January 2022
Online Entry-to-Practice Exam: April 27, 2022
Are you or is someone you know taking the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario entry-to-practice exam this spring?

If so, please note that the exam will be held online, on Wednesday, April 27, 2022.
The decision to move the exam online was made in consideration of applicants’ safety and access to the profession due to the ongoing challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic and provincial restrictions on group gatherings.
Applicants will be required to use their personal computer equipment and the exam will be remotely proctored.
Exam Webinar: To explain the exam process, the College will hold a webinar on February 3, 2022. The College will send a registration link for the webinar to all applicants. Webinar attendance is optional but recommended. If you can’t attend the live webinar, the College will make a video link available after the event.

Please visit the College website for deadlines and important information about the exam, including details about exam procedures.
Council and Committee Governance Modernization: Conflict of Interest
The provincial government has called for improved openness and transparency in licensing and professional regulation and has directed Ontario health regulators to implement strategies to improve the way they protect the public.

The Ontario Ministry of Health has introduced new requirements for health regulatory college governance through the College Performance Measurement Framework (CPMF). The CPMF requires that Council has a Conflict of Interest Policy, accessible to the public, that is periodically evaluated and/or updated.

In December, Council approved proposed changes to By-law 16 pertaining to conflict of interest. Council considered feedback obtained during the external consultation process and approved final amendments. View the approved amendments here
CASE OF THE MONTH: If I have been exposed to COVID-19 or have symptoms, should I still go to work?
Response: The appropriate response depends on where you work (low-risk or high-risk setting), whether or not you are experiencing symptoms, and whether or not you are vaccinated. Any advice should be modified by guidance you receive from your employer, the Ministry of Health and/or your local public health unit. (Advice below is accurate as of January 28, 2022.)

Scenario 1: You work in a low-risk setting (and you’ve had exposure without protection OR are symptomatic)
  1. If you are symptomatic, self-isolate as soon as possible. If you’ve had exposure to someone who has tested positive, self-monitor for 10 days and self-isolate immediately if symptomatic.
  2. Notify your employer of possible, suspected or confirmed exposure/diagnosis. Follow employer protocols, if there are any. Contact your local public health unit for guidance.
  3. If you are eligible for a test, get a test as soon as possible (PCR, rapid antigen test or other). If using rapid antigen tests, a single negative result doesn’t mean you don’t have COVID-19. Two negative results separated by 24-48 hours are more likely to indicate you don’t have COVID-19, but you should still self-isolate until you have no fever and symptoms have been improving for 24 hours (48 if gastrointestinal symptoms were present).
  4. Self-isolate at least five days from symptom onset and until symptoms have been improving for 24 hours (48 hours if gastrointestinal symptoms), for fully vaccinated people and all children under the age of 12. Self-isolate at least 10 days if you are: 12 years of age or older and are either partially or fully unvaccinated; immunocompromised, regardless of age; or recovering from serve COVID-19 symptoms (requiring ICU-level care, for example), regardless of age or vaccine status.
  5. Return to work clearance based on combination of symptoms and workplace/public health guidance, particularly if you were eligible for a test and tested positive.

Scenario 2: You work in a high-risk setting (and have had exposure without protection, but are experiencing no symptoms)
  1. Self-monitor for at least 10 days, report exposure to your workplace and local public health unit.
  2. Get tested if advised to do so by your public health unit.
  3. Do not work for 10 days from last exposure unless test-to-work and/or other measures are in place. If workplace self-isolation, test-to-work or other measures are in effect, observe all guidance from workplace and your local public health unit regarding frequency, timing of tests and return to work. The general recommendation is that return to work should not occur unless the staff member remains asymptomatic; AND is screened prior to starting work each shift; AND is fully vaccinated; AND continues to test negative on required testing. As an alternative, two negative rapid antigen tests on days six and seven (24 hours apart) could allow early return to work.
Scenario 3: You work in a high-risk setting (and you are symptomatic)
  1. Self-isolate immediately, notify your workplace and local public health unit.
  2. Get tested as soon as possible. If test is negative, notify workplace, public health unit and follow guidance about self-monitoring and return to work. If test is positive, self-isolate as per public health unit instructions/guidance.
  3. Follow any applicable guidance regarding the duration of any self-isolation and return to work clearance. (See “Scenario 1: Low-risk setting” example, above, for self-isolation details.)
Competency-Based Elections Coming in July 2022
Are you interested in getting further involved in your profession? Gaining leadership experience? Supporting public health and well-being?
The College is looking for experienced, qualified people to serve on its Council and committees. If that’s you, we invite you to find out more about the nomination and election process in advance of our 2022 elections, coming in July.

Competency profile
Health profession regulators, including the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario, exist to protect the public. In Ontario, many regulatory bodies are beginning to introduce changes to the way they govern themselves to help better serve the interests of the public. One of the key changes is a Council and committees made up of individuals who possess specific competencies. These skills and abilities will help them successfully carry out their duties, support the College’s mandate and safeguard public well-being.
If you’d like to learn more about serving on Council or committees we encourage you to visit our elections page and view the approved Council and committee competency profile.

The College strives to create a diverse and inclusive setting that reflects the communities we serve. In the spirit of diversity, equity and inclusion, the College welcomes and encourages the candidacies of kinesiologists from visible minority/racialized, marginalized and rural communities, as well as internationally educated kinesiologists and those practising in expanded, collaborative and/or community health team models. We welcome questions regarding the election process and are willing to work with candidates to ensure that the election process is fair, transparent and inclusive. Please let us know if you require any accommodation to participate in Council elections and committee appointments.

Watch for an official call for nominations in the coming months, in advance of the 2022 elections, to be held in July.
Upcoming: Post-Secondary Student Information Sessions
The College of Kinesiologists of Ontario (CKO) is currently developing online information sessions for post-secondary students studying kinesiology or a related program who intend on becoming registered with the CKO.
These sessions will cover the requirements for registering with the College, the College’s role, details about the exam process and preparation, and more.
Watch for more information about dates and times for these sessions, in the coming months.
Make Sure Your Professional Liability Insurance is Up to Date
Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) protects both kinesiologists and their patients/clients. PLI provides patients/clients with compensation should harm occur as a result of error, omission or a negligent act by a kinesiologist, and it protects the kinesiologist by providing legal and financial support should a claim be made against them.

In order to maintain your standing with the College, all registrants must have up-to-date PLI. If your PLI has expired or is due to expire soon, please send the College proof of your updated coverage, in order to continue to practice. For more information, visit our PLI FAQs page
Mandatory Reporting Requirements
Ontario kinesiologists and those who employ or work with them have obligations to report certain information to the College. 

Mandatory reporting helps protect the public because it brings important information to the College’s attention. Through these mandatory reports, the College can investigate incidents of possible professional misconduct, incompetence or incapacity on the part of kinesiologists.

Visit the College’s mandatory reporting information page for a summary of reporting obligations. These include an overview of circumstances that would require a kinesiologist or their employer/facility operator to file a report with the College. As well, kinesiologists and employers of kinesiologists may also have mandatory reporting obligations to other organizations, in the case of such things as child abuse and neglect or elder abuse, and warning authorities or appropriate parties when someone is in serious danger (duty to warn).
Inform Us of Changes to Your Personal Information
This is a reminder that you are required to notify the College of any changes to your employment information, address or contact information within 30 days of the change.

This includes changes to your primary email address on file. Email is the primary means whereby the College communicates with registrants.

The College developed a form to help you report and submit these changes. Check it out on our website and email the College at info@coko.ca if you have any questions.
Please do not unsubscribe if you are registered with the College. If you do unsubscribe, you will be contacted by staff to re-subscribe as the College primarily communicates to registrants via email. We strive to keep communications relevant and to a minimum. Information regarding registration matters (annual renewal deadline, quality assurance requirements, etc.), and important news and updates are sent via email. The College works on the assumption that all registrants receive all of our emails.