JoSS Bulletin - January 2018
Announcing New Issue of JoSS 

Peer Reviewed Articles
A 3U CubeSat to Collect UV Photometry of Bright Massive Stars
Richard Desselle, Christian Kintziger, Pierre Rochus, Gregor Rauw, and Yaël Nazé
JoSS, Vol. 06, No. 03 (Dec. 2017) 

MinXSS-1 CubeSat On-Orbit Pointing and Power Performance: The First Flight of the Blue Canyon Technologies XACT 3-Axis Attitude Determination and Control System
James Paul Mason, Matt Baumgart, Bryan Rogler, Chloe Downs, Margaret Williams, Thomas N. Woods, Scott Palo, Phillip C. Chamberlin, Stanley Solomon,  Andrew Jones, Xinlin Li, Rick Kohnert, and Amir Caspi
   JoSS, Vol. 06, No. 03 (Dec. 2017)

Letter to the Editor
Corrigendum: Request for Correction on "A
Methodology for CubeSat Mission Selection"
Luis Zea, Victor Ayerdi, Sergio Argueta, and Antonio Muñoz
JoSS, Vol. 06, No. 03 (December 2017)

Hampton University Proton Therapy Institute Helps
Virginia Students Prepare for Space Flight

Virginia CubeSat Constellation students in Hampton University Proton Therapy Institute Test Chamber. Left to right: James Flynn, ODU; John Noon, Virginia Tech; Ben Connelly, UVA; Anthony DeFilippis, Virginia Tech; David Khanan, UVA; Nathan Gaul, UVA; Michael Ford, UVA; William Cheng, UVA; and Patrick Bebermeyer, UVA.

The Hampton University Proton Therapy Institute (HUPTI) is working with the Virginia Space Grant Consortium (VSGC) to test components of student satellites bound for orbit.  The Institute's proton beam, which offers cutting edge cancer treatments, is being used to simulate the impact of radiation encountered in the space environment on space hardware developed by the students.
The Virginia CubeSat Constellation is a NASA and VSGC-funded mission that will place three very small satellites in orbit as a constellation from the International Space Station as part of the NASA Undergraduate Student Instrument program.  The student-led mission is a Virginia Space Grant Consortium project and a joint effort among four member universities:  University of Virginia (UVA), Virginia Tech (VT), Old Dominion University (ODU) and Hampton University (HU).  More than 100 students across the universities have been working on the project. 
The Constellation was selected for launch to the International Space Station in the third quarter of 2018 or early 2019 with orbital insertion to follow from the Station.  Students must deliver their satellites to NASA for integration in July 2018. The ODU satellite, which has a drag brake to intentionally cause orbital decay, is expected to remain in orbit for up to four months. The other two satellites should orbit for up to two years. The satellites will communicate data  to ground stations at VT, UVA, and ODU for subsequent analysis using an analytical tool being developed by HU.
Dr. Hovakim Nazaryan, Ph.D., right, Medical Physicist at the Hampton Proton Therapy Institute explains the irradiation set up to James Flynn (ODU) and Tony DeFilippis (Virginia Tech). Note: For this test, the jug of water was used to stop the proton beam.
The mission seeks to obtain measurements of the orbital decay of a constellation of satellites to develop a database of atmospheric drag and the variability of atmospheric properties.  It will also evaluate and demonstrate a system to determine and communicate relative and absolute spacecraft position across an orbiting constellation. 

Click  here  to read more.
Solicitation: Public-Private Partnerships to Advance Tipping Point Technologies
Mandatory Preliminary Proposals Due: January 30, 2018

For details please refer to:
Solicitation: Speaker Abstracts for PocketQube Workshop 2018
Abstracts Due: January 31, 2018

TU Delft will be hosting the 2nd PocketQube Workshop in Delft, Holland, on March 22-23, 2018. Last year was a very successful event with over 60 attendees and 18 speakers from many PocketQube teams. The event is growing this year to a 2-day event and we expect many more attendees. Speakers are being sought to talk about their developments in the PocketQube field. Please send an email containing proposed title and a short abstract to Alessandra Menicucci at:, if you wish to be considered!
Solicitation: AMS Scholarship in Solar-Terrestrial Interactions
Applications Due:  February 2, 2018

American Meteorological Society (AMS) members sponsor scholarships each year to support the education of outstanding undergraduate students entering their final year of study. Twenty-two Senior Scholarship awards ranging from $2000 to $10,000 are available for the 2017/2018 year, including t he Paul D. Try Endowed Scholarship in Solar-Terrestrial Interactions Scholarship ($5,000).  The purpose of this scholarship is to encourage and support studies and research in "Solar-Terrestrial Interactions" --the responses of the earth's atmosphere and ionosphere to space weather input. Space weather impact on earth infrastructure (e.g., GPS, power grid) would also be included.
CubeSat Mission Applications Being Accepted for KiboCUBE Third Round
Response Due: March 31, 2018

Deployment of a CubeSat from the ISS. Credit: NASA-JAXA
The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) are pleased to announce the third round of the United Nations/Japan Cooperation Programme on CubeSat Deployment from the International Space Station (ISS) Japanese Experiment Module (Kibo) "KiboCUBE."

If your institution is interested in applying, please see:
Make plans to join JoSS representatives at these events!
iCubeSat 2018 - 
7th Interplanetary CubeSat
Paris, France
May 29-30, 2018
This Workshop will address the technical challenges, opportunities, and practicalities of
interplanetary space exploration with CubeSats. The workshop provides a unique environment for open wide ranging practical collaboration between academic researchers, industry professionals, policy makers, and students developing this new and rapidly growing field. The full call for papers and presentations from previous workshops at Caltech,
Cambridge, Cornell, Imperial, MIT, and Oxford can be found at

Abstracts are due April 1, 2018.

4S Symposium 
Sorrento, Italy
May 28 - June 1, 2018

Small satellites beyond boundaries is the special topic for the first day of the 4S Symposium scheduled for 2018, although any contribution on small satellites for space exploration is warmly welcome. The remaining program will also cover technical sessions as: mission and system analysis; applications such as Earth observation, science, telecommunication and navigation; new technologies at system, sub-system and component level. A special session will be dedicated to access to space of Small Satellites, as launchers, platform cross-compatibility.

Click  here for more information.
JoSS: Submit Your Article for Publication
As  a unique scholarly technical journal dedicated to serving the Small Satellite Community, JoSS aims to publish online original high-quality, topical, peer-reviewed articles, legacy articles about contributions made by small satellites pioneers, and letters to the editor (LTEs). The publication of, and access to, these articles is offered FREE OF CHARGE to encourage students and entrepreneurs to expedite rapid publication of and access to their work. 

To this end, we gladly accept original, creative, previously unpublished articles that address one or more of the JoSS technical Topic Areas. You may visit under "Information for Authors" for the list of Topic Areas and guidelines for preparing and submitting your papers for publication. 

Please distribute this important information to others in the field of small satellites!   
JoSS: Advertising = Visibility for Your Organization 
You may purchase advertising on the JoSS website for your announcement or company for a very reasonable price, to reach the full range of the SmallSat community worldwide. As a not-for-profit organization, JoSS appreciates and values your support through the purchase of advertising space. For more information, see
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