E-Newsletter - January 21, 2022
Our Church doors are open to welcome you in person.

Morning Service 9:15 a.m.
Divine Liturgy 10:00 a.m.

Fr. Hrant Kevorkian, Pastor
My Weekly Offering for Sunday, January 23

Tithing or giving a weekly offering is one of our customary Christian practices that is freely given by the faithful based on their financial abilities. This is an expression of thanksgiving, praising God, and showing our love for God and His Church.

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Let's Read the Bible! Readings of the week.
  • Monday, January 24th: (Giragos and his mother Julita, and the Martyrs Gordius, Polyeuctus, and Grigoris) Proverbs 14:1-6; Zechariah 8:4-5; Isaiah 60:8-9; Hebrews 2:14-18; Luke 9:44-48
  • Tuesday, January 25th: (St. Vahan of Koghtûn, andEugenia the Virgin, and her Father Philip and Mother Claudia, and her Brothers Sergius and Apito, and the two Eunuchs) Proverbs 7:1-7; Ezekiel 12:17-19; Romans 8:12-27; Luke 9:23-27
  • Wednesday, January 26th: 1 Timothy 5:17-6:5; John 3:22-36
  • Thursday, January 27th: (Sts. Eugenius, Macarius, Valerius, Canditus and Aquila) Zephaniah 3:19-20; 2 Corinthians 10:3-6; Matthew 10:23-33
  • Friday, January 28th: 2 Timothy 3:1-7; John 6:64-72
  • Saturday, January 29th: (St. Gregory the Theologian) Proverbs 8:33-36; Hosea 10:12; Amos 5:10-14; Acts 20:25-32; John 10:11-16
Bible Readings for Sunday, January 23, 2022

Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching. Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through a prophetic message when the body of elders laid their hands on you.
Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress. Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.
Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father. Treat younger men as brothers, older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity.
Give proper recognition to those widows who are really in need. But if a widow has children or grandchildren, these should learn first of all to put their religion into practice by caring for their own family and so repaying their parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to God. The widow who is really in need and left all alone puts her hope in God and continues night and day to pray and to ask God for help. But the widow who lives for pleasure is dead even while she lives. Give the people these instructions, too, so that no one may be open to blame. If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
Եւ որպէսզի ոեւէ մէկը քեզ չարհամարհէ՝ երիտասարդ ըլլալուդ համար, հաւատացեալներուդ օրինակ եղիր՝ խօսքովդ, վարմունքովդ, սիրովդ, հաւատքովդ եւ մաքուր կենցաղովդ: Մինչեւ գալս հոգ տար իրենց՝ Աստուծոյ խօսքէն կարդալով, յորդորելով զիրենք եւ սորվեցնելով: Անփոյթ մի՛ գտնուիր այն շնորհքին նկատմամբ, որ մարգարէական հոգիով քեզի տրուեցաւ, երբ երէցները ձեռք դրին քու վրադ: Այս ըսածներուս մասին խորհէ եւ զանոնք գործի վերածելու աշխատէ, որպէսզի ամէն մարդ յայտնապէս տեսնէ քու յառաջդիմութիւնդ: Ուշադիր եղիր՝ թէ՛ դուն քեզի եւ թէ՛ սորվեցուցածիդ, եւ միշտ ալ այդպէ՛ս մնա, գիտնալով որ այդ ձեւով ո՛չ միայն ինքզինքդ կը փրկես, այլ նաեւ բոլոր քեզ լսողները:

Երբեք խստութեամբ մի՛ յանդիմաներ ծեր մէկը, այլ՝ մեղմութեամբ յորդորէ զայն, ինչպէս հօրդ պիտի ընէիր: Երիտասարդները եղբօրդ տեղը սեպէ, պառաւները՝ մօրդ, իսկ երիտասարդուհիները քրոջդ տեղը դիր եւ ամենայն մաքրութեամբ մօտեցիր անոնց: Պատուէ եւ խնամէ ա՛յն այրիները՝ որոնք իսկապէս որբեւայրի են: Իսկ երբ այրի մը զաւակներ ու թոռներ ունի, պէտք է անո՛նք նային իրեն, որպէսզի սորվին բարեպաշտութիւնը նախ տան մէջ կիրարկել՝ ծնողներէն իրենց տրուած խնամքին փոխարէն հոգ տանելով անոնց, որովհետեւ Աստուծոյ համար ա՛յդ է իրաւ եւ ընդունելի բարեպաշտութիւնը: Իսկական այրին ան է՝ որ մէկը չունի, յոյսը միայն Աստուծոյ վրայ դրած է եւ գիշերցերեկ աղօթքով ու խնդրանքով կ’անցընէ իր ժամանակը: Իսկ հանգստութիւն ու վայելք փնտռող այրին կենդանի մեռած մըն է արդէն: Այնպիսիներուն այս պատուէրները տուր, որպէսզի անարատ ըլլան: Իսկ մէկը՝ որ իրեններուն եւ մանաւանդ իր ընտանիքի անդամներուն հոգ չի տանիր, այնպիսին իր հաւատքը ուրացած մըն է, շատ աւելի գէշ՝ քան անհաւատ մը: Այրի սեպէ միայն այն կիները՝ որոնք վաթսունը անց են, մէկ անգամ ամուսնացած, եւ բարի գործերով վկայուած են, այսինքն՝ զաւակներ մեծցուցած, հիւրասէր եղած, ճամբորդ հաւատացեալներուն խոնարհաբար ծառայած, նեղութեան մէջ եղողներուն օգնած, եւ իրենք զիրենք ամբողջութեամբ բարեգործութեան տուած են:

"No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven-the Son of Man. Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.  
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son. This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God."
– Ո՛չ ոք երկինք ելաւ՝ բացի Մարդու Որդիէն, որ երկինքէն իջաւ, եւ որ երկինքի մէջ է: Եւ ինչպէս Մովսէս պղինձէ օձը բարձրացուց անապատին մէջ, նոյնպէս ալ Մարդու Որդին պէտք է բարձրանայ, որպէսզի անոր հաւատացողը յաւիտենական կեանք ունենայ: Որովհետեւ Աստուած ա՛յնքան սիրեց աշխարհը, որ մինչեւ իսկ իր միածին Որդին տուաւ, որպէսզի անոր հաւատացողը չկորսուի, այլ յաւիտենական կեանք ունենայ: Որովհետեւ Աստուած իր Որդին աշխարհ ղրկեց՝ ո՛չ թէ որպէսզի աշխարհը դատապարտէ, այլ որպէսզի աշխարհը փրկէ: Ով որ կը հաւատայ անոր, չի դատապարտուիր. իսկ ով որ չի հաւատար անոր, արդէն իսկ դատապարտուած է, Աստուծոյ միածին Որդիին չհաւատալուն համար:
– Եւ դատապարտութիւնը այս է.- Լոյսը աշխարհ եկաւ, բայց մարդիկ խաւարը լոյսէն աւելի սիրեցին, որովհետեւ չարութիւն կը գործէին: Ով որ չար գործ կը կատարէ՝ կ’ատէ լոյսը եւ լոյսին չի գար, որպէսզի իր գործերը չյայտնուին: Սակայն ով որ կը կատարէ ինչ որ ճշմարիտ է՝ լոյսին կու գայ, որպէսզի յայտնի ըլլայ թէ իր գործերը Աստուծոյ կամքին համաձայն գործուած են:
On Saturday, January 22, the Armenian Church commemorates the Holy Fathers Athanasius and Cyril. Athanasius is known as the “champion of orthodoxy” and “Father of Orthodoxy.” He served as bishop of Alexandria for 45 years (17 years in exile). He attended the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD where he was regarded as a theological expert, despite just being a deacon. He is respected and revered in the Armenian Church.
Cyril of Alexandria succeeded his uncle, Theophilus, as patriarch of Alexandria in 412. He was a brilliant theologian in the Alexandrian tradition, and like Athanasius, is highly regarded by the Armenian Church. He presided over the third ecumenical council in Ephesus in 431 AD. He wrote treatises clarifying the doctrines of the Trinity and the Incarnation, commentaries on the Gospels of John and Luke, dogmatic theology, and many letters and sermons.

On Tuesday, January 25, the Armenian Church celebrates St. Vahan of Goghtn. He was the son of an Armenian prince and was abducted at age four by the Arabs. He grew up in the royal court in Damascus, where he was forced to convert to Islam. Catholicos John of Otzoon negotiated an agreement with the Arab emir for the repatriation of many Armenians who were held captive. Vahan, who was aware of his Christian heritage, wished to return to Armenia. He lived peacefully for about ten years. Subsequently there was a concerted attempt by the Arab royal family to bring him back. Vahan refused. After a period of peregrination, he was apprehended, imprisoned, tortured, and martyred in 737.
In memory of: Hrant Dink, 15 years
Requested by: Father Hrant and the Board of Trustees of St. Sarkis Church

In memory of: Albert Sarkisian, 1 year. Kazar Kazarian, 9 years. Ronald Avedesian, 4 years. Dikran Sarkisian, 61 years. Zartouhie Sarkisian, 60 years. Kevork Kushigian, 42 years
Requested by: Gregory Sarkisian. Dr. Art Hamparian. Alice Hamparian.

In memory of: Albert Sarkisian, 1 year. Kazar Kazarian. Yanook and Varsenig Kazarian. Dickran and Zarthuy Sarkisian. Sarah Arakelian
Requested by: Bernice, Karen, Mark, and Cheryl Kazarian.

In memory of: Albert Sarkisian, 1 year
Requested by: Angela Benian. Richard Benian. Armen and Diane Garbooshian and sons. Renee Ascolese. Phillip and Cynthia Kashigian.

In memory of: Vincent Santioni, 1 year
Requested by: Brian and Alicia Freeman

In memory of: Dorothy Avakian, 1 year. George Avakian, 18 years. Mike Avakian, 17 years. Sinaroosh Hapetian, 34 years
Requested by: Harriet Freeman. Brian and Alicia Freeman. Manuel Avakian.

In memory of: Dorothy Avakian, 1 year
Requested by: Victor and Patti Avakian and family

In memory of: Ara Michaelian, 16 years. Lori Michaelian, 9 years.  All deceased members of the Bagian and Michaelian families.
Requested by: Anahid Michaelian. Deb Michaelian. Raffi Michaelian and family. Mourad and Leslie Michaelian and family.

In memory of: Nash and Martha Sogoian
Requested by: Bob and Sonia Tacoma. Christina and Blake Bean. Bobby and Ashley Tacoma.
May the Lord illuminate their souls and may they rest in peace.

 If you’d like to request a requiem prayer in memory of your loved ones, and/or would like to sponsor the altar flowers, candles, or incense, please submit your request through the church’s website, saintsarkis.org, or by calling the church office at 313-336-6200 by noon on Thursday.
Dear members,
The General Membership Budget Meeting of St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church will be held on Sunday, January 30, 2022, at 12:30 PM in the Church Sanctuary.
If those present do not constitute a quorum, another meeting will be held THE SAME DAY, IN THE SAME PLACE, with the same agenda, half an hour later. Those present at this meeting will constitute a quorum. In accordance with the by-laws, your 2022 annual membership dues must be paid in order to participate in the elections. To expedite the sign-in process, payments will be accepted until the time of the meeting.
The proposed budget will be available for members to pick up after January 23rd, so that they will have time to read and review the proposal. 
We encourage all of our dues paying members to participate in all
membership meetings.
Father Hrant and Board of Trustees
All Available For You Online...
Do you want to request a Requiem Service for your departed loved ones? Do you have a Baptism to schedule? or a Wedding? or do you want to become a member of the Church?
All requests are easy today by using our online forms. Visit our website www.saintsarkis.org, go to the services tab, and you will be able to fill out any form you need online, or click on of the options on the right.
Online Donations

For your convenience, St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church is now accepting online credit card donations using PayPal which is an easy and secure way to make your donations. To make a donation, please Click Here.

The Armenian Students' Cultural Association at the University of Michigan invites you to our 2022 Hye Hop Fundraiser Dance! This year, we will be donating to the Society of Orphaned Armenian Relief (SOAR), an organization that focuses on providing humanitarian aid to orphaned Armenian Children. We will specifically be donating to SOAR’s two new initiatives: the Families of Fallen Soldiers Relief Fund and the Artsakh Family Restoration Fund. Logistical are detailed as follows:

February 5th, 2022, at 7pm
University of Michigan League Ballroom
911 N. University Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Tickets are available to purchase via this link

In order to ensure the success of this year’s Hye Hop, we are turning to the greater Armenian community for their love and support. To produce outstanding results, and to provide a substantial donation to SOAR, the ASCA is asking for any financial donations or silent auction items you may be able to provide. If you would like to donate an item for our silent auction, please email Hye Hop Chairperson, Ariana Nigoghosian (arianamn@umich.edu), and note the specific item you would like to donate. You may bring the item on the day of the event. In addition, checks may be payable to “Armenian Students’ Cultural Association”; please specify how you would like your name to be listed so that we may acknowledge your patronage. Checks may be brought on the day of the event or sent to prior (please email arianamn@umich.edu for mailing information).

COVID Safety Policy: Per current University of Michigan Guidelines, and to ensure the safety of Hye Hop for all individuals, it is required that all attendees wear a mask during the event and show proof of vaccination upon arrival (this includes a physical vaccination card or image). Food and beverages will still be served, during which is an exception to such requirements. We understand that this may not be the most ideal situation, however, it is the best way to ensure a safe and successful Hye Hop that is accessible for our organization and students, while also following university protocol. 
The Central Executive is excited to announce that AYF Camp Haiastan Staff applications for the 2022 season are now open!
AYF Camp Haiastan has played a large role in many of our lives, both as young Armenians and AYF members. We encourage all of our members to take advantage of this amazing leadership opportunity, which also serves as a way to give back to the Camp that gifted us many lifelong friendships and memories. We are the current leaders of our younger generation, and we must ensure they are taught to never stop working towards our goal of a united,
free, and independent Armenia.

Dates for the sessions of 2022 camping seasons are:

Staff Week: June 19 - June 25
Teen Session: June 26 - July 9
Day Camp: June 27 - July 1
Session One: July 10 - July 23
Session Two: July 24 - August 6
Session Three: August 7 - August 20

February 11th - Summer & Day Camp Directors
March 1st - Specialty Positions (Nurse, Head Cook, Head Counselor, Assistant Cook, Aquatics
Director, Lifeguard, Armenian School Teacher)
March 14th - Counselors & Staff In-Training (SIT)
For any questions please reach out to U. Kenar Charchaflian at execdirector@camphaiastan.org or via phone at (508) 520-1312.
Ընկերական Ջերմ Բարեւներով / Ungeragan Cherm Parevnerov,
Հ.Ե.Դ. Ա.Մ.Ն. Արեւելեան Շրջանի Կեդրոնական Վարչութիւն
AYF-YOARF Central Executive, Eastern Region USA
Thank you for your Generosity
this Holiday Season!

Thanks to your generosity and kindness, we collected $57,000 for our Christmas Cheer Campaign and have sent Christmas gifts to children in Armenia, Artsakh, Lebanon, and Syria.

Despite the challenges our community is facing during the pandemic, you showed your unending support of our homeland and diasporan communities. TOGETHER, we were able to bring Christmas cheer, joy, and smiles to hundreds of people around the world.

In Armenia - Children of fallen heroes received Christmas gifts during a party organized at the Homeland Defenders Rehabilitation Center, Heratsi Hospital.

In Artsakh - Kindergarten students at the Soseh Kindergarten of Khndzristan (an ARS of Eastern USA-funded school) received Christmas gifts and every single person in the village received financial support.

In Lebanon - Students received Christmas gifts, jackets, and shoes, and teachers received a Christmas bonus at the United Armenian College of Beirut. Children at Bird's Nest Orphanage also received gifts.

In Syria - Students received Christmas gifts and teachers received a Christmas bonus at the United Armenian Elementary School of Aleppo.
Stay Connected:
St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church
19300 Ford Road, Dearborn, MI 48128