This Fall, volunteers from PHLT and Brodhead Trout Unlimited partnered to survey our Pocono waters for wild trout reproduction.
Identifying wild trout nests, know as redds, indicate a high level of water quality and habitat in streams. PHLT has worked hard over the past few decades to preserve and protect land throughout the Brodhead Watershed in order to preserve the exceptional value of our streams.
Despite the high water events throughout October and November, volunteers were able to survey Cranberry Creek, Tank Creek, and Yankee Run on PHLT properties, as well as Cherry Creek at the Cherry Valley National Wildlife Refuge. Hiking through the brush and snow, our redd hunters were successful in their search on most of the streams mentioned above. We also found a few surprises, including wood turtles in Cranberry Creek.
Knowing which streams wild trout are using for reproduction allows PHLT to make sound recommendations to state agencies and landowners for trout management. Also, the presence of wild trout in these streams offers those bodies of water higher levels of protection from the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission.
We plan to make this an annual event, and in time, expand this program to include all of our properties with streams on site. Please look for an invite to join us in the Fall of 2019.