January 21, 2021
If you have had a difficult time registering online for the COVID vaccine, please email the church office or call (480) 838-1446. Currently, vaccination of people over 65 is only available at state-operated locations (State Farm and Phoenix Municipal Stadium); however, as of January 20, appointments at these sites are currently booked through February. We have volunteers available to help you sign up before that wait gets longer. Also, if you are able to help others navigate this site, please email the church office.
You are invited, through Zoom, to an hour any or every Friday morning at 10:30 beginning January 22 to find new ways to listen to God. Each week we will have a time of silence followed by lectio divina or guided meditation or another new or different way to pray to God. We will explore practices from many traditions and times. Please email Pastor Shirley at shirley@dayspringumc.org to register and receive the Zoom link. It is not necessary to participate in every session - come when you are able!
Our youth are making vision boards this weekend and are in need of old magazines. If you have magazines available, email Jennine for pick up or you can put them in the box outside the gate at Dayspring by tomorrow evening.
Children's Ministry has launched a new program to keep in touch with children in our congregation. Children who are signed up for this program will hear from one of our Children's Ministry Leaders or Sunday school teachers via a phone call, email, or note in the mail (all of our callers have been background checked through our Safe Sanctuaries program). Additionally, there will be some door drops with a surprise at your doorstep every once in a while. Parents must opt-in on behalf of their children by completing a short form HERE.
Pastor Shirley has served as a Spiritual Director for years and would like to offer this ministry to those at Dayspring who might want to talk with someone else about an issue in life which needs more help from God. Spiritual Direction is not counseling nor therapy but simply a time and space to listen to what God is saying. This could be a short time together or a longer experience depending on the need. Please contact Pastor Shirley at shirley@dayspringumc.org if you would like to explore this possibility.
If your job has been impacted by COVID-19, or you are unsure about your career path, Dayspring is providing individual, 45-minute, virtual career coaching sessions on Monday afternoons from 12:00-2:30 p.m. Meetings could include: resume review, job search strategies, interview preparation, career direction and decision making, or LinkedIn profile review. This coaching is provided by an experienced, certified coach who has worked with thousands of people, aged 16-60+, helping them achieve their career goals. Please email Sandy Somers to set up an appointment.
Our most recent service:
Dayspring United Methodist Church | (480) 838-1446 | www.dayspring-umc.org