The newsletter of the Cleveland Restoration Society, NEO's voice for historic preservation. We believe in the future of our built heritage, from our neighborhoods to our monumental landmarks. 
Nominate your favorite historic preservation project
CRS and AIA Cleveland recognize outstanding historic preservation projects from the region during our annual Awards Program. Projects are nominated by the community and reviewed by a jury of historic preservation experts and certified architects. Our program highlights award winning projects through visual storytelling.

Nominations for projects that pose a conflict of interest with the 2022 jury members will be held for consideration in 2023 when the jury members rotate and no conflict is in place. Those situations include, but are not limited to, the following: (i) the juror is related to a submission as a member of the design firm, development team, construction contractor or subcontractor, or as a client commissioning the work to a nominee, (ii) the juror is a relative of or has a close personal relationship or friendship with the nominee that makes him/her unable to act in an objective fashion, or (iii) there is a personal affiliation so close that the appearance of a conflict of interest may be assumed by the general public.

For questions, contact Margaret Lann at 216.426.3101 or
Masonry contractor sought to assist with Iglesia Pentecostal El Calvario masonry and tower stabilization
The Cleveland Restoration Society is seeking a masonry contractor to assist with the restoration of masonry and tower stabilization at Iglesia Pentecostal El Calvario at 2536 West 14th Street in Tremont.

We invite you to consider this request.

Submittals must be received by 5:00 p.m. on January 31, 2022.
For questions, contact Jamie Miles at 216.426.3112 or
Preservation architect sought to assist with Cory United Methodist Church masonry and terracotta restoration
The Cleveland Restoration Society (CRS) has secured an African American Civil Rights Preservation grant to stabilize the exterior envelope of Cory United Methodist Church in Cleveland, Ohio and nominate this historic building for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places.

Cleveland Restoration Society seeks to engage the services of a preservation architect to work with masonry consultant Greg Frost of Frost Architectural Preservation, to assist with this project that will complete desperately-needed repairs to the building’s masonry and terracotta. In particular, the preservation architect will be expected to produce a set of construction drawings and specifications for the repairs, to orchestrate the bidding process to hire contractor(s) for the repairs, and to oversee the construction process.

Submittals must be received by 5:00 p.m. on January 17, 2022.
For questions, contact Margaret Lann at 216.426.3101 or

This project is supported by the Historic Preservation Fund, administered by the National Park Service, Department of the Interior under Grant Number P21AP11686. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of the Interior.
Check out our Heritage Home Program spring events
Our Heritage Home Program's virtual informational presentations are back this February and into the spring!
Click the links below to register for one of our upcoming presentations.
We are so grateful for your support of our 2021 Community Luncheon!
Your generous support is crucial to the success of CRS. Thank you to all those who attended!

The Cleveland Restoration Society extends a special thank you to our Keynote Speaker Brent Leggs. Click here to learn more about the African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund.

We also would like to thank Rev. Gregory Kendrick, Jr., Laura Moseley, and the volunteers of Cory UMC for their generous hospitality and for inviting us into their church. We would also like to thank our caterers Farmer's Feast.

Finally, thank you to our sponsors and members for your invaluable contributions. Proceeds from this event help to further our mission.

We look forward to seeing everyone again at this year's
Community Luncheon!
Photography courtesy of Auden & Company, Sophie Sand Media
Congratulations 2021 Ohio Tax Credit Recipients!
The Ohio Development Services Agency awarded $36,177,724 in Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credits for the rehabilitation of 27 historic buildings. Together, the projects are expected to leverage approximately $478 million in private investments in 10 communities.

Six of these projects were in Northeast Ohio.

Read the full list of winners below.
Tax credit recipient Agora Complex II, located at 5000 Euclid Ave. in Cleveland. Once part of WHK Radio's studio complex, this project will rehabilitate vacant office spaces for commercial use and 35 market rate apartments.
Events calendar
Wednesday, January 12th • 10:30 AM
The Care and Handling of Treasures at Home
Online event
ICA-Art Conservation

Join Holly Witchey, Director of Education & Outreach at ICA-Art Conservation, and one or more of ICA conservators, as we start the year off with our general program for the care and handling of treasures at home. We will discuss how to handle, care for, and eventually pass on your family treasures. Attendees are encouraged to have a small object, photograph, document ready at hand to share with the group if you have concerns. We'll have a virtual "Pop-Up Museum" of family treasures. Those attending will get a sneak peek at the schedule for upcoming webinars in 2022.

Wednesday, January 12th • 6:45-8:15 PM
Online event
Smithsonian Associates

PBS television host Darley Newman shares insights into the Alabama Civil Rights Trail, which traces the footsteps of civil rights legends such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks, whose stories are told in the museums, churches, and other landmarks lining the trail. Darley suggests area guides and experts who can enhance your experience.

Register here. Tickets are $20 for members and $25 for non-members.

Sunday, January 16th • 7:30 PM
Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Concert (Broadcast)
Free digital livestream broadcast
The Cleveland Orchestra

Simultaneously with the in-person concert at Mandel Concert Hall at Severance, the 42nd Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Concert will be livestreamed on Adella, bringing music in celebration and reflection of the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to homes around the globe.

Monday, January 17th • 3:00-4:30 PM
The Black Museum Movement in America: A Discussion with Dr. Khalid el-Hakim
Online event
Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage

Join Dr. Khalid el-Hakim, founder of the Black History 101 Mobile Museum, for a fascinating discussion on how artifacts are used to understand the history of race and racism in America. Beginning with the first Black museums on the campuses of Howard and Wilberforce in the late 1800’s to the opening of the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington DC, this special MLK Day presentation will examine the significance of Black museums in America and the power of artifacts to tell complex stories about race and racism.

Sunday, January 30th • 6:00 PM
“Never to Cease Our Resistance to Tyranny”: The Roots of Human Rights in Early Ohio 
Online event
Ohio History Connection

The Civil Rights movement can remind us of the 1960s, but there have always been Buckeyes who have worked for the liberty and equality of all. Before the Civil War, when the nation was fractured by bitter partisan politics, Ohio natives of many backgrounds worked to bring back the best ideals of the American Revolution. Inspired by the 1787 Ordinance, which had once offered so much hope for freedom and equality in the Ohio Territory, Buckeyes were able to overturn unjust legislations that had stolen those promised rights. Working together they expanded citizenship rights at a time when many states were turning away from the old ideals of our nation’s founding. Dr. Anna-Lisa Cox will speak on this little-known movement and how it can inspire us today.

Register here. Tickets are $5/Registrant or free/Ohio History Connection member registrants.
Support is provided through grants from the African American Civil Rights grant program as administered by the National Park Service, Department of the Interior, The Louise H. and David S. Ingalls Foundation, the Johanna Favrot Fund for Historic Preservation of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, The Catherine L. & Edward A. Lozick Foundation, Ohio Humanities, a state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities, the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, and the National Endowment for the Humanities: Democracy demands wisdom.

The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the opinions or policies of the U.S. Government. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute their endorsement by the U.S. Government.