Monthly Roundtable
Items for the Roundtable are to be emailed to by the 20th of each month. 
January 2020

 Coalition Spotlight on...

Council Bluffs- Prevention Means Progress staff were inspired by a presentation they saw at the National Prevention Network Conference in 2019 about doing environmental scans before and after recreational marijuana was legalized in California. Given that Iowa has strict laws on the placement of medical CBD shops and no recreational marijuana, PMP was interested in adopting this approach around retail CBD shops. In the case that Iowa were to ever relax its laws around recreational marijuana, the coalition wanted to have a baseline to show how exposure and accessibility to youth should be minimized. Working with their DFC grant dollars and skilled program evaluator, Lorelle Mueting and Tiffani Pinkerton implemented PHASE I of the environmental scan: Exposure. Heading into Council Bluffs on a weekday morning, Mueting and Pinkerton stood across the street from a high school. With a fresh set of eyes, they became overwhelmed with the amount of signs, advertisements, and products they could see-not only for CBD, but also for alcohol, tobacco, and lottery tickets. A car covered in Budweiser slogans sat in a grocery store parking lot less than a block away while a Bud Light semi-truck unloaded its delivery into the adjacent beer store.

Continuing on foot, across the street from the school and just a few blocks down, they took pictures of a convenience store with signs for cigarettes, E-vapes, Juul pods, (groceries), beer, and lottery tickets next to an adjoining business that had pictures of minions in the window. ("Despicable" me is right!)

Unfortunately, this was not the last store of its kind that these prevention professionals documented that day. They recorded one CBD and vape shop, liquor store, and lottery outlet after another-all within walking distance of a school, daycare, and substance use treatment facility. Since that day, the coalition staff moved onto PHASE II, which documented the accessibility of these products. Their evaluator helped "map out" the businesses geographic proximities to schools, childcare centers, treatment facilities, and of course-to one another. As AC4C member Peter Komendowski pointed out, exposing the results of this environmental scan may be as embarrassing as it is eye-opening to lawmakers. Therefore, PMP plans to invite local senators and/or city council members to join them on their next expedition, which will include going inside these shops and seeing how business is conducted on the inside. They will continue to work with their evaluator to make a toolkit/checklist that can be utilized in other counties that the coalition serves. In the meantime, AC4C has appreciated them sharing the in's and out's of this project.

Legislative Virtual Learning Event on Marijuana- Tuesday, January 26, 7 p.m.
Click HERE to Join!
Meeting ID: 964 3054 0440
Passcode: 276725
If by phone: 312 626 6799 

Seeking members for AC4C's Executive Board 
and more
We'll be voting in new Executive Board members at our March work retreat. Please let Jennifer Husmann know (email address at the bottom) if you are interested in filling open positions on the board.  The March retreat agenda will be sent out by email and also in the Roundtable next month.  See Registration information at top right.  

Youth Substance Abuse Prevention Day on the Hill, Virtual Press Conference
 Feb. 25, Noon

Here is the agenda for the Virtual Press Conference: 
Peter Komendowski, Partnership for a Healthy Iowa, Emcee

1. Aurion R. - College alcohol use
2. Courtney S. - ISTEP- Vaping
3. Sarah K. - Parent of son that nearly died from vaping
4. Ashly- AMP (Alcohol and marijuana- how affected/affects her family/life)
5. Maggie B. - recovery from early addiction

You can access the Day on the Hill Toolkit HERE.  Very soon a recording of the Youth Training will be sent out via email.  Please let Jennifer Husmann know if you do not receive the recorded training by the end of January.

The press conference will be held live via Zoom, and will be recorded. We encourage youth groups and coalitions to try to meet with your legislators on-line too.  Please let us know if you need help locating your local state legislators or setting up a meeting with them. 

Our goal is that all groups have met with their legislators either before or a week after the Press Conference by March 5th and then can report back your success to us about how many attended youth trainings and how many coalitions had meetings with legislators.  Please invite your legislators to the live Press Conference. You will also be able to share the recording with them after if they cannot attend.

Register for the Press Conference HERE

Updated AC4C Marijuana Campaign officially starting
 Monday, Jan. 18
Be listening for the professionally recorded radio ad being played across Iowa radio stations during the next month.  You can also listen to it HERE.  Also look for Google ads that link to our AC4C Website page where the public can find more information.  Great job again to our AC4C Marijuana Action Team for developing this campaign.  Every part of this campaign belongs to AC4C and is free for any of our members to use.  We have the previously shared blue background version of some of the campaign too.  Here are the new Google ads:  


Mark Your Calendars!

Upcoming Events:
  • Retreat dates for the upcoming FY:                           
  • Mar. 10 & 11, 2021 -   Registration is open HERE! (Agenda will come out soon.)  
  • June 29 & 30, 2021       
  • Sept. 15 & 16, 2021
  • AC4C Day on the Hill- Feb. 25, 2021, Virtual Press Conference at Noon (see info. below)

Resources to Share and Links to check out... 
Members keep up with the latest in the news

Looking for a training



Iowa State Patrol


Iowa Department of Public Health & Your Life Iowa


Partnership for A Healthy Iowa

(formerly PDFI) 


AC4C Board Members
Front - L to R: Jen Stolka, Katya Boltanova, Sandy Rayhons  Back L to R: Kris Rankin, Stacie Schroeder, Sue Greene. Not pictured: Lynne Coleman, Julie Furne, Kristin Frank and newest member, Lorelle Mueting. (Soon hopefully we can get together to get a new group picture.)

Connected Communities.
Effective Coalitions. 
Healthy Iowans. 

Unifying Iowans to reduce youth substance misuse
a state
and community level.

Join an Action Team or Work Group session every month!
Access the action team meetings on Mondays. Login information here
Other Substances Action Team
Next meeting - Feb. 1 @ 9:30am
Marijuana Action Team
Next meeting- Feb. 8 @ 9:30am 

Nicotine Action Team 
Next meeting- Jan. 18 and Feb. 15 @ 9:30am 
Alcohol Action Team
Next meeting- Jan. 25 @ 9:30am

Policy Work Group
4th Wednesday at 2:00 pm usually (January 27 is next one.)
Meeting information can be found here
Click here for meeting minutes

To collaborate with the community and statewide entities to advocate and educate on substance abuse legislation, policies, and related issues.
Marketing and Communications Work Group (currently meeting with Capacity Work group)
Chair: Sue Greene
normally 3rd Monday at 2:00 pm 
To build skills and provide resources to members of AC4C 

Capacity Work Group (currently meeting with Marketing & Communications Group)

normally 3rd Monday at 2:00 pm 
Click here for meeting minutes

Create a network of professionals that have a diverse knowledge, experience and interest.
Medication Disposal Resources

Do you know about RALI Iowa?
Check out this organization and information about their virtual trailer HERE

Also Jackson County has invited us to Register for their Tall Cop presentations on January 28.  Click HERE to register for Noon, and HERE for 7 p.m.: 

More resources...

Mid-America Prevention Training Transfer Center (PTTC) recently featured AC4C on their Podcast.  Check it out and their website for training opportunities and other resources to support prevention here in Iowa. 
AC4C | |
Alliance of Coalitions for Change
Katya Boltanova, Chair
Jennifer Husmann, Project Director, 319-462-4327 x 202