Joey is a lucky kid – he’s had you to help him and his mom thrive. We ask you to do it again! Their journey to a stable home life continues… Give now to support them.
Your year-end donation couldn’t be more important: It costs $3800/year to keep one child safe and in their own home. Joey needed that support, and still does.
From the very beginning, Joey’s life was a struggle. He tested positive for drugs at birth which spurred his mom to go to Milestones to try to get off drugs; it was the only way she could maintain custody. Sadly, she abandoned Joey there one day and walked out to do drugs again. He was placed in foster care at only 3 months old.
More than a year later his mom was able to get into Rehab. This time she was successful and returned to the community and to Joey. But she needed help. His shyness combined with her continued struggles with anxiety and lack of parenting skills made for a slow start for them. She needed the support and resources of our Relief Nursery team AND the Outpatient Team who help parents keep their kids safe during transition home and out of DHS custody. Your gift will ensure that these resources continue for Joey.

When mom had a medical crisis, her anxiety skyrocketed. Fortunately, she had learned the skills to keep herself and Joey safe. She also understood the value of having and using resources such as the Old Mill Center team and community partners to help her through rough times.
When COVID-19 closed our Relief Nursery classroom in March, Joey was sad as he missed his classroom friends. But his mom felt more confident that she could parent him alone. Since then Joey’s DHS case has closed. Although they live on their own, they are not alone. Because of your generosity, resources for Joey and his mom continue every week. Their journey is not completed. They still need support.
We might think “Joey is a lucky kid.” He is. Joey is lucky his mom wanted to change, was willing to make it happen, and found community resources to support her. You are a key resource. Reaching our $160,000 goal means that in 2021, we can serve at least 40 additional kids and families like Joey’s.
Make a donation today. Be a lasting resource for Joey and his mom. They still need your help.