A Weekly Update of Good News from John Knox

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This Sunday's Worship

Join us this Sunday, April 21 at 10:00 AM

"The Hard Work of Grace"

Psalm 70:1-5

1 John 3:16-24

In person: Sanctuary

Digitally: YouTube, Facebook, or John Knox App

Click here to access the Worship Bulletin.

Liturgist: Kemper Brand

Audio Visual: Bobby Mock

Ushers: Bette Britt, Cannon Bixler, Keith Littrell, Carter Schaaff, Jon Nelson and Guy Cloer(Head Usher)

Menu: Chick-fil-a

RSVP Here!

Covered dish meal, (homemade or store bought)

RSVP to church office/ nursery available on request

Devotional Message- Sandy Garrett ,"Seeing God Through Nature"

Field Day on May 19!

Please sign up for field day with list of family members and their age bracket.

Field Day will be May 19 with games, relays, bingo and fun events for all ages!

After church lunch is included.

Order your field day t-shirt by April 15.

RSVP for Field Day!

“Whenever I’m afraid, I put my trust in you.”

Psalm 56: 3


It’s time for another great week of Vacation Bible School at John Knox! Our theme this year is “CAMP FIRELIGHT – A Summer Camp Adventure with God.” We will kick off the week on Sunday, June 9 from 4:00 – 6:30 with VBS activities for the children, followed by a family dinner at 6:30. We’ll continue through the week, Monday, June 10 through Wednesday, June 12, from 5:00 until 7:30 each of those days. We will be diving into our Bible stories through storytelling, arts and crafts, music, recreation, and service.


It definitely takes a village to make this wonderful event happen. We have many ways in which you could help make this an awesome week for our children:


·        Pray for our VBS leaders, volunteers, and children

·        Bring in snacks for VBS volunteers

·        Serve as a group leader, taking children to their activities

·        Serve as a class leader – art, science, recreation, meals/snacks

·        Assist a class leader – art, science, recreation, meals/snacks

·        Drive and supervise 4th and 5th graders on daily Mini-Mission trips

·        Help with cutting/stapling/assembling projects at home

·        Help decorate on Saturday, June 8 – 9am – noon

·        Help tear down on Wednesday, June 12

·        Bring donations for a designated VBS Mission project (suggested donations will be announced in the Steepletalk soon)


If you would like to serve in any way during Vacation Bible School, please reach out to Susan Felton! We’d love to have our extended church family be a part of this amazing week! 

Register for VBS

JKPC Quilters Make Presentation

The beautiful Spring morning of March 4 was elevated from beautiful to magnificent at Foothills Retirement Community in Easley.  The event was the Presentation of personalized quilts to eight gentlemen residents of our denominational retirement community of the Upstate.

The presentation service was attended by about 25 Community residents. It opened with prayer and a blessing of the quilts by the new Chaplain, Mary Morrison. Each gentleman was called forward to tell something of his life and to receive his quilt which reflected things that spoke of his personal interest and likes. Seven of them had served in US Military branches -one even in WW II- but none had received a patriotic quilt. Another was an educator whose career had taken him to the Panama Canal Zone.

Love and appreciation flowed freely! God’s goodness was evident in each life and each gift! JKPC Quilters bring love and comfort thru gifts of quilts for all ages from children at Thornwell to residents at Foothills or any in between. Anyone wishing to join the group may contact: Carol Phillips or LaRue Wait.

Clerk’s Report

The Session of John Knox Presbyterian Church met on Sunday, March 17, 2024, at 6:00 PM, in the Fellowship Hall for their regular monthly meeting. The following are some of the items discussed:



1.    The finances were reviewed and are on par with Budget.

2.    The Committee endorsed the request from P&O for funds for a new 600-amp main breaker for the service to PDO/Education Bldg.

3.    They are gathering names for the 2024 Congregational Nominating Committee.

4.    The Committee is looking into increasing our support for the work of Foothills Presbytery.


Christian Education

1.    Lynn reported a strong attendance at Youth Sunday School for their new series “Knowing Jesus”.

2.    The seven-person Confirmation Class is going well. Their retreat is scheduled for April 26-27.

3.    Retreat and Mission trip sign-ups are underway.

4.    Tami has received a $20K Fortune Grant for 2024 for classroom/lesson enrichment.

5.    Thanks were extended to Lincoln Evans for building the new sandbox in the Courtyard.


Christian Mission & Outreach

1.    The Committee is working on how best to expand efforts in the Isaiah 117 program for easing transitions for children who have been removed from their homes.

2.    They are looking at three options for support of Habitat, new construction, assistance at the Re-Store, or home renovations.

3.    The Committee is planning how best to continue our involvement with the Circles of Welcome.

4.    They are also looking into John Knox partnership with GOAL, Greenville Organization for Accountable Leadership.


1.    They are looking into combining the Friendship Pads and Nametags process.

2.    The Committee welcomed a new couple to John Knox this morning.

3.    They see a real need for a New Member (New to Knox type) class soon.

4.    The Committee is working on a new schedule for bread bakers and delivery.



1.    The Prison Ministries program for WNS will be on April 24.

2.    There is a gathering planned for the Greenville Drive game on April 28.

3.    Church-wide Field Day will be May 19 with casual dress for the Church Service, Sandy will organize a Minute for Mission.

4.    They are looking into a new intergenerational supper club, Dinner for Eight.


Music and Worship

1.    The Worship Calendar through mid-April was shared.

2.    They are looking to expand membership on the Committee.

3.    The Committee is giving a thoughtful look at how to improve the Worship experience.

4.    The Handbell Choir will ring on April 28.



1.    They had a special reception on March 3 to thank the Care Companions and the Nurture Committee for all they do reaching out and supporting the Congregation.

2.    Flower deliveries are on a new schedule.

3.    Quilters continue to meet weekly.

4.    Side-by-Side Respite Ministry doors opened on March 5 and they are off to a great start.

5.    They have a new lead for the Transportation Ministry Team.


Property & Operations

1.    The Committee has approved the repair of the hail damage to the steeple with the work to begin in May and last a week or two.

2.    The Gym roof hail damage is still being negotiated with our insurance company, but they are very hopeful.

3.    Installation of the new 600-amp service and breaker for the PDO/Education Building should begin on May 28.

4.    They have received a quote to bring the Columbarium fencing up to code and are looking at a source for new niches.


Susan Felton – Children’s Ministry

1.    Susan thanked the Church for giving her the opportunity to attend the APCE conference in January.

2.    VBS, the next big thing, is June 9-12.

3.    They are looking for volunteer drivers for VBS.

4.    Camp Fellowship sign-ups are underway.


Rev. Justin Cazel

1.    The M3 meetings are on the 2nd Monday of each month with 8-10 folks each time.

2.    The Quarterly Men’s Fellowship is going well.


Dr. Gordon Turnbull

1.    Remember that Carter is still looking for chaperones for the Youth activities.

2.    The Mission trip over Memorial Day week will be inter-generational to the Urban Ministry in Orlando.

3.    They are looking into ways to re-vitalize the Guatemala Mission options.


Dick Powers

Clerk of Session


In this season of concern, the Church’s witness of service and caring is more important than ever. John Knox is doing all we can to continue our ministry in ways that keep us connected to God and to each other. Please continue your offerings so that we can serve fully throughout this time of need.

Ways to give:
  • Mail your contributions to the church at 35 Shannon Dr., Greenville, SC 29615
  • Set up electronic payments through your financial institution
  • Use the John Knox app: click on “Give”

Thank you for prioritizing the ministry of Jesus Christ in your financial life.



19 - Sarah Brand, Mike Ward, Madeline Whitlock, Bryce Williams

20 - Sophie deMaine, Ben Jackson,

22 - Henry Churchwell

23 - Ann Grayson

24 - Reid Powell

By the Numbers

Sunday, April 14

In Person: 193

Live Stream: 26

Weekly Offering Received: $12,302

Weekly Budgeted Offering: $16,544

YTD Offering Received: $332,212

YTD Budgeted Offering: $264,698

Please email all submissions for Steepletalk to mscott@johnknoxpres.org. For Thursday publication, information must be received by Tuesday at 12 PM.

Edited by Mandy Scott

John Knox Presbyterian Church

35 Shannon Dr.

Greenville, SC 29615



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