narthex ready for your items! Thank you, in advance, for your generosity as we teach our children that we can all make a difference to our neighbors in need.

We love our VBS Volunteers! They will be here guiding our children through their VBS activities June 9 through June 12. Help us show them our appreciation by signing up to bring in a yummy treat for them one day during Vacation Bible School. Click below to see which day would work for you and let us know what you’d like to send in. Our volunteers work hard all week, and they will definitely enjoy your treats! Thank you in advance for your love and support!

Sign up here!

You will be assigned a group of eight people who will meet from September to December. Someone will be selected to be in charge of the first meeting. This person or couple is considered the host and can have it at their house or somewhere else. Everyone in the group will take turns being the host and they would usually provide the main course and everyone else will bring something but that can be decided among your group. You also might decide to do brunch, bowling or some other activity instead. It is up to the host. Be sure to bring your calendars to the first one so you can decide on dates for the others. Please try to meet once a month if you can. We will rotate groups after the first quarter. If you have any questions, please contact Sandy Garrett.

I'm interested!

Side by Side Ministry

Wanting to get involved in Side By Side Respite, but limited by schedules? We get it! How about helping us out with a lunch or dessert one day this summer? Feel free to drop it off and run, or join us for lunch one day. See the Sign-up below to reserve a date!

Sign up to bring lunch or dessert!

Memorial Day week, a group of 13 folks from John Knox climbed into a fleet of vehicles en route to Orlando, Florida. Over the course of the week, we got to experience a beautiful week of mission work all around the city. We served meals, ran a “backyard Bible school” for about 20 children at an apartment complex, sorted used soap and boxed recycled soap, worked on projects at an organization celebrating 53 years of service to individuals in need down in Orlando, and much, much more. It was a joy to see God at work in and through this team over the course of the week, and truly it would not have been possible had God not gone before us and prepared our way (Can I get an Amen!, church?).


Church, thank you for prayers leading up to and throughout the week! They were felt all along our trip and certainly were Holy-Spirit-fuel for us. If you’d like to learn more about our trip, I encourage you to ask any one of the team about it: Lacie and Jacob deMaine; Lincoln Evans; Grant and Scott Reichen; Caroline, Charles, James, and Liam Robertson; Gordon and Betsy Turnbull; Barry White; and me. Having encountered the gospel at work, we do well to witness to it—not just the thirteen of us who ventured down to Orlando, but all of us who see Christ at work each day, all around us. Amen!


In Christ,



In this season of concern, the Church’s witness of service and caring is more important than ever. John Knox is doing all we can to continue our ministry in ways that keep us connected to God and to each other. Please continue your offerings so that we can serve fully throughout this time of need.

Ways to give:
  • Mail your contributions to the church at 35 Shannon Dr., Greenville, SC 29615
  • Set up electronic payments through your financial institution
  • Use the John Knox app: click on “Give”

Thank you for prioritizing the ministry of Jesus Christ in your financial life.


It meant so much to be included in your thoughts and prayers. We had a couple of rough weeks, and your cards, texts, and flowers are very appreciated. Meg and I are now recovered and thank you for your love. 

- Heather Pratt 




6 - Nolan Segars, Hunter Segars, Millie Cain, Pam Ricks

7 - Noah Fowler, Holland Compton

8 - Mary Price, Danny Schaaf

9 - Sandra Moore

11 - John Mullis, Kennedy Gailey

12 - Morris Hardigree, Lauren Schofield, David Garrett

By the Numbers

Sunday, June 2

Live Stream: 27

In Person: 140


Weekly Offering Received: $5,450

Weekly Budgeted Offering: $16,544

YTD Offering Received: $415,721

YTD Budgeted Offering: $363,960

Sunday, May 26

Live Stream: 23

In Person: 118

Weekly Offering Received: $8,569

Weekly Budgeted Offering: $16,544

YTD Offering Received: $424,289

YTD Budgeted Offering: $380,504

Please email all submissions for Steepletalk to mscott@johnknoxpres.org. For Thursday publication, information must be received by Tuesday at 12 PM.

Edited by Mandy Scott

John Knox Presbyterian Church

35 Shannon Dr.

Greenville, SC 29615



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