I bought a new couch and the salesman told me it would comfortably seat five people with no problems. After I got it home, I realized it was too big. I don't know five people with no problems.

Congratulations to the following for progressing up the ACBL ladder:

Robert E, Deitzel
Constance Kuntz
Catherine Marenghi

Franklin Clarke
Jennifer Clarke
Edward Ledwith
Freda Yocum

Dr Carole Campbell

Bobbie Goodyear

Ricky Boyer

South Central PA continues to host virtual games. See the website bridgeboardroom.com for a complete virtual schedule. Games are held on a daily basis. Junior Fund week is Jan 9-15 with double black points during that timeframe. Please note: The online schedule was updated Dec 26.
Also, at the Bridge Board room website is information about two (2) bridge cruises in 2023 and seven (7) bridge boot camps. All of these events are packed with bridge and good times.

District 4 Flight B (0-2500 masterpoints) Grand National Teams will be held online Feb 4-5. Preregistration is required by Jan 30. Get your team together, sign up and compete for gold points and a chance to win a stipend to Nationals. Other Flights will compete in March, also online. 

The Harrisburg Bridge Club (HBC) will be hosting its monthly Swiss Team game on Wednesday, Jan 25.  Both a 0-750 and an open game are scheduled. Game time is at 6:30 P.M. with food available at 5:45. Advance registration is requested to plan for sufficient food.  See the HBC website, www.bridgewebs.com/harrisburg/ for full details and COVID protocols. 

Point to ponder
A recent 2/1 auction in the ACBL Bridge Bulletin goes like this against silent opponents:  1S- 2D - 3H. Six (6) of fourteen (14) panelists say 3H is a splinter in support of diamonds. There is room for other interpretations.  Make sure you and your partner are in agreement.  

How about this for a New Year's resolution: Get in touch with someone who has been away from the bridge table for awhile.  Ask them to play F2F or virtually, and get them interested in bridge again.