Java Circle News
Welcome to Java Circle News! This newsletter connects Ontario long-term care and retirement homes enjoying Java Peer Support Programs by sharing stories, successes, and challenges - homes sharing with homes!

Would you like to have your home featured in this newsletter? Please submit stories, quotations, photos, or videos to Michelle Fleming at .
UPCOMING EVENT: Final Project Workshop
We're bringing together long-term care and retirement homes across Ontario who are part of our project: The Power of Peer Support: Reducing Social Isolation in Residential Care. We invite two staff members from each home to attend this interactive session. Come and participate in a round table with colleagues as we explore experiences and challenges in implementing Java peer support programs and engaging recreation more broadly. Learn about the research findings from our project and view our short documentary film. Participate in an education module about the “Power of Silence” and hear a summary of our final project report. And last but not least, meet great colleagues from across the province!

Tuesday, September 11th, 2018
10 a.m. – 3 p.m. (lunch provided)
Auditorium at Saint-Louis Residence, Bruyère Continuing Care, 879 Hiawatha Park, Orléans, ON.

For more information and to register, please contact Michelle Fleming ( ). Unable to attend in person? The meeting will be hosted live online. Please email us for the link!
News from the project!
On Wednesday, August 8th, Kristine Theurer (President, Java Group Programs), Michelle Fleming (Knowledge Broker, Ontario CLRI hosted at Bruyère) and Emily Pypker (Manager of Resident Services at True Davidson Acres Home of the Aged) delivered a presentation to delegates from around the world at the International Federation on Ageing Global Conference hosted in Toronto. The presentation was well attended and we had a very engaged audience! We introduced the concept of peer support in long-term care, discussed the implementation process from the perspective of True Davidson Acres, shared our broader knowledge mobilization strategies and feedback from evaluations. The slide above provides a snapshot of how the Power of Peer Support project advances the goals of the Ontario CLRI. Contact us if you would like to see the full slide deck.
Documentary Coming Soon!

Our Documentary is coming very soon – we expect to release it in early September! Join us at our Final Project Workshop to view it live.
A Volunteer's Perspective
"For two months, I have volunteered to lead the Java Music Club at Saint-Louis Residence. Mariama Diallo, Volunteer Coordinator, accepted me with open arms and provided me with literature about the Java program. I am amazed by everything I’ve found. I fully support the Club's objective: to decrease social isolation of residents. I believe in the power of this peer support group process, and that it can facilitate well-being, communication, support and communion among residents.

"Week to week, I notice how much more joy appears on the residents' faces and how their desire to get together increases. Residents who would not speak at the beginning, have started to open up. The group gives everyone the joy of being listened to, and the knowledge that they are understood. It allows them to talk about their emotions. Together we can explore subjects that are important to those who are around the table. We talk about mourning, we talk about adjustment, whatever is on people's minds.

"I am delighted to be facilitating this group with another volunteer, Jean-Luc, and really appreciate the support of Janet who helps residents come to the Club and serves a delicious snack." - Sœur Gisèle Cyr, volunteer facilitator at Saint-Louis Residence
Webinar Series – Recordings available online

Our webinar series ended on July 27th with our final session entitled "Embracing Diversity". Watch the entire series or pieces of it at - . Each webinar comes with a package of handouts and includes self-reflection exercises. A certificate will be presented to everyone who participates in all four webinars. We thank everyone who participated live!
Why do I love what I do as a Java Music Club facilitator?

“The best part about running the Java Music Club for me as a facilitator is the fact that the program gives me the opportunity to get to know the residents [who are] involved on a more personal level. You learn things about them that you wouldn't otherwise get the opportunity to learn. It is also amazing to see them bond with each other over small similarities. The programs has been a great addition for our home and I look forward to our meetings every week.” - Ryan Bradley, Madonna Care Community
Thank you for sharing this newsletter broadly with residents, families, and colleagues in your home. Please contact us if you would like to receive a printed copy for your bulletin board.
This newsletter is part of the project: The Power of Peer Support: Reducing Social Isolation in Residential Care , a knowledge mobilization partnership initiative between Ontario Centre for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care (CLRI) at Bruyère, Java Group Programs, Carleton University’s Department of Health Sciences and Bruyère Continuing Care’s Therapeutic Support Services. It is funded by the Centre for Aging + Brain Health Innovation (CABHI), Carleton University and the Government of Ontario through the Ontario CLRI.  
Want to stay informed on upcoming news and events from the Ontario CLRI? Sign up for our newsletter , which will be starting in the fall!
Ontario CLRI | Bruyère | 613-562-6262 | |