Jefferson Market Garden
Spring Newsletter
  Volume 15, Number 1  
Spring 2016    
Your support of the Garden makes it possible to maintain this remarkable treasure on a third of an acre in Greenwich Village.

New this Spring
Bill Thomas Photo

      In addition to the important Garden renewal projects in 2016, volunteers have been working to enhance our presence on the Web. Elizabeth Butson, Laurie Moody, Barbara L Brown and Mary Vanderwoude combined forces to revamp the entire JMG website. Along the way, Diane Darrow donated her ornithological experience to the "Bird Guide" page, and Mary Alice Kellogg added her flair for writing to our "Get Involved" page. Other Board members added comments, suggestions and line editing. In essence, it was a group project that benefited from the many talents of our Jefferson Market Garden community. Like our Garden, it is still a work in progress. Your comments and suggestions are welcome.

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Garden Events
Saturday, June 4
Magical Garden of Music & Flowers for Families
Monday June 13
Friends Garden Party
By Invitation
September 10 & 11
Fine Art Exhibition
September 24 & 25
Sunday, October 9
Family Harvest Festival
Holiday Tree Lighting 
date and time 
 to be announced 

Photo Gallery
2016 Garden
Removing the Holiday tree

Clearing snow from the shrubs

Resetting the bricks on our pathways

Adding electrical outlets

Resodding the lawn 
Removing bags from the trees

  Cleaning the Koi Pond
Spring Awakening 
Linda Camardo Photo

     At last on Friday, April 15th, after weeks of rain and cold wind, a warm sun shined and wind abated. The Garden gates opened wide. Smiling volunteers greeted guests while the tulips, which had mostly waited for this day, began to open in profusion.
     The evident beauty was the result of many projects that were completed this Spring to sustain the Garden for the years ahead: the brick walkway was lifted and reset to make a secure footing for visitors; the benches were set on bluestone to keep them on an even keel; necessary electric outlets were added in the lawn and near the entrance table; the lawn, fragile because it rests on rubble rather than deep soil and has been damaged by hard use, was removed and replaced with lush new sod; a new bed was added to increase planting space, and the table area at the entrance was expanded to give visitors and volunteers more space.
     Our next project will be to preserve our historic fence. This season we will spot-weld, paint and repair problem areas on the fence. At the end of the season, we need to paint the entire fence to protect it for the future.
     At the same time as we are tending to the infrastructure of the Garden, we applaud Susan Sipos, our Horticulturist-
Garden Designer, who implements plans with attention to details that allow the garden to bloom in engaging patterns and colors throughout the seasons.
Thank you for your support that has made all this work possible. 
George Paulos, Chair 
Elizabeth Butson, Vice Chair  
Volunteer News 
     Tuesday through Sunday, 10 am to dusk, weather permitting, community volunteers greet visitors from the table inside the gate.  Mary Alice Kellogg and Jessica Hildreth, our new Gate Greeter Coordinators, began the 2016 season by organizing the 2-hour shifts and holding a well-attended meeting in the Mae West Room in Jefferson Market Library.
     We now have a WELCOME flag flying just outside the
gate so that visitors can be sure we are open. Gate Volunteers will be moving a big planter (on wheels) with the colorful Welcome flag to cover the entrance bump for the safety of our visitors.
     Also, new artwork by Mary Alice Kellogg enlivens our donation box. Now a new Garden Rules sign is up and on display to clarify Garden rules in a friendly way. The Gate Greeters will assist visitors and sometimes provide treats for visiting dogs.
    On Mondays and sometimes during off-season, other community volunteers assist our Horticulturist/Garden Designer Susan Sipos with gardening chores. Diane Darrow coordinates these activities and keeps her eye on our avian visitors for possible new additions to the Bird Guide on our Website.
     At the same time, many more unseen volunteers prepare publications, create and maintain our social media, donate photos and art work, staff weddings and other Garden events, and our Board Members oversee all aspects of the Garden and worked for to continue its financial stability.
 Thank you Volunteers! 
Jefferson Market Garden Fence   
by Jack Intrator, JMG Historian

      The beautiful fence you see bordering the Garden has not always been there. In 1998, the Vincent Astor Foundation helped fund this wrought iron and steel fence. It had long been hoped that the historic fence, which surrounded the Jefferson Market Library itself and was based on the design of the original 19th century fence, could be continued around the Garden. On October 13, 1998, Brooke Astor dedicated the fence at a ceremony attended by many.
    The new fence replaced a deteriorating chain link fence surrounding the Garden since its creation in 1975, as seen in the picture of Andy Warhol visiting the Garden.
The 1998 work was done by Architectural Iron Company of Pennsylvania which engages in the restoration and reproduction of 18th and 19th century cast and wrought iron work. The company had earlier recreated the fence around the Jefferson Market Library, and among its many other projects are the fencing at Blair House, Washington D.C., and, locally, cast iron work at Grace Church, St. Luke's Church and Saint Mark's Church in-the-Bowery.
Art Photography in the Garden
Linda Camardo  

      Our Garden flourishes primarily because of generous support from YOU in the contribution box, checks in the mail, clicks on our Website Support page.  
      We are grateful for our Garden Volunteers, Gate Greeters, individual donors, foundation and business  contributors, and everyone else who gives time and talent to our enchanting Garden!  We thank you all! 
George Paulos , Chair
    and the Jefferson Market Board

                                                                         Bill Thomas Photo 

     In 1975, visionary Greenwich Village activists took back the land where Jefferson Market, a farmers' produce market, stood before the Women's House of Detention (1932-1973) was built and then demolished.  Their dream garden is now a reality.
Celebrating 41 years in 2016

Jefferson Market Garden is a 501 (c) (3). All donations are tax-deductible in accordance with the law.   
Village Committee for the Jefferson Market Area
  Our latest annual report may be obtained, upon request, from the Office of the Attorney General, Charities Bureau, 120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271