Envision Eugene is our collective vision for how we will grow
while preserving what we love about our community.

Envision Eugene Newsletter
What's New with Envision Eugene?
January 19, 2018
This newsletter contains an important update about the urban growth boundary adoption process and a recent decision handed down from the Land Use Board of Appeals. It also contains information about the River Road - Santa Clara neighborhood planning process entering a new phase. Finally, this newsletter highlights an ongoing discussion with Council and the Planning Commission about Secondary Dwelling Units. Keep reading to learn more, or visit us on our website .
LUBA Rules in Favor of Eugene's New UGB
In July, 2017, Eugene City Council adopted two separate ordinances related to the establishment of a new urban growth boundary. The first ordinance addressed land for employment, parks and schools; the second ordinance addressed land for housing. The Home Builders Association of Lane County filed a legal challenge to the second ordinance, related to housing. 

On January 10th 2018, the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) issued its Final Order on the Home Builders Association’s challenge. LUBA’s decision affirms the City’s housing ordinance, upholding the City’s action with respect to all issues raised by the Home Builders. This decision allows Planning staff to continue implementing the community vision through a variety of important projects.
River Road - Santa Clara, New Phase of Planning
The River Road - Santa Clara neighborhood planning process is moving into a new phase of plan development. This phase is focused on developing a neighborhood vision and an action plan based on the results of our fall outreach. A Community Advisory Committee has been nominated by the two Community Organizations and a Technical Advisory Committee has been formed by staff. Focus groups for each of the plan topic areas made up of community members are also being created. You can watch a a full update on the project provided to the Eugene Planning Commission here. If you would like to receive project specific updates, sign up for the newsletter.
Council Work Session on Secondary Dwellings
On January 17th, the Eugene City Council held a work session to discuss Senate Bill 1051. The state law was adopted during the 2017 legislative session to address housing affordability. The bill requires Cities to allow for accessory dwelling units (secondary dwellings in Eugene) in single family neighborhoods subject to 'reasonable local regulations related to siting and design.' SB 1051 will require changes to Eugene's land use code to allow secondary dwellings in more areas. Neighborhood livability and housing affordability will be important considerations in evaluating our existing standards. You can watch the Jan 17th council work session where SB 1051 was discussed online.

Planning staff will return to City Council on Jan 22nd for direction on a phased approach to conforming with state law. Additionally, the Planning Commission will receive a presentation on this topic earlier that day. Interested members of the public can attend in person or watch online.
Planning Commission Meeting
Jan 22nd 2018, 11:30 AM
Sloat Room, 99 W 10th Ave.
City Council Meeting
Jan 22nd 2018, 7:30 PM
Harris Hall, 125 E 8th Ave.
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City of Eugene Planning & Development Department
99 W. 10th Avenue | Eugene | OR | 97401