New year brings new opportunities for PHLT!
PHLT welcomes new Stewardship Manager
We are pleased to announce the addition of a new member to the PHLT team. Matt Schultz will be joining us as our new Stewardship Manager. If you see Matt out on our preserves, say hello!

Matt grew up in southwestern PA. After graduating college, he worked as a wildlife biologist throughout the Midwest, a land steward in Michigan, and a restoration ecologist in Oregon.

Returning to the Keystone State, he is excited to explore, document, and protect the tremendous biodiversity of northeastern Pennsylvania. He lives in Scranton with his wife Anne, son Tobias, and daughter Nora.

Welcome aboard, Matt!
The Hunt for Redds in November 
By Rob Shane, Mid-Atlantic Organizer for Trout Unlimited
This Fall, volunteers from PHLT and Brodhead Trout Unlimited partnered to survey our Pocono waters for wild trout reproduction. 

Identifying wild trout nests, know as redds, indicate a high level of water quality and habitat in streams. PHLT has worked hard over the past few decades to preserve and protect land throughout the Brodhead Watershed in order to preserve the exceptional value of our streams. 

Despite the high water events throughout October and November, volunteers were able to survey Cranberry Creek, Tank Creek, and Yankee Run on PHLT properties, as well as Cherry Creek at the Cherry Valley National Wildlife Refuge. Hiking through the brush and snow, our redd hunters were successful in their search on most of the streams mentioned above. We also found a few surprises, including wood turtles in Cranberry Creek. 

Knowing which streams wild trout are using for reproduction allows PHLT to make sound recommendations to state agencies and landowners for trout management. Also, the presence of wild trout in these streams offers those bodies of water higher levels of protection from the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission. 

We plan to make this an annual event, and in time, expand this program to include all of our properties with streams on site. Please look for an invite to join us in the Fall of 2019. 
The number of acres of land which PHLT, in partnership with Natural Lands , protected this month. This land, located on the Pocono Plateau and surrounding the Brodhead Creek, was protected through a Conservation Easement.

What are the benefits of Conservation Easements for property owners and land trusts? Learn more here!
Winter Birding in The Poconos
by local birdwatcher Sarah Cameron
Winter Bird Spotting:
Black-Capped Chickadee and American Goldfinch
Cameron provides identifying characteristics of two birds to keep an eye out for this winter.
Black-Capped Chickadee
In lieu of the insect bounty that numerous birds rely on during the warmer months, a large amount of species, such as Black-Capped Chickadees, will supplement their winter diets with seed and can often be spotted at feeders.

These birds prefer wooded areas and can be identified by their white cheeks and black cap and bib. Known for their curiosity, they will often come rather close while investigating humans, making them a fairly well-known and recognized species.
American Goldfinch
The American Goldfinch is an obligate vegetarian and relies solely on this food source. While in the summertime American Goldfinch males are noted for their bright yellow plumage, their winter coloration can be described as a more muted yellow, in some cases even dull.

The finches possess easily recognizable white wing bars on otherwise black wings and have small, conical bills.
A bird's-eye view of BCHC
Have you seen the new Brodhead Creek Heritage Center at ForEvergreen Nature Preserve?

Check it out from a "bird's-eye view" with a video compiled by PHLT board member Rita Lacey with drone photography by Beyond Limit Productions

Upcoming Events
For more information and to register, visit
Sunday January 20th
1:00-4:00 PM
Waterfalls Walk at Cranberry Creek Preserve
Sunday February 17th
7:00-9:00 PM
"Sounds of the Winter Night"
Full Moon Snow Shoe at
ForEvergreen Nature Preserve
Pocono Heritage Land Trust |