The Job Path logo has the words "Job Path" and a graphic image of a skyline. The colors are mostly shades or orange and teal. There is also the word "Journeys" for the title of the newsletter.

September, 2024

We want to inform and connect with the entire Job Path community

 so we are all on this path together.

Hospitality group features JP

Every month a group of professionals in the restaurant industry meet to collaborate and network, share resources and ideas, and get inspired and motivated by speakers with expertise in the field. 

And while many professional organizations place priority on giving back to the community, this group - Together Hospitality - does it in a unique way: They connect with a nonprofit with ties to the industry or employment and bring them into their fold for eight months. This summer, Job Path was honored to be selected as the group’s Social Impact Partner. 

Dara and Kelly stand in a brightly lit room. Dara is wearing pink and Kelly is wearing florals.

Photo thanks to Dara Patel and Together Hospitality.

“Since joining Together Hospitality I have learned how many different aspects go into opening and running a restaurant, and this has helped me tremendously with job development,” says Kelly McGrath, Job Path Employment Specialist, who first made the connection to the group through her own professional network. 

“There are so many different and unique ways our participants can contribute to the hospitality world. I feel so grateful that Together Hospitality has partnered with us. Everyone I have met in this group has really embraced Job Path's mission!”

Together Hospitality was founded in 2022 and has chapters in New York City and Chicago with about 50 combined members in both cities, says the group’s Brianna Levy, Operations and Logistics Director. 

“The social impact partnership aligns with our core values that consist of lifelong learning [and] being collaborative and philanthropic,” she says. “Establishing a relationship with our social impact partners broadens our perspectives and creates a path to help even further.”

Dara Patel, Job Path Employment Coordinator, says the group has been welcoming and enthusiastic, saying there has been a "partnership and mutual respect" from the beginning.

“To have potential employers who want to learn from us and do what they can to diversify their workplace through Job Path makes a huge difference," she says.

A valued member of the team

Whether it’s an employee appreciation summer sip-and-paint event, or a cake to celebrate a recent birthday, Henry’s colleagues in the Human Resources department of the Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) always make a special effort to include him in all their activities, says Job Path’s Michelle Lovell.

“Henry was genuinely surprised and delighted by the celebration,” says Lovell, a DSP. “It was wonderful to see him so happy and appreciated by his team.”

Henry is sitting at a table in front of a canvas painting a brightly colored landscape with a lake with a boat on it.

Photos by Michelle Lovell.

At BAM, Henry says he enjoys the filing, scanning, paperwork, and office tasks he performs, saying he loves his job and his colleagues. He’s been working there since April and has done similar office work at Job Path for a decade. 

Henry was able to scan and organize all full-time employees documents into BAM’s database in just three months, says Jenny Smith Rodriguez, BAM’s Director of Human Resources. 

“He’s always ready to start working, and he is very focused and efficient,” she says. “We really appreciate and value Henry’s work! His duties can be tedious, but he is very diligent!”

Lovell says Henry is great at his job because of his exceptional work ethic, his problem solving skills, and his attention to detail. 

“He is highly focused and is not afraid to ask questions to ensure his work is accurate,” she says. “He is also very friendly and communicates effectively with the other team members.” 

Job Path Staff spotlight with a little spotlight icon and the JP logo

This summer, Chief Compliance Officer Sandra Preti shepherded Job Path’s response to OPWDD’s Division of Quality Improvement Agency Review Audit – a massive undertaking that was guided by a 362-page manual and required weeks of work and coordination among all departments.  

“This was an agency review of all our policies and procedures,” says Preti. “It’s a way to see that we are operating at the highest level of quality that OPWDD is requiring.” 

Those measures touch just about every element of Job Path’s work. Some examples would include the policies and procedures of how medications are given in Supported Living apartments and those surrounding staff hiring and training. 

Sandra appears in a selfie wearing a sage green shirt.

“An audit requires so much teamwork,” Preti says. “Everyone really coordinated in every department throughout the whole process.” 

“I always see audits as a chance to show what we are doing,” she says. “We’re not going to be perfect, but we have so much to be proud of.” 

She says that key to the audit’s success were also Compliance Manager Jasmine Graham, along with Carolyn Murphy, Director of Human Resources; Cerezmy Salcido, Senior Director of Residential and Self Directed Supports and Services; and General Counsel Sara Lesch. 

“Our success with this audit really shows the dedication to quality we see in every department but also Sandra’s ability to visualize all the pieces coming together,” says Job Path CEO Carly Teichman. “We’re very proud that it’s our participants and their families along with our staff who benefit.” 

“After a thorough review, Job Path’s dedication and passion for its work truly stood out, as reflected in the materials the OPWDD auditors examined,” Teichman says. “Thank you again for helping our work shine through.”

Preti began with Job Path in 2010 as an employment specialist before moving over to service coordination in 2012 and then compliance in 2019. While she says audits are not fun, per se, she says she finds the work challenging and rewarding. 

“It seems so tedious and minutely detailed, but I do see a creative aspect,” she says. “You have to balance these strict regulatory standards with providing quality support, and it’s always so interesting to hear how program and staff come up with ideas of how to reach those conclusions.”

A message from Carly with her photo and the Job Path skyline.

One of the tenets in the disability sphere, which originated in the deafblind community, is simple but profound: “Do with, not for.” 

Every day, we see how hundreds of New Yorkers with autism and other developmental disabilities excel at the “do” part of that phrase - they succeed at their jobs, they find their place in their communities, and they thrive in their homes. 

The “with” is thanks to our incredible DSPs, who the community celebrates every year in September with Direct Support Professionals Recognition Week from Sept. 8 to Sept. 14. There are so many ways to describe Job Path DSPs, but one that really resonates with me is the word “compassionate.” 

In every department, every day, no matter how support is provided, you can see the compassion of our Direct Support Workers shining brightly, helping participants lead the lives they want and deserve.

So THANK YOU again to our Direct Support Professionals. We appreciate so deeply everything you do with participants all year round. 

Building accessibility, brick by brick

A person is standing with his back to the camera, placing colorful Lego bricks on a wall.

Photo by New York Hall of Science

For the third year, Job Path participants were invited to the New York Hall of Science in Queens to provide feedback and recommendations regarding an exhibit - this time, Build Imagination: Brick by Brick. The museum partners with organizations like Job Path to bring in people with developmental disabilities to make their exhibits more inclusive. 

"The feedback covered environmental factors like noise levels, lighting, and exhibit materials, such as preferences between large and small Lego blocks,” says Delia Meza, the museum’s Director of Family Learning and Community Partnerships.

“Their insights are valuable and will inspire the development of future exhibits," she said. "We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the participants for their involvement and thoughtful feedback!”

Also involved in the visit were Job Path staff Cathy Sobers, Sean McAuliffe, Saki Aguilar, Annie Sheslow, and Kelly McGrath. Now that a few participants have had the chance to attend the sessions more than once, Job Path’s Elizabeth Beaubrun, Employment Training Program Manager, says it’s broadened participants' horizons in multiple ways. 

“It’s thinking not only about how you experience the exhibit and what might be a sensory issue for you, but it’s also about putting yourself in someone else’s shoes and considering how they experience it,” says Beaubrun. “It’s really great to see people growing that way.” 

Michelle Carney, the mother of Damion, a Job Path participant who attended, says people like her son are often discounted because of their disability. 

“If people would take a step back they’d realize that people like him have a lot of good ideas,” she says. “We all had so much fun - you could see everyone really smiling and that just made me light up too.”

The Consortium for Customized Employment logo is teal and orange.

Restaurant Associates continues to shine at

Bank of America and beyond

We're happy to shine a spotlight on our employer partners at Restaurant Associates, which provides corporate dining services at the Bank of America Bryant Park location, and has hired four people there through the Consortium over the past decade.

A row of people stand in a line in front of a wooden wall. Some wear chef-style clothing and some wear business casual clothing.

Photo (L-R) CCE Director Karen Waltuck, Junior, Jonathan, Randy, Jeremiah, and RA’s Tina Perna. Photo thanks to Bank of America/RA.

Jeremiah L. (seen here, fifth from the left) is proud to celebrate his first anniversary on the job this month. He maintains one of the corporate dining areas, and he says his favorite part of the job is how much he’s learned.

I make a difference by coming in early to work,” says Jeremiah, who is supported by CCE member agency AHRC New York City. “Also being friendly with my co-workers, and I’m willing to learn new duties.”

Coworkers Jonathan G. and Randy B. have both been with Restaurant Associates for 10 years, and Junior H. joined in March 2023. All are supported by Job Path. Jonathan and Junior work in various roles maintaining corporate and cafe dining, and Randy is a dishwasher.

Previously Randy was recognized by Restaurant Associates as a “Hospitality Hero” for his dedication to his role.

“Restaurant Associates at Bank of America is a prime example of how customized employment works so well for job seekers and businesses alike,” says CCE Director Karen Waltuck. “We are thrilled with our partnership and to see them all thriving.”

Since 2014, Restaurant Associates has hired 17 people from CCE agencies at nine locations throughout the city.

“Some of our outstanding team members have been brought on board through our partnership with CCE, one of our valued employment partners,” says Tina Perna, Regional Director, Operations, National Accounts, Restaurant Associates “We are proud of this long-standing relationship and the opportunities they provide.”

In case you missed it ...

The word "vote" is made with a check mark as the V.

To vote in the November election, you must be registered by Oct. 26. To register or check your registration, click here. For information on deadlines click here.

Board of Directors Spotlight

Happy Anniversary of 7 years of service this month

Our Board of Directors are professionals - both within the world of disability services and from other fields - who provide Job Path with oversight, guidance, and expertise on issues of finance, programs, governance, planning, policies, and staffing.

Maura Rose

* Joined the board in September, 2017

What type of work do you do?

I specialize in Financial Services Marketing and Product Development. Throughout my career, I’ve had the opportunity to lead several impactful projects, including launching the first Co-Brand card for American Express in collaboration with Delta and developing a highly successful mobile app for JP Morgan Chase. Most recently, I led marketing efforts for Morgan Stanley’s Private Bank.

Maura Rose is shown in a black and white photo. She's wearing a black top and posing with her chin resting on her hand.

Why is board service important to you?

I believe it's crucial to contribute to the communities we are part of. I’ve been fortunate in my career, and I’m committed to applying my skills and experiences to support nonprofit organizations like Job Path. I see board service as a way to give back and make a meaningful impact.

Do you serve on any other boards or volunteer with other organizations?

Yes, in addition to my involvement with Job Path, I am a member of the West Midwood Community Board. During my time at Morgan Stanley, I also spearheaded a proposal to integrate Neurodiversity into the firm’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) hiring initiatives.


What do you consider your greatest strength as a board member?

My greatest strength is my passion for supporting Neurodiverse adults in becoming engaged, successful members of their communities. Additionally, my extensive experience in Marketing and working within a highly regulated industry equips me with valuable insights and skills that I bring to the board.

The words "Happy Labor Day" are on an image that has about a dozen pictures of people in various jobs.

Earlier this week, we marked the annual federal holiday commemorating the labor movement and the contributions of workers to American history and achievements, but we also see it as a chance to celebrate the hundreds of New Yorkers who have found work through Job Path!

Every week, we're sharing more stories like these

on our social media platforms.

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As part of our efforts to highlight and celebrate the great diversity within our Job Path community, we will be featuring racial, ethnic, cultural, and identity pride commemorations here each month.

The words "everyone belongs at Job path" with many hands with different skin tones .


Direct Support Professionals Recognition Week is from Sept. 8-14. This week and every week we are grateful for our amazing DSPs! Hispanic Heritage Month is from Sept. 15 - October 15. Click here and here for some events to mark the occasion.

Staff Anniversaries

Special recognition to staff who celebrated their anniversary at Job Path in August. Thank you for all of the contributions that you have made over the years in making Job Path successful.

Robert Sheridan - 13 years

Hiram De Jesus - 13 years

Cerezmy Salcido - 12 years

Marvin George - 12 years

Tisa French - 9 years

Michael Anne Catelinet - 8 years

Tamika Fryer - 8 years

Jasmine Graham - 7 years

Elizabeth Beaubrun - 6 years

Dannika Brown - 6 years

Jasmine Johnson - 6 years

Demitris Marcano - 5 years

Georgette Griffiths - 4 years

Lashawn Lane - 3 years

Nicholas Luckenbaugh - 3 years

Valerie Wang - 2 years

Elizabeth Williams - 2 years

Morshea Parker - 2 years

Nakia Vassell - 2 years

Jacob Blakeman - 1 year

Dalia Nieto - 1 year

Damien Guisao - 1 year

Anson Chan - 1 year

Vanessa Palhinhas - 1 year

Sakima Aguilar - 1 year

The graphic image of a hand clicking

Do you know someone who would be a great member of the Job Path team?

Click here for our list of open positions in Employment, Community Connections, Supported Living, and Self-Direction Services.

Job Path employees are encouraged to participate in our Employee Referral Bonus Program, which rewards the employees who make successful referrals with $400. Contact for more information.

Job Path supports people with autism and other developmental disabilities as they find jobs, live in their own homes, and become involved in community life. To learn more, visit our website.

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We created this video for our 2024 Benefit, but it's a perfect celebration of what we do!

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