Hello everyone,

As the saying goes..."I'm Back" !! Though not in as good a shape as I would like. Lots and lots of rumors...so here is the REAL story in a nutshell. As many of you know, Bobby and I recently moved into our new Hamptons House. Now I have a real excuse to "shop till I drop" and so I did. I fell in love with a Frontage massage table that has a built in heater. As soon as I opened it I turned it on "high" and fell fast asleep. When I awoke around 5AM I quickly sat up and tried to stand up. I collapsed. I think the heat in the bed put my feet to sleep somehow and I toppled over as soon as I tried to stand up. As I "crawled" into our real bed...I said to Bobby..."honey, I think I broke my feet!" He was sound asleep and soon so was I. When I woke up at 8AM to start getting ready for a Bella Magazine photo shoot in our home, I realized my feet were really broken. SO many people and so much work went into setting up this very special photo shoot that I couldn't cancel. My adrenaline kicked in when everyone arrived...I just told them what happened and that I couldn't wear shoes...but other than that..."SHOWTIME!" I had the most amazing day and felt like a princess. When you see the photos, you will see why! I can't thank the Bella Magazine team enough for taking such good care of me and even picking up my favorite Chinese chicken salad from Bobby Van's in Bridgehampton and flowers the next day. Special shout out to everyone involved including photographer Anna Gunselman, Hair stylist Federico Calce (my hair never looked so good), Chris Lanston (I loved the STELLA makeup you used!) and clothing stylist and designer to the stars RIchard Lowe III. As Rachel Zoe says "I die for your clothes" !

How many movies have we all seen when the wife's water breaks and is about to go into labor and she says to her husband" Honey....It's time to go the hospital... !" Well I am not pregnant but by 2PM it was DEFINITELY time to go to the hospital! So off I went. But not without Bobby running into my favorite frozen yogurt store in Southampton. Why did Bobby buy my a cone first? Well let's say Southampton Hospital has a "reputation" for long waits in the ER. As Bobby rolled me up literally in a wheelchair carrying my ice cream cone like a little girl in my Moroccan moo-moo, the nurse told me that you are not supposed to eat before going to the hospital in case you need a procedure (a little FYI!)...how would I know that! So I finished my cone and filled out the paperwork. As soon as I finished they called my name! NO WAIT...none...NADA! After a quick and painless XRAY...the Doctor told me I broke the 5th metatarsal bone in my left foot and sprained my right foot. I started to cry...there goes my tennis, long walks on the beach, Pilates but most important...HIGH HEELS this summer! Of course I am sitting in the ER and realized quickly how lucky I am that I would recover in 6-8 weeks where others are not as fortunate. I want to thank all the nurses and doctors who treated me that day and I will continue to support the hospital through local fundraisers this summer. Without the support of the community, they would not have a brand new waiting room for family members and a brand new wing. A temporary cast, a pair of crutches and a wheelchair later, I was in bed with my foot up on 2 pillows with ice on it. I wish I had a counter to tell me how many times I screamed "Bobbeeee" and "Saraaaaa" that day and the next.

As soon as I got home, I called my baby first cousin (Aunt cookie's first born son) David Zaret MD, who also happens to be an orthopedist and foot and ankle specialist. Bobby took me to his office on Long Island the next day and he prescribed a removable walking cast with a prognosis of...if I take it easy, elevate, ice it, it would come off in 6 weeks, I should have 100% recovery and might even see a tennis ball by the end of the season. High heels? Well that depends. Luckily...my house isn't shoe friendly to begin with! 

Not quite against Doctors orders, I am packing as I write this for London this weekend. When I make a commitment, it would take 2 broken feet to break it! (no pun intended!) After selling out all of my product on my premiere show for Skweez Couture a few months ago on QVC UK, I have been asked back for 3 hours this visit. 3 HOURS! And do I have "new styles for you" that YOU MUST HAVE in your wardrobe this summer. No excuses. There are too many styles to mention except one category that stands out in my mind. The lighter weight Jacquard in Nude or Black. Beautiful Floral patterns self inscribed with a gorgeous sheen to it. So comfortable, you feel naked but has the strength to hold your flesh in and smooths it out at the same time. I am so excited to show it to you in person that I am flying to London Saturday night so I can adjust to the jet lag for a 9AM first show on Monday. I hope you will ALL tune in ...whether in the UK or even on the internet thru qvcuk.com. If you live in the UK..you can pre-order online NOW to insure you get the proper size and styles you want to try. DON'T Wait...I want to make sure you get FIRST PICK of the selection.

If you bought, wore, AND LOVED anything from my first show last month...please leave comments and if you aren't shy...PLEASE CALL IN? They will be asking throughout the show for callers. If you do get through...please share with everyone which style you bought, why you LOVE IT and what you wore it under? If you have a suggestion that will help someone make a decision on which to order please call in but please keep it brief as time is limited.

For regular QVC UK watchers...my presenters are. Anne Dawson, Catherine Huntley and Alison Keenan. Showtimes are Monday June 3rd, at 5PM BST, Tuesday, June 4th, at 9AM and 7PM BST.

See you all MONDAY!!! Have a GREAT WEEKEND!
Jill XO

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