Did you know that the old quote: "laughter is the best medicine," is more than a simple aphorism - it has scientific data to back it up?

It is now well known that smiles and laughter can generate neurotransmitters in the brain like dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin that have positive impacts on mental and physical health. It is also infectious - the happiness that one person exhibits by smiling or laughing has a similar effect on people around them. We are all empathic beings who are good at picking up the moods (joy or grief) of people around us. This goes hand in hand with our innate sense of wanting to belong and be part of a community.

This sense of community is so important for mental health and I, and my "family" at Lakes Center want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being part of our community - for helping to make us smile and laugh with you. 

Lynne Lyons, MD
Medical Director and Psychiatrist
Lakes Center Mental Health Network
Dry January: The Benefits
of a Month Without Alcohol

For many, drinking during the holiday season is commonplace. Social drinking is widely accepted and is seen as a way to lighten the mood and bring folks together. Unfortunately, throughout the past couple of years, we have seen dramatic increases in alcohol consumption, largely due to the stressful situations prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Amy Morin, LCSW, the editor-in-chief of Verywell Mind says, “Alcohol sales have skyrocketed as people have felt increasingly stressed. And during this stressful time, many go-to coping strategies were taken away—such as going to the gym or having lunch with friends. Therefore, a lot of people have turned to alcohol as a way to handle their distress. But problem drinking is likely to make things worse.”

Get Out in the Sun

Getting enough natural daylight has previously been linked with a lower risk of depression, a lower risk of postnatal depression in women, and more recently with improved eye health. Previous research has suggested that getting outdoors in the morning is most beneficial; those who struggle to get outside are advised to open the curtains at home and sit by windows in offices to try to maximize the amount of light, or use light therapy lamps to help fight depression in winter months.
Take an Instant Vacation with Laughter

Laughter is an instant vacation,” according to Milton Berle. When you’re feeling calm, make a list of things that make you laugh — a TV show, a movie, a joke you’ve heard. Pull out the list when you’re experiencing stress, and treat yourself to an instant vacation. You deserve it.
We provide comprehensive psychiatric and psychotherapy services for a vast array of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, psychotic illness, borderline personality disorder, substance abuse/addiction, trauma related issues, relationship difficulties, life transitions, and behavior problems. Call (248) 859-2457 to set up an appointment.
Did you know? SPRAVATO® can have a rapid antidepressant response and is added on to an antidepressant and the rest of your regimen. It is the first new mechanism of action to treat depression that has come out in over 30 years. 
There is hope for treatment-resistant depression. Call (248) 859-2457 to set up an appointment.
Lakes DBT We provide comprehensive DBT services to provide effective treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and other disorders involving emotion dysregulation, including co-occurring substance use disorders, major depressive disorder, and individuals with history of trauma. At Lakes DBT Center, we believe that with effective evidence-based treatment and a caring and coordinated treatment team, clients can achieve a life worth living. 
Lakes Psychiatric Center remains open for business. We are offering Zoom online tele-therapy appointments for new and existing clients as well as in person sessions. Please contact the front desk to assist you with your appointment type or instructions for using Zoom. Call (248) 859-2457 for info.
Lakes Depression Center is continuing to provide SPRAVATO® treatments per the usual schedule. We have enhanced our safety and cleaning protocols. You are safe to start treatment or continue treatment. Call (248) 956-7164 for info.
Terrie Browning, LPC, CFC, DCC 
Licensed Professional Counselor

Hello! I am a Licensed Professional Counselor; trained in ERP, Certified Forensic Consultant, Credentialed Telehealth, with specialization in Counseling Psychology. I offer GOAL ORIENTED THERAPIES for adults and adolescents. I am passionate about the mind/body connection and use CBT, ACT, DBT, ERP along with mindfulness to increases awareness, create necessary habit changes, improve relationships both personal and professional and maintain a healthy balance in your life. If you are tired of being stuck, repeating certain patterns or themes, I will work alongside you to resolve past issues and start living the life you dream about.

Catherine DuFresne, LMSW
Clinical Social Worker

Cathy is a clinical social worker with 20 years of experience working with adults, teens, and families. She is committed to helping people build happiness and joy in their lives, while also helping them learn to manage feelings of anxiety and depression. Her life experiences has taught her the importance of compassion and empathy; she strives to incorporate these qualities into her practice techniques. She believes change is possible. Using mindfulness skills along with learning to manage thoughts and emotions can be powerful tools to help cope with challenges in life. She is a person-centered therapist, focusing on your goals and strengths.