In December, crews continued construction activities along the corridor:
Area 1: Reston Avenue to Colvin Forest Drive (Except Baron Cameron Avenue Intersection)
- Continued construction of the shared-use paths along Route 7.
Area 2: Baron Cameron Intersection
- Continued construction of the permanent right-turn lane from eastbound Route 7 to Baron Cameron Avenue.
Area 3: Difficult Run Area (Colvin Forest Drive to Faulkner Drive)
- Continued construction of the foundations, substructure, and retaining wall for the new Difficult Run bridge on westbound Route 7.
- Continued storm sewer installation between the new pedestrian underpass at Colvin Run Mill Park and Difficult Run.
Area 4: Faulkner Drive to Jarrett Valley Drive
- Commenced construction of the noise barrier along westbound Route 7 west of Forestville Drive.
- Continued noise barrier panel installation along eastbound Route 7 on the east and west sides of Old Ash Grove.
- Paved along eastbound Route 7 between Middleton Ridge Road and Atwood Road and shifted traffic to the south.
- Paved along eastbound Route 7 between Lucky Estates Drive and the east side of McLean Bible Church and shifted traffic to the south.
- Opened new access to Lucky Estates Drive from Route 7.