Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry in India…2022!
A trip two years in the making.
A country bigger than China?
A time to be introduced to amazing ministries and train over 300 pastors and youth leaders.
A celebration of a historic first in India's youth leader training.
A blessing to serve alongside my two oldest daughters.
A night in a Hindu village and the impact on three generations of one Hindu family.  
And…random water buffaloes, Faluda ice cream, and the surprises found in a Hindu temple.

Ready to read more?

Two Years in the Making…
In July of 2020, we were initially scheduled to be in India, but we encountered a detour named "Covid-19." So instead of allowing that to impact the beginning of our training there, we started online training in the summer of 2021 with 30 influential youth leaders from all over India, encompassing multiple denominations, churches, and locations.

A Historic First in India…
Over the next two years, under the direction of Joyson Cherian and IIYML, we partnered with First Priority Global, globalLead, Biblica, Ridley College, and CLFA to provide the content for the first ever accredited post-graduate diploma in Youth Ministry in India. During this summer's trip, we had the honor of taking part in the graduation ceremony of the men and women who completed this 2.5-year program! We also began to train an entirely new group of youth leaders in Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry who started their 2.5-year journey into this groundbreaking training opportunity.
Amazing ministries...
Throughout our time in Pune, we got to know the personal stories and the ministries of these extraordinary youth leaders. One of the many stories: King and Krushna are two leaders who work with in Pune. This organization rescues, rehabilitates, and provides quality care to the children of sex workers in the red-light district. 
Daily, God is using them to bring hope, healing, and life to broken and desperate people. They have a goal of rescuing and sheltering 200 children and adults by the end of 2022. They walked away from our training with specific action plans that they believe will help them in their mission.

Over 300 pastors and youth leaders…
The result of our time in Pune is that over 60 youth leaders from all over India are implementing JFYM action plans into their lives and ministries. Next month we will reconnect with these incredible leaders through Zoom to affirm, support, and continue to strategically work with them on their action plans as they continue to implement JFYM in their context and culture. 
Pastors fervently praying for the younger generation of India. Click photo for video.
The second half of our India trip included three separate training events in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. Additionally, we introduced JFYM to several hundred pastors and youth leaders within Rehoboth Ministry International's church planting network. Follow-up begins with these leaders next month as well!

Three Generations…
While working alongside Rehoboth Ministries and their church planting efforts in several Hindu villages, we participated in several evangelistic rallies. In one village of approximately 1,000 people, the only Christian family living there hosted a rally which resulted in many Hindus professing faith in Christ, including three generations of one family!

At one poignant moment during our time in Andhra Pradesh, Sastry Meesala (with Rehoboth Ministries), took us to the banks of the Krishna River. He pointed out that the village on the other side of the banks was an unreached and isolated people group, and that their ministry was beginning to pray over and strategically plan to reach them with the gospel.

Serving alongside family…
Another highlight of our time in India was experiencing the trip with my two oldest daughters, Shaelee and Rylee. Words cannot adequately describe the thoughts and feelings that flooded this dad's mind and heart as I watched God use them to encourage young female youth leaders, pray with church members, work with children in various contexts, and lead worship.

Random observations about Ice Cream, Veggie Tales, and Hindu Temples…
A helpful hint: Don't eat Faluda ice cream on "Eat Street"…From personal experience, although it is initially delicious, the short-term consequences may be a bit much!
Reality check: Veggie Tales may be right…it almost seemed as if everyone really DID have a water buffalo!
On a more serious note…we experienced the sobering moment of seeing Jesus recognized as a "lesser god" in a Hindu temple. But, for the growing number of believers in India, following the One who says “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6),” comes with great cost. The reality is that churches in India aren't filled with "complacent Christians." Indian believers take up their crosses daily and follow the Master…and those "crosses" include not only ridicule, but also becoming ostracized by family and friends.

Reaching the younger generation in the “soon to be” most populous country in the world…

Throughout our time in India, we heard a similar message…the time is NOW to reach the younger generation with the gospel. And the many pastors and youth leaders we met were hungry for training and resources that will help them reach this expansive mission field. India has the largest number of lost teenagers found in any country. India has over 1.4 billion people, and only 3% profess Jesus as Savior. Four hundred thirty-four million people in India are under the age of 18. By this time next year, India will have officially surpassed China as the most populous country in the world! 

Thank you, God, for inviting Reach Out through this door of enormous opportunity to partner with such extraordinary believers who have a contagious passion and vision for reaching the young people of their country!
If you have a heart and passion for helping teens in India come to know Jesus and want to contribute by coming alongside us in this brand-new country for Reach Out, click the button below. Every.Dollar.Counts.
Thank you for partnering with us with your prayers and financial support, as we continue to follow God into new opportunities and new countries!
Jesus is Lord,
Randy Riggins, President
Reach Out Youth Solutions