January 2022 Newsletter
March for Life Edition
Visit our website www.drvclife.org
Highlights of this newsletter:
  • March for Life 2022
  • Why we march: Roe v. Wade History and Hope
  • In Memoriam
Dear Friends for Life,

Abortion is the most dire human rights issue of our time. The somber reality is that in the last 50 years more than 60 million lives have been extinguished before they were even allowed the chance to be born. This is not exclusively a Catholic or Christian issue. It is a human rights issue that transcends age, color, sex, development, ability, ethnicity etc. Without the fundamental right to life, there are no other rights. And so, we march for each and every unrepeatable human life, created in the image and likeness of God, to be protected in the womb from the very moment he or she begins at fertilization and until the natural end in this world. Equality begins in the womb.

This year, we will mark the 49th March for Life once again as a local/virtual event due to multiple pandemic-associated concerns. Understandably, these extended limitations are disappointing, but this is also a time we can introduce others to the March for Life. Expanded efforts for our second local March for Life will include a rally at St. Agnes for Catholic high school students, an emphasis on educational resources to incorporate prolife principles into the Catholic school and Religious Education curricula, more durable “Life is sacred!” signs, and our new “Life is sacred!” car magnets that can be used throughout the year.

Also note that a plenary indulgence may be gained for participating virtually in the
  1. National Prayer Vigil for Life at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception on Thursday, January 20, 2022 from 5:15 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and/or
  2. Closing Mass of the National Prayer Vigil for Life at the Cathedral of Saint Matthew on Friday, January 21, 2022, at 8:00 a.m.
Provided that you meet all other conditions: detachment from any sin, Sacramental Confession, Eucharistic Communion, and prayer for the intentions of the Holy Father. These events will be televised on Catholic Faith Network or you can watch the livestream at www.nationalshrine.org/mass.

Please see www.DRVCMarchforlife.com for the many ways in which you, your friends, family, and community can participate from home or at special events in parishes across the Diocese of Rockville Centre. Don’t forget 9 Days for Life Novena (Jan. 19 to 27) and Pray for Dobbs on Saturday, January 22. Everyone can do something!

“For, although we are in the flesh, we do not battle according to the flesh, for the weapons of our battle are not of flesh but are enormously powerful, capable of destroying fortresses.” 2 Corinthians 10:4

The March for Life is here local/virtual for 2022!
Please visit this site to see and participate in a pilgrimage with events scheduled across the Diocese of Rockville Centre.
Thank you for all who have made this possible!

“Pray without ceasing.” 1 Th. 5:17 
A Reflection on the Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
“Father Jim, thank you for my life!”

by Msgr. Jim Lisante, Pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes, Massapequa Park
From 1985 through 1996, it was my privilege to serve as
Pro-Life Director and Family Life Director for our Diocese. It was a time of challenge on life issues which divided and continue to divide our country and much of the world.

The 1980s were a time in which we were still absorbing the full scope of both the Roe Vs. Wade and Doe Vs. Bolton Supreme Court decisions. Taken together, these cases effectively wiped away any and every state regulation on access to abortion. In response, the Diocese of Rockville Centre under Bishop McGann's very able leadership determined to stand for life in a multifaceted way.

These included:
  • Increased encouragement for preaching on the sanctity of all human life at Masses in every parish.
  • Challenging our elected officials to stand with our ethical perspectives on life.
  • Offering those in crisis pregnancy situations real support (socially and financially) through their pregnancies and beyond.
  • Establishing hotlines for those same women so they could feel that the Church was truly there for them.
  • Creating a Long Island based healing ministry for those who had chosen pregnancy termination and were looking for peace and reconciliation.
  • A dedicated effort to offer public and peaceful witness was also part of our diocesan response. And it was led by Bishop McGann personally. In fact, he became the first diocesan Ordinary in the nation to pray and witness to life outside of an abortion facility. The first time he did that, over four thousand laity, priests and Religious joined him, shutting down Hempstead Turnpike in Hempstead, where the abortion facility was located. Many bishops around the country followed his example and joined this effort by taking to the streets in peaceful and prayerful protest. 
  • And the pro-life efforts of our diocese ALWAYS reflected the Church's teaching in a CONSISTENT ETHIC OF LIFE. Read more
“Holding fast the faithful word which is in accordance with the teaching, so that he will be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict.” Tit. 1:9
FAQ on COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Exemptions
Take action on legislative issues through the No Taxpayer Abortion Website

Take action on public policy matters in New York State through the New York State Catholic Conference's Catholic Action Network (CAN) .
See below for a list of current issues for you to learn more and to take action.
Take action on legislative issues through the The National Committee for a Human Life Amendment (NCHLA)
“All whatsoever you do in word or in work, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.” Col. 3:17  
Call to Prayer for Life, Marriage, and Religious Liberty
©Gregory A. Shemitz, Three Village Photo, LLC. (Photographed for Catholics for Freedom of Religion)
Father Liam McDonald, pastor of St. Therese of Lisieux Church in Montauk, N.Y., leads a Eucharistic Procession through the heart of Montauk village in observance of Religious Freedom Day, Jan. 16, 2022.
We invite you to pray and fast for the upcoming Supreme Court case Dobbs v Jackson on the 22nd of each month for the next nine months as part of a nationwide prayer campaign! 
In 2018 Mississippi passed a law protecting unborn children after 15 weeks of gestation. The law was challenged and the case, known as Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization, is being heard by the Supreme Court. This is truly a landmark case that could potentially overturn the decision of Roe v Wade. The possibility for future laws protecting the unborn hangs in the balance. The oral arguments will be heard on Dec 1, 2021 but the decision is expected in June 2022.

For the past 49 years, the infamous date of January 22 has been one of solemn prayer and remembrance for the tragedy of legalized abortion in this country.

 In these next crucial 9 months
October 2021 until June 2022
 let us make the
22nd of each month
a special day of prayer and fasting for the Dobbs case
in the hopes that on its 50th anniversary (Jan 22, 2023)
Roe v Wade will have been finally overturned!
"The King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.' Mt 25:40
Our Father, 3 Hail Marys, Glory Be

On January 1st the Church celebrated the Solemnity of Mary, Holy Mother of God. As we approach the manger to adore the infant Son of God, we cannot help but recognize that Mary is indeed Mother of God. The holy Nativity calls us to meditate more deeply on the mystery that God used the womb of a woman to bring salvation to the world.

This feast of Mary reminds us of the great miracle of motherhood, and it reveals how God has elevated and sanctified the vocation of mothers. As we embark on a New Year and consider resolutions for the months ahead, may we invite the Blessed Mother to guide us in our hopeful planning. We pray that through her intercession each of our hearts may be renewed with empathy and increased awareness of the challenges that so many mothers face in welcoming and caring for the gift of life. May Our Blessed Mother inspire in us a desire and resolve to increase our compassionate care and support of mothers in need throughout the year ahead.
ACT (choose one)

  • Create a list of ways that you can personally increase your support of mothers in need throughout the New Year. Take your list to prayer, asking the Lord for guidance on what he is asking of you and the grace to faithfully respond.
  • Offer some other sacrifice or prayer that you feel called to do for this month’s intention.

Experience a new approach to women’s health care
The Gianna Center is a medical practice dedicated to empowering women with a restorative, scientifically based method for treating, monitoring, and maintaining their health.
  • Infertility
  • Menstrual cycle abnormalities
  • Endometriosis and painful periods
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
  • Hormonal abnormalities
  • Menopausal therapy
  • Creighton Model FertilityCare System™
  • (Natural family planning)
  • NaProTECHNOLOGY™ medical
  • and surgical consultations
  • General gynecological care
  • Women’s general medical care
Gianna Center of Long Island
661 Deer Park Avenue
Babylon, NY 11702

The Gianna Center, Rockville Centre
1000 North Village Avenue, Rockville Centre, NY 11570

Gianna Center of New York City
15 East 40th Street, Suite 101
New York, NY 10016
Please take a listen to a power testimony of a couple who has received healing after an abortion! Jesus we trust in You!
Please Contact Us For Information About The Next Day Of Prayer And Healing!
Do you know someone who is suffering after an abortion experience?

Project Rachel is a ministry about finding hope and healing after abortion.
It’s normal to grieve a pregnancy loss, including the loss of a child by abortion. It can form a hole in one’s heart, a hole so deep that sometimes it seems nothing can fill the emptiness.

You are not alone…
Project Rachel confidential phoneline:  1-516-766-2538 (se habla espanol)
Toll Free number: 1-888-456-HOPE
En Español:  Esperanzaposaborto.org
If you need help please call our help line and someone will be happy to give some counsel over the phone to calm any fears or anxieties.
Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!
Contact Us
Lisa A. Honkanen, M.D. – Director
lhonkanen@drvc.org, 516-678-5800 Ext. 381
Donna Crean – Assistant Director/Project Rachel Coordinator
dcrean@drvc.org, 516 678 5800 Ext. 626

Jamey Hutchinson BSN CFCP CFCE Educational Liaison to
Gianna Center for Women's Health & Fertility
992 No Village Ave . Rockville Ctr., NY 11570
Additional Informational Websites