As this newsletter reaches your inbox, we hope it finds you prepared to face the brutal cold that is coming this week. Maybe you are fortunate and somewhere warm. Wherever this finds you, we can all hope that the golf season will come soon!
There is still time to get your membership renewal in before the end of the month to take advantage of the incentive for paying your dues early. Earn a $25 gift card if your dues are paid by January 31st. The gift cards will be available to pick up in March after opening day. Gift cards can be used for golf, cart rental or food and will expire at the end of the season.
New and social memberships do not qualify for the gift card promotion.
Refer a new member to the TRA and receive a $100 discount on your 2020 dues
(social memberships do not qualify for referral discount).
All dues and cart rentals or leases are due by March 20, 2019.