Job Path Journeys logo with a new feature: The words "45 years" is rising like a sun behind the Job Path logo skyline.

July, 2024

We want to inform and connect with the entire Job Path community

 so we are all on this path together.

Job Path Staff spotlight with a little spotlight icon and the JP logo

During their orientation, new staff joining Job Path hear from Joey P., who leads a session on tips for DSPs as they support participants in their daily routines.

He’s got a unique relationship with his co-presenter - Job Path’s Director of HR and Training Carolyn Murphy: She was his support worker 17 years ago. 

“We’ve been on lots of adventures together,” says Murphy. 

Murphy first met Joey after he put an ad on Craiglist looking for a support worker when he was at a different agency. Eventually Joey came to Job Path and brought Murphy with him.

“He’s the reason I know everyone in this field - it was all through Joey,” she says.

Joey and Carolyn are in a conference room with new staff. Both are smiling and Joey is gesturing. He is wearing a ball cap and Carolyn is wearing a shirt with flowers.

"Joey-isms" (according to Carolyn)

"Things will be running as smooth as pie."

"Let's grab the cat by the toe."

A close up of Carolyn and Joey leaning in to each other and smiling. Joey has a hoodie on.

Carolyn and Joey at a birthday party.

Murphy worked as a Medicaid Service Coordinator and a Coordinator in Community Connections before moving to the HR department in 2014.

Joey says he enjoys new staff training because it’s so important for support workers to hear directly from people who receive services, especially wheelchair users. He runs self-advocacy groups at the sister agency Goodwill and says, “I’ll advocate for anyone who needs it.” He’s also an avid participant in Job Path’s poetry group, joking “I get around!”

As for Carolyn, he says she has the ability to read him better than anyone else. 

“She really knows what she’s doing,” he says. “She’s special. She’s always looking out for everybody.” 

Carolyn says Joey is “an incredible advocate for himself, his friends, and for so many people he has encountered.” 

“He makes people reflect and look within themselves, to really see what they deserve and how they should be treated,” she says. “He is always asking about his friends, checking in, and is really concerned about their well being.” 

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10 years on the job at Stop & Shop

Jaymes C. recently celebrated 10 years working at Stop & Shop in Queens. He’s a Courtesy Clerk and works the general customer service desk at the recycling station and in the parking lot. 

Jaymes says his best skill on the job is his patience, and he’s been proud to make a difference at times when patrons needed medical attention or assistance with broken down cars. 

My favorite part is meeting new people - from staff to customers every day.


Jaymes stands in the parking lot in front of a shopping cart. He's wearing a yellow safety vest and mirrored shades.

Photo by Maria Mercado

Manager Tim Ellis says Jaymes is a valuable part of the team because he’s reliable, pleasant, and ready to learn new things. Ellis says he’s seen Jaymes be particularly attentive to disabled shoppers by making sure they have an electric wheelchair if they need one. 

To Jaymes, he says: “We appreciate you for who you are, and we never want you to change. Thank you for your hard work!” 

A love for theater continues to grow

Elliot, Michael, and Rob stand in the lobby of the theater in front of a Chickenshed sign

From L-R: Elliot Fishman, Michael, and Job Path's Rob Sheridan. Photo by Chickenshed.

In the two years since Michael L. has been working at Chickenshed NYC, an inclusive children’s theater in Midtown, he’s perfected his duties checking in patrons for performances and students for classes, packing up supplies, and setting up the coffee lounge.

“I like to help people,” he says. “I’m confident I’m helping out.” 

But Michael’s skills go beyond being proficient at Task A or B.

“Even more importantly, Michael greets the guests—child and adult alike—and makes them feel welcome,” says Elliot Fishman, the general manager for the theater, which has classes and performances for and by neurotypical and neurodivergent children. 

I often get comments from the adults about how much they enjoy having Michael in the lounge and how he makes them feel a part of our community.” 

Michael’s mother Angela says she’s seen his personal and professional growth. 

“I see Michael as really starting to understand his role as a team player, taking feedback and using it to make things better at work,” she says. 

Michael’s work is on hiatus until the fall, but he says he’s looking forward to coming back, saying he loves theater and his coworkers. 

“Working at Chickenshed has helped me with my public speaking,” he says. “That’s part of self-advocacy, not just in the workplace but everywhere I go,” 

A message from Carly with her photo and the Job Path skyline.

The 4th of July holiday is this week - a time for fireworks, barbeques, and family gatherings as we celebrate our country’s Independence Day. Naturally, here at Job Path we are fortunate enough to see people celebrate independence more often than once a year! We see it when someone earns a paycheck, when they make choices about their own life, when they play a role in their own community.

And while there are certainly differences between Job Path’s work and those famous words written almost 250 years ago, there are also threads that tie us to those founding ideals.  

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Happy Independence Day! 

An orange calendar logo that says "events"
The official image of the NYC Poetry Festival has palm trees, a blue sky with pink clouds in the background. A man in sunglasses and a white tank top stands in front of a microphone.

Saturday July 13 at 11 a.m.: Job Path's Community Connections Group Poets of Course will take the Brinkley Stage at the New York City Poetry Festival on Governor's Island.

Thursday Aug. 1 from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.: Job Path's Summer Picnic will be held in Brooklyn Bridge Park. (More details will be sent soon. Extreme weather date: Aug. 8.)

As part of our efforts to highlight and celebrate the great diversity within our Job Path community, we will be featuring racial, ethnic, cultural, and identity pride commemorations here each month.

The words "everyone belongs at Job path" with many hands with different skin tones .


French American Heritage Month - Check out L’Alliance New York’s French Library

Disability Pride Month - Celebrate with the Disability Unite festival on July 14 from 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the Central Park Naumburg Bandshell.

The logo for the ADA is in blue and red with the number 34 and "Celebrate the ADA"

Independent Living Inc. will mark the 34th anniversary of the ADA on July 27 from 12 p.m. - 4 p.m. in Poughkeepsie at the Walkway Over the Hudson bridge.

Click here for info and to RSVP.

Staff Anniversaries

Special recognition to staff who celebrated their anniversary at Job Path in June. Thank you for all of the contributions that you have made over the years in making Job Path successful.

Carly Teichman - 17 years

Carole Weekes - 11 years

Tamesha Coleman - 10 years

Evan Gozali - 7 years

Caleb Ricke - 6 years

Lee Colt - 4 years

Russell Hill - 4 years

Joel Rosario - 3 years

Hugo Serejo Genes - 2 years

Douglas Hornan Soto - 1 year

Alisia Kennedy - 1 year

Kayla Morman - 1 year

Jeamy Ramirez - 1 year

The graphic image of a hand clicking

Do you know someone who would be a great member of the Job Path team?

Click here for our list of open positions in Employment, Community Connections, Supported Living, and Self-Direction Services.

Job Path employees are encouraged to participate in our Employee Referral Bonus Program, which rewards the employees who make successful referrals with $400. Contact for more information.

Job Path supports people with autism and other developmental disabilities as they find jobs, live in their own homes, and become involved in community life. To learn more, visit our website.

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We created this video for our 2024 Benefit, but it's a perfect celebration of what we do!